Wizard: I can extract identities

Chapter 181 Advantages outweigh disadvantages

But this is the Wengsha area dominated by white wizards. Although there is no explicit prohibition on using wizards as experimental materials, such behavior will be labeled as the behavior of black wizards, and white wizards also do it in private.

Once such behavior is discovered, they will be labeled as dark wizards and arrested by law enforcement teams.

Therefore, it is quite difficult to obtain wizards as experimental materials in Edge City, especially for third-class wizard apprentices.

Even if experimental materials such as third-class wizard apprentices appear on the black market, they will be snatched up immediately, leaving no room for newcomers like He-Man who have no background or connections.

But without third-class wizard apprentices as experimental materials, the blood pattern experiment on official wizards cannot proceed smoothly!

"What to do?" Seaman frowned, stood up and paced back and forth, but still couldn't think of any solution: "The blood pattern experiment must be carried out, but the problem is... we can't find suitable experimental materials."

Thinking of this, Seaman was ready to ask Bell for help. Bell was not only a pharmacist, but also a senior member of the shadow organization, who might be able to help him in this regard.

However, Heman stopped just as he reached the door of the villa. There was a letter in the mailbox at the door. Judging from the logo on it, it was obviously sent from the Holy Shield, and it had just been sent not long ago.

Seaman took out the letter and opened it. The content was very brief, just a few sentences, and Seaman's expression suddenly changed.

"You want to send me to the Southeast District?" Seaman frowned, with a strange expression on his face. He also knew something about what happened in the Southeast District of Holy Shield recently.

That place is quite chaotic now, and it is very dangerous to be sent there, but at the same time, the rewards are also very generous.

No matter what, He-Man has no right to refuse. He-Man is very aware of his current situation. After he joins the Holy Shield, he basically cannot escape this kind of mandatory task.

But this mission is not without benefits for He-Man. The chaotic order in the southeast area is undoubtedly extremely beneficial to him in obtaining experimental materials. After all, in such a chaotic area, it is normal for some third-class wizard apprentices to disappear. .

Moreover, Seaman was sent out. With his strength, his status will naturally not be low when he arrives. Except for fighting at certain times, he basically does not have to do anything on weekdays. These times are at his own disposal.

He could use this time for meditation and various experiments.

After thinking for a long time, Seaman felt that the advantages of this matter outweighed the disadvantages for him.


"Are you going to be sent to the Southeast District?" Sitting on the chair, after listening to Seaman's story, Bell looked at Seaman subtly.

"Yes." Heman nodded, sat back on the chair with a heavy heart, rubbed his forehead, and sighed: "This is a task assigned to me by the superiors. I can't refuse."

Bell nodded and didn't say much. After all, Heman had just joined the Holy Shield. He was only a middle-lower level in the Holy Shield. He was not even as good as the team leader. Being able to be dispatched to the Southeast District was, in a sense, It's considered a promotion.

"You should know more about the level of chaos in the Southeast District than I do, right?" Seaman continued to rub his forehead and said with a wry smile, "Can you tell me? I'll be well prepared."

Bell shook his head: "It is indeed chaotic there, but there are also many opportunities there. On the surface, level two wizards will not take action. With your strength, few people can threaten you. As long as you are careful, There won’t be much danger.”

"I know that." Seaman nodded.

Of course he knew that the Southeast District was the Holy Shield's territory after all. Although it was chaotic, it was still relative, and there were still rules and regulations there.

The most important one is: in the Southeast District, second-level wizards are not allowed to take action!

Once someone violates this rule, they will be hunted down by the entire Holy Shield.

Even a dark wizard would abide by this unspoken rule and would not dare to violate this bottom line. Even a dark wizard would not dare to easily provoke the entire Holy Shield.

"I know why you came here. If anything happens, you can contact me at any time. If possible, I am still willing to help you. After all, we are friends." Bell said with a faint smile.

"Thank you." Seaman nodded, stood up and left. Before leaving, he told Bell again: "Remember our agreement."

"Don't worry, I won't forget it." Bell shrugged and sent Seaman away.

After Seaman left, Bell suppressed the smile on his face and murmured to himself: "Southeast District? I hope you can really come back alive!"

The Southeast District is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface. Although the Holy Shield has rules and does not allow second-level wizards to take action, this is just an unspoken rule. If there are huge benefits, who will care about this unspoken rule?


Although Holy Shield has arranged a task for He-Man, he is not the only one sent out this time. There are others. In addition, some supplies need to be transported there, so some preparations need to be made.

I don’t know if it is to appease the people who are assigned abroad, but those who are assigned abroad like Heman can receive the rewards from the assignment in advance in exchange for the resources they need.

Seaman was not polite. After receiving the contribution points, he had no intention of keeping them. He directly consumed all his contribution points in exchange for several bottles of potions and some needed materials.

In the next few days, Ximan was not idle. He started to make a lot of purchases in Edge City and bought all the things he would need for a long time in the future.

He bought a lot of materials. For this reason, he had to hide his identity and buy materials in several stores. This time, he spent more than 30,000 magic stones just to buy various materials.

If it weren't for the legacy of Black Wolf and the resources he robbed, Ximan couldn't afford this expense at all.

After buying the materials, Ximan's originally abundant magic stones shrank again, and now there are only a few thousand magic stones left.

But in the past few days, Ximan was not without troubles. After the news that he was sent to the Southeast District spread, he felt that when people around him looked at him, there was pity and alienation in their eyes.

Several members of the same department who were originally quite enthusiastic about him also began to alienate Ximan.

This is normal. After all, judging from the danger of this mission, Ximan's probability of returning alive is not high, and Ximan's being sent out means that he is no longer valued by Elsie and others.

Even if He-Man returns alive, he cannot enter the circle of Elsie and others. For others, this means that He-Man is meaningless.

In this case, naturally a group of people will start to distance themselves from He-Man.

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