"I think I need to think about it!" Heman said after a moment of hesitation. Although he had no ill feelings or discrimination against black wizards, he also knew that black wizards were more dangerous than white wizards, and cruelty was synonymous with black wizards.

"Don't rush to refuse. If you think you can still accept the conditions we put forward, then think about it carefully. I can wait for your reply, but you'd better not think about revealing my news to white wizards, otherwise you will regret it!" Bell reminded sincerely.

"Of course, doing this will do more harm than good to me. I don't need to take such a risk! I want to know why you invited me?" Heman nodded to show that he understood, but he was also very strange. He didn't seem to have any reason to attract black wizards.

"Because you are strong enough, and the smell of blood on you is as strong as ours, so you are trustworthy!" Bell responded with a smile.

"You mean I look bad... like a black wizard?" Heman's mouth twitched slightly. He couldn't let go of this question. Why did he look so much like an evil person?

"The smell of blood on you tells me that you have killed many people, and even several official wizards died in your hands!" Bell nodded affirmatively.

Hearing Bell's words, Ximan was a little puzzled: "Since you can see that I have killed many people, why did the Holy Shield agree to let me join?"

Corey's strength is much stronger than Bell. Since Bell can sense it, then Corey can naturally find it, but Corey still chooses to accept himself.

This made Ximan more confused and more vigilant.

"The boundary between black wizards and white wizards is originally very vague. It doesn't matter how many people you kill. As long as you don't do things too extreme, then others will turn a blind eye. Unless you really touch their bottom line or interests, you will be held accountable!"

"And you are an outsider wizard. No one will care what you do elsewhere. As long as you don't commit a big crime in Wengsha, it doesn't matter. I can also tell you that even if it is the Holy Shield, do you think that all the insiders are white wizards?" Bell waved his hand, indicating that Ximan didn't need to worry, and then continued to explain.

Ximan nodded with understanding. Although he had absorbed the memories of two wizards living in Wengsha, those two people had almost all come into contact with white wizards after they embarked on the wizard path, and their understanding of this aspect was still in its primitive state.

"Then I'll leave first, and I'll give you an answer later!" Ximan stood up and prepared to leave, thinking about the next plan.

Looking at Ximan's gradually receding back, Bell's eyes flashed with an inexplicable light: "It seems that you are a hard bone to chew, but..." Bell's mouth corners slightly raised: "This is more interesting!"


Ximan was wearing a loose and soft white robe, with a golden shield pattern on the chest of the robe, representing his identity as a member of the Holy Shield.

And on that Holy Shield pattern, there were two golden balls, representing that he was an elite member of the Holy Shield.

Holy Shield divides its members into several levels, from low to high, they are ordinary members, elite members, team leaders, and ministers. As long as they are formal wizards, they can directly become elite members after joining Holy Shield, and the two levels of team leader and minister are divided into two levels: the main and the deputy.

The most important thing to determine one's level is strength. In fact, with Ximan's strength, it is more than enough to be a team leader or deputy team leader, but he is a newcomer after all, with no qualifications and no merits, so he can only be an elite member.

Ximan walked on the road, and the wizard apprentices he met on the road would stop to greet him after seeing him.

He walked for a while and came to a building with a large area and the whole was built with a black boulder.

This black stone is a special material called energy-absorbing stone. It is not only extremely strong, but also can absorb elemental particles when attacked, which mostly weakens the power of witchcraft attacks. It is an excellent defensive material with a high value.

But now it is used to build such a huge building, which makes Ximan secretly smack his lips. Holy Shield is really rich.

However, this is the resource exchange point of the Holy Shield, so it is normal for this situation to occur.

In the Holy Shield, contribution points are the most important thing. Whether it is a wizard or a wizard apprentice, they can exchange the knowledge or resources they want through contribution points. Contribution points can be exchanged for magic stones, but magic stones cannot be exchanged for contribution points.

Of course, this is just the rule on the surface. After all, contribution points are allowed to be traded privately as long as they do not violate the convention.

In private, one hundred magic stones may not be able to exchange for one contribution point.

As a formal wizard and a member of the Magic Weapon Department, Ximan can get a fixed contribution point reward after completing the prescribed tasks every month. In addition to the fixed tasks, the more tasks Ximan completes, the more contribution points he gets.

If only fixed tasks are completed, Ximan’s monthly reward is ten contribution points, which is equivalent to more than a thousand magic stones. This magic stone can barely pay Ximan’s rent for a month.

Of course, after joining the Holy Shield, the Holy Shield will provide housing for members, and there will be great discounts in terms of price. The house where Ximan lived before belonged to the Holy Shield, so his rental price has also been greatly reduced. There is no need to worry too much in this regard.

But if Ximan wants to obtain resources, he must work harder.

Heman took a deep breath and walked towards the giant building in front. He couldn't wait to exchange some resources to speed up his meditation.

Entering the building, Heman quickly walked to an empty counter. Sitting behind the counter was a female wizard. She was wearing the same white robe as Heman, but there was only one dot on the shield on her chest. Obviously, she was just an ordinary member of the Holy Shield.

"Hello, how can I help you?" The woman greeted warmly after seeing the two dots on Heman's chest.

"I'm here to exchange resources!" Heman said.

As he said that, Heman handed over his Holy Shield badge.

"Okay, please wait!" The woman took Heman's ID and put it on the disc beside her. Then she handed a crystal ball to Heman: "This is the resource catalog you can exchange, please check it!"

Heman took the crystal ball, and his mental power poured into it. Dense fonts immediately appeared in his mind, including detailed information such as the types of items to be exchanged, quantity, price, etc.

There are many things he can exchange, including resources and knowledge, but the second-level witchcraft template and advanced meditation method are not among them, and some precious and rare advanced knowledge is also missing.

Of course, Ximan does not need these things now. What he needs now is the potion that can enhance the spiritual power of wizards in the liquefaction stage, but the contribution points required for these potions are ridiculously high.

Even the cheapest one requires more than 30 contribution points per bottle, and at Ximan’s current level, he can only buy one bottle a year.

"This..." Ximan frowned. He only has more than ten contribution points now, and he can't even afford the cheapest potion, let alone those advanced potions.

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