Wizard: I can extract identities

Chapter 13 The Viscount Returns

"Carlos, do you know these three people?" Farouk asked the three people in front of him.

As the fire was put out, the people outside the castle went to do various jobs. A large number of people were missing, and Ximan's residence was not affected, so he took Nicole and Sally back into the castle.

"I don't know them, but the mastermind behind sending three knights at a time must be extraordinary. He must be a noble, and his title is not low." Carlos shook his head and said meaningfully.

You know, knights are also considered quasi-aristocratic in this world. As long as they become knights, their status is much more noble than that of ordinary civilians.

And it is almost impossible for civilians to become knights by their own strength. Behind every knight stands a noble.

For ordinary barons, it is already very remarkable to have three to five knights under their command. They will never send three knights to perform such an extremely dangerous task. After all, if there is any accident, the baron himself will definitely suffer the most losses.

Therefore, only nobles above the baron rank could send three knights to carry out such a mission, but nobles above the viscount rank had no need to attack the heir of a viscount, not to mention that Viscount Noas had no grudges with such nobles, so they had no reason to attack.

In this way, there was only one reasonable explanation left, and the one who attacked Heman could only be the viscount!

Carlos thought of a guy - Viscount Claire!

If this was the case, things would be much easier. They only needed to wait until Viscount Noas came back and let the Viscount personally ask Lady Elena, and everything would be clear.

But before that, they still needed to keep an eye on Lady Elena.

Farouk and Carlos looked at each other, understood each other's thoughts, and walked in different directions.


The next morning, the sun shone into the room through the window, and Heman suddenly opened his eyes. The moment he opened his eyes, he looked around, and when he saw the familiar scenes around him, he was relieved.

Hearing the sound of Heman getting up, Nicole and Sally also pushed the door in to help Heman dress and wash.

Because of what happened last night, Nicole and Sally both did not sleep last night, and there were a lot of bloodshot in their eyes.

"What is the situation of the castle now?" Ximan looked at his image in the mirror and asked Nicole and Sally.

"Some people are repairing the castle. Because you were assassinated last night, the people in the castle are a little panicked, but with Lord Farouk and Butler Howard, there is no chaos." Sally answered while combing Ximan's hair.

"Well, that's good." Ximan nodded. As long as there is no chaos, he believes that Howard can handle other things.

Not long after, a maid came to report that Viscount Noas was back and almost outside the castle.

Hearing this news, Ximan quickly packed up and took Nicole and Sally to the outside of the castle to meet Viscount Noas.

When Ximan arrived outside the castle, the gate of the castle had been opened, and a team of more than 50 people walked into the castle in a mighty manner.

The leader, wearing a silver-white armor, shone brightly under the morning sun, exuding a fierce aura, was Viscount Noas.

At this time, it was not only Heman who stood outside to greet Viscount Noas, Howard, Farouk, Lady Elena, Natalie, and many servants were standing outside to greet him.


Viscount Noas turned over and jumped off his warhorse, threw the reins to a soldier next to him, and walked straight towards Heman and others.

"Master, you are back!" Howard said, bending down.

"Father, welcome back!" Heman also said.

"Thank you for your hard work, Heman." Noas smiled and patted Heman on the shoulder.

Then, the smile on Viscount Noas's face disappeared, and he became extremely serious, with a bit of murderous look in his eyes: "Of course I have to come back. If I don't come back, won't my second son be killed again?"

Hearing Viscount Noas' words, everyone present lowered their heads and dared not speak.

"Hmph! Come to the conference room, I have something to say to you!" Viscount Noas said, and took the lead to walk towards the conference room, and the others hurriedly followed.

In the center of the huge and spacious banquet hall, there is a huge round table, surrounded by brown and yellow wooden walls. Every distance on the wall, there is a framed oil painting, which makes the environment extremely elegant.

Viscount Noas sat down in the first seat, and at his signal, the others sat down one after another.

"What happened while I was away?" Viscount Noas asked after sitting down.

"Three knights sneaked into the castle last night and tried to assassinate Master Ximan, but were solved by me and Carlos." Farouk said.

"Three knights?" Viscount Noas frowned, pondered for a moment and asked, "Are you sure it's three knights?"

Farouk nodded to confirm.

"How did they sneak into the castle?" Viscount Noas asked.

Farouk told Viscount Noas about the fire in the castle and the lowering of the gate, including the fact that the pigeons had flown away from the castle before, and that Lady Elena had left the castle, without missing a word.

After listening to Farouk's narration, Viscount Noas sneered a few times, stood up and walked behind Elena who was sitting next to him, put his hands on Elena's shoulders, put his head close to Elena's ear and asked softly: "My dear lady, do you have anything to explain?"

The union of Viscount Noas and Elena was not because of love, but more because they were well matched, so Viscount Noas didn't have much feelings for Elena, and because of Caird's matter, Elena was vaguely dissatisfied with Viscount Noas, and the relationship between the two was even worse.

Hearing Viscount Noas' words, Elena's body suddenly stiffened. She knew that she couldn't hide anything at all. Viscount Noas could easily investigate what she did.

"I...ah!" Elena just opened her mouth and felt a pain in her shoulder, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"I remember, I warned you not to do things you shouldn't do." Viscount Noas's hands tightened, and he stared at Elena coldly, as if asking Elena to give him an explanation.

Although she was prepared, Elena was still shocked by the pressure from Viscount Noas. She swallowed hard, trembling her lips, and said loudly: "I... I am unwilling..."

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