Wizard: I can extract identities

Chapter 187 Blood Pattern Experiment

"I don't want to die! Help... Help!" The middle-aged man struggled like crazy on the experimental table, but at this time he was fixed to the experimental table by several black ropes. The ropes were like iron chains wrapped around him, making him unable to break free no matter how hard he struggled.

"Noisy!" Heman frowned when he heard the man's shout. He saw that the ropes on the man's body tightly tied the man's limbs. Blood began to flow from the places where he was tied, and soon dyed his body red.

The man's face became more and more ugly, his eyeballs gradually bulged, and his breathing became rapid and heavy. He tried to break free from this bondage again but failed, and instead put himself in a more painful state.

When the man lost consciousness, Heman loosened the ropes on the man. Although the loss of consciousness of the experimental subject would reduce the success rate of the experiment, Heman did not expect to succeed at once, so he did not have any psychological burden.

When the man was lying unconscious on the experimental table, Ximan walked to the experimental table. Ximan waved his hand, and the man's clothes turned into debris and fell into the waste box beside him, revealing the man's scarred body.

Next, Ximan took out two medicines and injected them into the man's body. As the medicine slowly melted into the man's flesh and blood, the man's body gradually changed. The scars on his body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the originally pale skin color gradually recovered its blood color, and his body began to become strong.

This process is based on the consumption of the man's vitality. After this change, the man lost at least more than 20 years of life, but Ximan did not feel sorry, but felt it was worth it.

Because the man's physical fitness has reached the standard required for the experiment, Ximan will conduct the next experiment on the man, which is also the most critical step of the entire experiment, blood pattern engraving.

Ximan took out an extremely sharp special scalpel, injected the engraving liquid into the scalpel, and then used the scalpel to engrave on the man's body.

With the help of the carving fluid, when Ximan carved the man's body, only a few drops of blood flowed out of the wound, which would not interfere with the blood vein carving.

Next, Ximan kept carving on the man's body, and the scalpel kept moving on the man's body. Every time he cut a hole, he could see the blood vessels bulging and the muscles contracting.

Not long after, dense and tiny red lines appeared on the man's shoulders. Each line emitted a faint light, and these lines were like spider webs all over the man's shoulders.

At this time, the man's face also became hideous and terrifying, with veins on his forehead bulging, and he was obviously suffering from great pain.

As the carving progressed, dense red lines gradually formed on half of the man's body. The red lines were intertwined one by one, which looked extremely strange.

When the red lines covered half of the man's body, the red lines on the man's body suddenly lit up slightly, and a scarlet blood mist emerged. These blood mists condensed together in the air, slowly drifted towards the man's forehead, and finally drilled into the middle of the man's forehead.

At the same time, the man twitched all over, his eyes were closed, his expression was painful, and his lips were slightly open, as if he had encountered something extremely painful.

"Damn it!" Seeing the man's appearance, Ximan's face suddenly became gloomy. He stopped carving, immediately picked up a bottle of medicine and poured it into the man's mouth, and then injected another bottle of medicine into the man's body.

After doing all this, the pain in the man's body finally eased a lot, and his breath began to stabilize, but Ximan still did not dare to relax his vigilance. He stared at the man carefully until he confirmed that the man was no longer a problem, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Ximan wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then continued to operate the scalpel to scratch the man's body.

Soon, red lines appeared on the man's abdomen and chest. These red lines intertwined with each other, covering the man's whole body like a spider web.

When doing these tasks, Ximan's mind was also highly concentrated. After all, this experiment had very strict requirements on accuracy. Any slight mistake could lead to the failure of the experiment.

Finally, under Ximan's careful carving, countless red lines appeared on the man's body, and these red lines were still expanding and spreading.

However, at this moment, the man suddenly trembled violently, and Ximan, who was carving, was also affected. The carved red lines shifted their positions, causing the originally perfect and precise red lines to have flaws.

"Damn it, failed!" Ximan cursed secretly and immediately stopped carving.

The red lines on the man's body had lost their effect. A large amount of blood flowed out of the wound, dyeing the experimental table red, and also making the laboratory have a strong smell of blood.

"Damn it, it was so close to success, but I didn't expect to fail at the last minute. It seems that the sedative needs to be adjusted!" Ximan condensed a flame to burn the body on the experimental table, and then began to summarize.

Time passed slowly, and three days passed in a blink of an eye. During these three days, Ximan basically stayed in the laboratory and continued to conduct blood pattern experiments.

In these three days, Ximan conducted a total of five experiments, and each experiment had various problems, and even two failed due to the same problem.

The reason for these failures was that the sedative effect did not meet the requirements and failed in the last few steps. Otherwise, according to Ximan's estimation, the experiment should have been completed long ago.

After experiencing these failures, Ximan also knew that this blood pattern experiment was not so easy to succeed, but fortunately he had enough patience and perseverance to persist.

Ximan was panting, his forehead was full of sweat, but he was extremely excited, his eyes fixed on a tube of light green liquid in his hand.

This was the sedative that Ximan finally improved after several attempts.

Sedatives can be said to be the thing that Ximan has spent the most time on recently. In order to improve this medicine, Ximan spent a lot of resources in this area, and consumed a lot of magic stones every day.

But fortunately, it finally succeeded.

Ximan looked at the light green liquid in the test tube with a strong joy on his face.

Ximan glanced at Cathy, the only one left in the cage, and did not rush to conduct the experiment. Cathy was the only experimental material left for Ximan, and Ximan was optimistic about Cathy, so he naturally had to consider it carefully.

Moreover, after three days of highly concentrated mental experiments, Ximan was extremely tired both physically and mentally.

"Forget it, let's take a rest for two days. It won't be too late to do the experiment after I have enough energy." After making up his mind, Ximan packed up the experimental equipment and left the laboratory.

Before leaving the laboratory, Ximan also prepared two bottles of food supplement for Cathy, which was enough to replenish her consumption in the past two days.

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