Wizard: I can extract identities

Chapter 191 Unexpected Changes

Cathy put her right hand on Seaman's shoulder, and put her left hand around Seaman's waist. The tip of her nose was on Seaman's neck, she sniffed lightly, and then murmured: "It feels so comfortable! "

Seaman's face was a little stiff, but he didn't break away from Cathy, for fear that he would do something to make Cathy hostile to him.

"Don't be afraid!" Cathy noticed Heman's emotions, caressed Heman's back, and said softly: "I will not hurt you."

"Then...can you let me go first?" Seaman asked cautiously, but his vigilance was at its highest, and he would take action if anything went wrong.

"Of course!" Cathy's eyes were filled with reluctance, but she still nodded in agreement and slowly loosened her arms. Seaman also took the opportunity to take a few steps back and keep a distance from Cathy.

Seaman breathed a sigh of relief and took out a white robe from his storage bag and handed it to Cathy: "Put it on, it always feels a little weird without clothes."

Cathy took the white robe and put it on subconsciously. The white robe was wide and soft, clinging to Cathy's graceful body, outlining her perfect body curves.

"Do you still remember who you are?" Seaman asked abruptly.

As soon as Seaman said this, Cathy showed a thoughtful look, seeming to be trying hard to remember things: "I am Cathy, I am..."

Next, Seaman asked Cathy other questions. Listening to Cathy's intermittent answers, Seaman also knew that Cathy had forgotten some things, but she was still clear about some common sense things.

For example, how to wear clothes, how to release witchcraft, how to meditate...

In the process, He-Man also determined that Cathy had really lost some memories, rather than pretending to deceive He-Man's trust. All the behaviors Cathy showed showed that she was not lying, and He-Man even Not even a single flaw could be found.

"Then who are you? What is our relationship?" At this time, Cathy raised her head, and her eyes fell on Heman's face, full of doubts and confusion.

Seeing Cathy asking herself, Seaman hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I am Seaman. The reason why you become what you are now is because I conducted an experiment on you, which caused you to become Such a look..."

"You mean you created me?" Cathy's ruby-like eyes stared at Seaman's face, her tone seemed a little surprised.

Seaman was silent for a moment, then nodded: "You can say that."

"You can leave at any time, and I will never stop you!" Although Seaman didn't know what accident happened during the experiment that caused Cathy to become like this, he knew that the changes that occurred in Cathy were definitely not simple. This may be There are some secrets involved.

So He-Man doesn't want to have anything to do with Cathy at all, and wants Cathy to leave so as not to cause trouble to him.

"Leave? Why are you leaving?" Cathy tilted her head and looked at Seaman with a smile: "I like being by your side very much!"

Seaman frowned and said, "No, I need to conduct a lot of experiments and cannot be disturbed."

"It's okay, I won't disturb you, I'll just stay by the side!" Cathy smiled, then sat down directly on the side, staring at Seaman: "I can protect you, so you don't care. Whether you are experimenting or meditating, you don’t have to worry about safety! ”

Seeing Cathy lingering here, Seaman was a little helpless. If he hadn't been worried that he was no match for Cathy, he would have wanted to solve the accident. But Cathy was too mysterious and weird. He felt a huge sense of oppression. If he really tried to take action, he was really not sure that he could deal with Cathy.

"Well, let's go out and walk around the manor first. I have something to do and I need to go out. I'll be back as soon as I finish it." Seaman's tone was as gentle as possible, hoping to convince Cathy.

"Okay!" Cathy stared seriously into Seaman's eyes, and after a while she reluctantly nodded in agreement: "Don't even think about leaving me. I can smell your scent from a long distance away."

"I know! I will definitely not abandon you!" Seaman promised again and again.

After telling Cathy not to run around or take random shots, Seaman turned around and left the residence, heading towards the manor where Mark lived.

While on the way, Seaman also smelled his own body and did not find any strange smell.

But he reacted immediately and knew what the smell Cathy was talking about was his spiritual power.

In order to be able to control the experimental subjects after the experiment was successful, when Seaman carved the blood patterns, he would imprint his own mental power on the blood patterns of the experimental subjects.

Although this will have a certain impact on the subject's spirit, it can make the subject feel close to He-Man and be naturally close to him spiritually. It can also control the blood patterns on the subject's body to ensure that the subject is obedient and avoids The betrayal of the experimental subject.

Mark’s residence is not far from Seaman’s residence, so Seaman quickly arrived at Mark’s estate.

"Master Heman, why are you here?" As soon as Heman stepped into the residence, an old man dressed as a housekeeper came up to him. He had an ordinary appearance and was the type that would not be found in a crowd.

Seaman nodded slightly: "I'm looking for Mark. Is Mark at home?"

"At home, please follow me." The old butler respectfully led Seaman into the manor.

"Master Ximan." Along the way, all the maids and servants stopped and bowed to Ximan, with an extremely respectful attitude, as if he was the master here.

As soon as Mark settled down here, he told the servants here that Ximan was his immediate superior, and Ximan must be treated the same as him, or even more respectfully than him, so everyone in the whole manor, including the butler, was respectful to Ximan.


"Master Mark, Master Ximan is here to see you!" The old butler knocked on the door and said to Mark in the house.

"Take Master Ximan to the living room first, I'm meditating, and I'll be here soon!" Mark's voice came from the house.

"Yes." The old butler nodded, and then led Ximan to the living room to rest.

After sitting down in the living room, the old butler immediately ordered the maid to bring all kinds of cakes, fruits and drinks to entertain Ximan.

"Master Ximan, do you need anything else?" The old butler asked respectfully in front of Ximan.

"No, you can go and do your work." Ximan waved his hand and said.

"I'm outside. Just call me if you need anything." The old butler bowed and left.

Ximan looked at the various cakes on the table. He had no appetite. He simply ate a piece of cake and drank a few sips of soy milk. He stopped eating and thought about something quietly.

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