Wizard: I can extract identities

Chapter 189 Terrifying Willpower

As the huge flame heart in the basement turned into fire elements and dissipated, Ximan ended his meditation.

Ximan stood up and stretched his muscles, feeling indescribably relaxed and happy. He took a potion to meditate this time, so this meditation lasted longer, and he could clearly feel the improvement of his mental power.

However, Ximan didn't have much mental power potion left. He only got five bottles of mental power potion. Counting the ones he took before, he still had two bottles left.

It is estimated that it will be completely exhausted in a short time. At that time, Ximan will fall into a situation where he can't take medicine again, and his mental power growth will become slow again.

"The potion can still be taken for a while, so let's finish the blood pattern experiment first!" Ximan made up his mind and walked out of the basement to the laboratory.

Cathy, who was resting against the cage, immediately raised her head and looked at Ximan when she heard Ximan's footsteps. There was a different light in her eyes, with both desire and deep worry.

Cathy had witnessed the fate of her five previous test subjects after the experiment, and they all failed to escape the fate of death.

The appearance of Ximan meant that Cathy would also be conducting experiments soon, and she was very afraid that her fate would be the same as the other test subjects.

Ximan noticed Cathy's mood and smiled and said, "Don't worry, after so many failures, I have a high success rate. You should be able to stick to it. I believe you."

Although Ximan said this, he was not very sure in his heart.

Cathy nodded and said, "I know."

Ximan's words undoubtedly gave Cathy a reassurance and rekindled her hope.

Then, Ximan opened the cage, and before Ximan could speak, Cathy came out of the cage very cooperatively, walked to the experimental table, took off her clothes, and revealed her seductive body.

Cathy's delicate body is very lethal to men, but Ximan just glanced at it indifferently and turned his eyes away.

After Cathy lay on the experimental table, Ximan picked up a bottle of medicine and handed it to Cathy, saying: "This medicine can enhance your physical fitness and increase the success rate of the experiment."

Cathy took the medicine and drank it, and immediately a warm liquid flowed into her abdomen, and then quickly spread to every cell in her body.

This feeling is very wonderful, as if something is transforming her body.

Cathy closed her eyes and felt it carefully. She found that her strength, reaction, and speed seemed to have been improved, and all aspects of her body function were more flexible.

"Remember, you must endure the pain and try not to faint. If you really can't bear it, signal me with your eyes, and I will give you another sedative." Ximan's voice sounded in Cathy's ears.

As soon as Ximan's words fell, dark ropes appeared out of thin air, fixing Cathy's limbs to prevent the failure of the experiment due to struggle.

Cathy suddenly felt a huge pressure on herself, and she felt that her whole body was instantly tense. Cathy tried to control her breathing to keep herself awake and calm.

At this time, Ximan picked up the test tube at hand and shook it. The bright red liquid in the test tube rippled, and then the liquid was poured into the special scalpel.

Ximan picked up the scalpel and pierced Cathy's fair skin. The bright red liquid immediately poured in from the wound, soaking Cathy's muscles and stimulating various body tissues at the wound.

Ximan's technique was very skillful, without a trace of panic. His face was focused and serious, and even his breathing frequency was the same as usual.

Ximan stared at the movements of his hands without blinking. Sweat gradually appeared on his forehead, but his face was still as calm as before, without any ripples, as if everything in front of him had no effect on him.

This process lasted for more than 20 minutes.

Half of Cathy's body was covered with red lines, and these red lines emitted a faint red light.

Against the background of the red lines, Cathy's skin became more and more rosy, and even revealed a faint pink, which looked extremely beautiful.

"Hmm..." As the red lines on Cathy's body became more and more dense, the pain Cathy endured became more and more intense, but Cathy kept gritting her teeth and holding on without shouting, but her forehead was already full of sweat, and some sweat dripped down Cathy's cheeks and fell on the experimental table.

Cathy was numb from the pain at this time, and she felt bursts of tearing and burning pain all over her body, as if she was in the flames.

Ximan glanced at Cathy lying on the experimental table from the corner of his eye and found that she could still bear it, which made Ximan secretly praise her.

You know, the five experimental subjects in front of Cathy basically couldn't bear it before this step, so Ximan had to give them sedatives, and Cathy could still hold on now, which was really rare, and Ximan was so optimistic about her.

Ximan continued to carve the red lines, but he paid more attention to Cathy's condition.

When the red lines on Cathy's body covered almost half of her body, Cathy had reached her limit.

Her body began to tremble slightly, her mouth opened, her throat swelled, and she wanted to scream, but she couldn't make a sound because she had no strength to make a sound.

When her consciousness was blurred, Cathy could only look at Ximan with a look of help. Ximan, who had been paying attention to Cathy, naturally saw Cathy's eyes.

Ximan sighed slightly, then took out the sedative that had been prepared long ago and fed it into Cathy's mouth.

As the medicine entered her mouth, Cathy felt a stream of cold liquid sliding down her throat into her stomach. The cold touch instantly drove away the heat in her body. Her will, which was already on the verge of limit, instantly became much clearer, and the pain in her body also subsided a lot.

Feeling the changes in her body, Cathy couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. She knew that she had survived a difficult time.

Ximan put the reagent bottle in his hand aside, and continued to pick up the scalpel to start carving patterns on Cathy's body.

While carving the patterns, Ximan also kept observing Cathy's reaction.

Cathy still retained a clear consciousness at this time, and could clearly see the blade in Ximan's hand moving quickly on her body. The strong desire to survive made her try her best to resist the pain from all parts of her body.

However, this feeling of pain was much stronger than Cathy had imagined. She felt as if her whole body was about to explode. The piercing pain was several times more intense than the pain of millions of ants gnawing at her body.

Heman's carving speed was very fast. His arms were waving like a phantom, and his movements were terrifyingly accurate. Every time the scalpel passed, a line of blood would be left.

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