Wizard: I can extract identities

Chapter 128 Losses and Gains

Time passed, and it was late at night. In the silent night, the chirping of insects and occasional bird calls made the valley seem even quieter and darker.

On the tree trunk, a white mist was slowly floating. The white mist seemed to be a human figure, swaying slightly in the air.

Suddenly, Ximan ended his meditation and opened his eyes. The mist around his body immediately shrank back into his body and disappeared.

"Is it finally coming out?" Ximan murmured, standing up from the tree trunk. He moved his body and looked at the flat ground in front of him.

The ripples above the flat ground suddenly fluctuated violently, and then a vortex emerged from it, and several figures emerged from it, all falling on the flat ground.

The leader was wearing a loose black robe with several holes on it and stained with blood. This person was Balk.

At this time, Balk's face was extremely pale, with a little blood on the corner of his mouth, and his entire right arm was drooping weakly, as if he was seriously injured.

The situation of the people following Balk was not much better. Everyone was in a messy state, and even two people were injured more seriously than Balk. Harvey was covered with hideous wounds all over his body, and blood had already soaked his clothes.

In addition, there were originally four of them, but now there were only three people, and one person did not appear.

"What happened? Are you all right?" Seeing this, Ximan immediately jumped down from the tree and walked forward to ask with concern.

Balk, who was originally still solemn, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Ximan coming over, grinning and said: "Don't worry, he won't die, but I guess it will take a long time to recover, but Sid died in the ruins."

Hearing this, Ximan frowned: "How could it become like this, what happened?"

As he said, Ximan took out three bottles of healing potions and handed them to the three people.

Balk took the healing potion handed over by Ximan, drank it, and recovered for a while before saying: "We encountered an ambush after entering the underground palace. Although we finally killed the enemy, Sid was also seriously injured. In the end, we found good things in the underground palace. Because of the fierce battle with the enemy."

"Although we were seriously injured, they were not much better, and most of the things in the underground palace fell into our hands, but we didn't have time to collect Sid's body. Sid's body is still in the underground palace."

After listening to Balk's narration, Ximan nodded. He didn't rush to ask Balk what he got from the underground palace. Instead, he asked: "Then should we wait here for them to come out, or leave first?"

Balk looked at the two people beside him who were seriously injured, and after a little thought, he said: "Let's leave first!"

Although the other party was also seriously injured, Balk was not sure that he could deal with the other party. After all, they were also injured, and even with Ximan, they didn't have much chance of winning.

Moreover, most of the things in the underground palace and the ruins were in their hands. It was meaningless to deal with them again. Instead, it might cause casualties on their side again. So after thinking about it, Balk decided to leave.

In fact, more importantly, although Cid was a member of the Wandering Wizards Union, Balk did not have much friendship with him. There was no need to put himself in danger because of a dead Cid.

After listening to Balk's words, Ximan and the other two nodded in agreement, and then the four of them evacuated outside the valley together. On the way, Ximan gave the three some potions to avoid any unexpected situations.

Not long after Ximan and the others left, the ripples above the flat ground fluctuated again, and four figures walked out of it.

As soon as they walked out, they immediately looked around with a vigilant look, fearing that they would be ambushed. When they saw the surrounding scene clearly, they were slightly relieved.

These four people were the four people of the Chier family.

The robes on Qiershi's body were stained with blood, and his face showed a painful look. His chest was obviously sunken, and many ribs were probably broken. If it weren't for his strong physical fitness, it's not known whether others could walk out of the underground palace alive.

The three people behind Qiershi supported each other, and each of them had a strong sense of fatigue on their faces, and their injuries were not much better than Qiershi.

Although their situation looked bad, it did not threaten their lives.

After confirming safety, Qiershi raised his head and looked at the flat ground in front of him, gritting his teeth and cursing: "Damn it, all the things were taken away."

After saying that, Qiershi kicked the ground with one foot, and dust flew up and gravel collapsed.

Although they killed one of the other party's official wizards, most of the things in the underground palace were in the hands of the other party, and they didn't make any profit at all.

You know, there are a lot of good things in the underground palace, and these things should have belonged to them.

The other three stood silently beside Kiehl, but from the expressions on their faces, it can be seen that they were also angry, and there was a hint of dissatisfaction with Kiehl in their eyes.

They all felt that Kiehl was a little impulsive. If Kiehl had not been so smart as to leak the location of the ruins to He-Man, so many official wizards would not have been attracted, and the current situation would not have occurred.

Of course, they all hid their dissatisfaction with Kiehl in their hearts and did not speak out. After returning to the organization, they would naturally report the details of this action. At that time, what kind of punishment Kiehl would receive was not something they could control.

After a while, Qier suppressed his annoyance, turned around, looked into the distance with a cold face, and said in a cold tone: "Ximan, I must kill you!"

Then, Qier said to the three people behind him: "Let's go back to recuperate first and then discuss how to deal with Ximan. I will never swallow this bad breath."

The three of them nodded without objection.


At the same time, deep in the underground palace of the ruins, Sid's body lay quietly on a messy ground. Sid's body was covered with scars, and the blood that flowed out dyed the floor red, which looked shocking.


Suddenly, a subtle sound sounded in the underground palace, and a painting slowly floated above Sid's body.

If Ximan and the others were still here, they would find that this painting has changed a lot compared to before. The female wizard in the painting was wearing a hood, and her entire face was covered by shadows.

But now the hood on the head of the female wizard in the painting has disappeared, revealing her face.

She has delicate facial features, and a pair of emerald green eyes that seem to contain some kind of magic, which is intoxicating. There is a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, with an inexplicable evil.

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