Heman walked into the master bedroom on the second floor and lay down on the soft big bed in the bedroom.

Since he left the Shadow Chapter, he has been busy for almost a year, especially in the Swamp of Despair, and he has almost no time to rest.

Moreover, he did not trust Eve and Karen, and he did not dare to rest deeply even if he rested, which made Heman's spirit always in a relatively tired state.

If Heman was not a formal wizard, he would have been exhausted long ago. Even so, he felt very tired now. As soon as Heman lay on the bed, a wave of fatigue immediately hit him, making his eyelids close heavily and he fell asleep soon.

This sleep lasted for almost a day. When Heman opened his eyes, he found that the sky outside had become bright, and a light came from outside the curtains.

"It's really comfortable!" Heman stretched his waist, then moved his hands and feet, and suddenly there was a crackling sound of joints in his body, and the mental fatigue disappeared.

Afterwards, Ximan took out all the things in the storage bag. Except for some remaining medicinal herbs and materials for refining magic weapons, the rest were some miscellaneous, low-value things and a few magic stones.

All of these added up to Ximan's entire wealth, but these properties were not enough for Ximan to spend.

It is worth mentioning that Ximan inherited Calais's memory, thus obtaining a meditation method that was higher than the Mist of Truth, which was enough for him to practice all the way to the third-level wizard, and Calais's highest elemental affinity was also the fire element, so the meditation method he used was also a meditation method of the fire element type.

At the same time as extracting the identity, Ximan had already chosen to replace his innate witchcraft, replacing the Red Flame Barrier with the first-level witchcraft in the Heart of Flame's matching witchcraft, the Flame Shelter.

Compared with the Red Flame Barrier, the Flame Shelter not only has stronger defense, but also has a higher degree of improvement in elemental affinity, and can be matched with subsequent witchcraft, so Ximan directly chose to replace it.

With the help of Moonlight Potion and Heart of Flame, Ximan will probably break through to the liquefaction stage in the near future. However, after the breakthrough, if Ximan wants to be promoted to the second-level wizard, it is too difficult to rely on his own efforts. Whether it is the resources needed in the liquefaction stage or the resources needed to be promoted to the second-level wizard, the magic stones required are not a small number.

Even if Ximan is a magic weapon master, he doesn't know how long it will take to save enough magic stones.

As for the idea of ​​joining Qina, Ximan suppressed it. Although Qina's situation is not good, she will not be in danger for the time being. After all, although those forces are suppressing the withered aura, they will only use some means in secret for the sake of their reputation, and will not attack the withered aura in public.

After all, the crime of persecuting a great wizard who has the hope of becoming a Morning Star Wizard is not something that everyone can bear, even those high-level forces or Morning Star Wizards.

You know, the wizard world now is not the powerful wizard world of the past. The wizard world now has many enemies, and a Morning Star wizard now is also the pillar of the wizard world.

If any force or person kills a Morning Star wizard for no reason, it will definitely cause hostility from other wizards, and even bring considerable trouble to those forces.

Therefore, there is no need to worry too much about Qina's safety in the short term.

But if Ximan appears, this situation may be changed. After all, he is Qina's younger brother, and the two have the same blood. Moreover, he is weak, and once he appears, he will attract the attention of other forces.

If other wizard forces know his situation, they may immediately send strong men to hunt him down, wanting to use him to deal with Qina, and use various curses or other means to prevent Qina from becoming a Morning Star wizard.

Therefore, whether for his own safety or for Qina's safety, Ximan must improve his strength as soon as possible without exposing his identity.

However, the problem now is that Ximan has no magic stones and no resources now, how to improve his strength?

"It seems that I can only join a wizard organization first, and then obtain the necessary knowledge and resources through the organization. As for the contact with Qina, I can think of a way later." Ximan thought about it and made a plan for himself.

He had no other choice now, so he could only join a wizard organization first. In this regard, Ximan was not worried about whether he could succeed.

After all, Ximan was a formal wizard. His status and strength were among the upper class even in Wengsha, not to mention that he was also a magic weapon master.

Although Ximan could only refine a low-level magic weapon of the first level, he was also an out-and-out magic weapon master. In addition, Ximan's age was not very old now. At most, he was only twenty years old. He had great potential and it was very likely that he would become a second-level wizard or a second-level magic weapon master.

With Ximan's conditions, almost all wizard organizations would not refuse his joining.

However, Ximan was not in a hurry to join a wizard organization. First, he had just arrived in Edge City and did not know the wizard forces in Edge City. He needed to understand it before considering which wizard force to join.

Second, He-Man is not far from the liquefaction stage. He plans to wait until he breaks through to the liquefaction stage before joining a wizard organization. The higher his strength, the greater his potential, and the higher his status after joining the organization, and the more abundant the resources he will get at that time.

In this way, for the next period of time, Ximan waited for Bell to finish refining the Moonlight Potion.

However, Ximan was not idle during this time. In addition to spending most of his time every day mastering the refining of magic weapons, he also spent time to exercise his control over his mental power and understand the information of Edge City.

The forces in Edge City are complicated. Although on the surface these forces are very united and form the Edge Alliance to deal with foreign forces, in secret, these forces also fight, oppress, and even kill each other.

However, because these forces are cautious about each other, they have always maintained a delicate balance between each other.

In a blink of an eye, half a month passed quietly, and Bell also sent Ximan a message that he finally refined all the Moonlight Potion and asked Ximan to go over to get the potion.

At the same time, he also notified the friends who needed to refine magic weapons. They were also in the store, waiting for Ximan to go over.

Ximan tidied his clothes a little and walked towards Bell's store.

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