I saw thick thorns suddenly shooting out and piercing towards Seaman!

But at this time, Seaman's body surface was filled with red light, and a red barrier blocked all these thorns from him.

At the same time, the thorns he used to attack Seaman had been burned, dried up and withered, turning into a coke-like appearance!

Just when Seaman had just dealt with these thorns, suddenly, countless slender thorns rushed out in front of him again, attacking crazily!

"Humph, it's just a little trick!" Seaman sneered. He danced his hands quickly, and a fireball quickly formed, then hit the thorns hard, igniting them instantly, and then exploded with a bang.

Eve and Karen on the side were not idle either, they both performed witchcraft one after another.

Eve released a strong breath of ice, which instantly froze all the thorns that were close to her, while Karen continued to summon a whirlwind that kept spinning, crushing the surrounding thorns into pieces.

Even if there are more thorns rushing towards the three of them from all directions, the three of them can still deal with them easily.

Soon, the three of them cleared away all the thorns.

For some reason, the eyes of the three thorny wood demons showed a look of panic when they saw that their offensive was so intensive but they could not do anything about it.

It originally thought that with its intensive and terrifying offensive, it would be able to severely damage or even kill these people. Who knows, the final result will be like this.

So, it immediately changed its strategy. The thorn wood demon continued to attack, and then its body began to move slowly. During this period, the thorn wood demon kept waving the thick thorns and beating them, trying to use this clumsy method to force the three of Seaman back.

However, how could Seaman and others give it such a chance?

He-Man, Eve and Karen cooperated very well with each other. The three of them worked together to perform witchcraft, which was extremely powerful. For a time, whether it was Eve's ice, He-Man's flame, or Karen's whirlwind, Both can cause huge damage to these thorns.

Soon, most of the thorns completely collapsed and disintegrated, turning into fragments and dispersing in the air!

Seeing this, Karen narrowed his eyes slightly, and with a thought in his mind, a violent wind was born out of thin air, and swept around him with him as the center!

"Huh..." This huge hurricane was like a tornado, sweeping away all the nearby thorns.

The next second, Karen discovered a fatal weakness of the thorn wood demon, and immediately a huge wind blade flew away, directly slashing at the thorn wood demon.

"Crack!" Although the thorn wood demon tried its best to dodge, Karen's wind blade still made a ferocious scar, almost splitting its entire body in half.

The Thorn Wood Demon let out a painful cry. It felt extremely painful all over its body, as if its body was about to be torn apart, and it was extremely uncomfortable.

Immediately afterwards, Karen stretched out his right hand again, condensed several wind cones, and stabbed fiercely into the body of the thorny wood demon, directly penetrating its tough body surface, and embedded deeply into its body, making it unable to move. .

At this time, the thorn wood demon could no longer resist, and was finally strangled into several pieces by Karen!

"Huh..." Seeing that he successfully dealt with the Thorny Wood Demon, Karen also showed a satisfied smile on his face.

Afterwards, Karen groped around in the body of the fallen thorn wood demon and found a green crystal core the size of an adult's fist.

"Is this the Wood Heart of the Thorn Wood Demon?" Eve, who came over, had a glint in her eyes and asked curiously.

"Well, yes, this is Mu Xin." Karen nodded and said, "The three of us solved the Thorny Wood Demon together, so Mu Xin will be divided equally between us!"

Karen and Eve still need to go to Wengsha with Seaman. There are many dangers on the road. There is no need to fall out now, so they must give Seaman a share.

As he spoke, a wind blade appeared in Karen's hand, split the crystal core into three, and handed one to Eve and He-Man respectively.

"In addition to Mu Xin, the trunk, branches and rhizomes of the Thorn Wood Demon are also very good materials. Let each of us take one." Seaman said after taking Mu Xin.

Like Mu Xin, other parts of the Thorn Wood Demon's body are also very good materials. Not only can they be used to refine magic weapons, but they can also be used as refining materials for some high-level potions. They are also of considerable value. .

Of course, the value of these things is definitely not as valuable as Mu Xin.

"Okay." After hearing what Seaman said, Karen began to divide it up without saying a word, and then put away his own part.

Eve and He-Man also put away their own parts.

"Okay, without further ado, let's continue on our way and try to reach our destination as soon as possible." Seaman glanced at the green piece of wood in his hand, and then said in a deep voice.

"Let's go!" Eve and Karen said in unison.

Afterwards, Seaman and his party continued on their way.

In the following time, Heman and the others were on their way. Even so, it took Heman and the others more than half a year and many hardships to finally reach the edge of Wengsha.

On the wide and flat plains, the lush vegetation looks particularly beautiful under the sunlight. It is far away from the darkness and dampness of the despair swamp, making people feel relaxed and happy.

The concentration of elemental particles in the air is no less than that of the Swamp of Despair, and is relatively more balanced, not to mention compared to the East Coast.

The four of Seaman stood there and rested for a while before continuing on their journey.

Originally, they were a group of five people, but encountered several waves of demonized creatures on the way, and a wizard apprentice died.

Ximan and Eve did not react much to this, but Karen was a little depressed, after all, the person who died was his student.

Ximan showed a trace of relief on his face: "After such a long journey, we finally arrived."

"No wonder the wizards here are stronger than those on the East Coast. The environment alone is not comparable to the East Coast." Eve also praised, with a hint of envy in her tone: "But we are already in Wengsha now."

Ximan nodded slightly, then raised his head and looked ahead.

Ximan and his group rode on the swamp monitors on the road. Although the speed of the swamp monitors on land is not fast, Ximan and his group are not in a hurry and enjoy the surrounding scenery.

As Ximan continued to hurry on, the surrounding scenery also changed. Figures appeared on the road, mostly people riding horses or demonized creatures, and some drove carriages and ox carts to transport various things.

The people he met on the road were dressed almost the same as wizards, and most of them exuded mental fluctuations. Although they were only at the level of first- or second-class wizard apprentices, it was enough to surprise Heiman.

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