Wizard: I can extract identities

Chapter 198 The witch formation is broken

At the moment when the light shield rose, the information that Daoclaysler was attacked was transmitted, and both the Holy Shield headquarters and other nearby Holy Shield sub-stations could receive this news.

At that time, someone would naturally come to support, which is why Daoclaysler has been able to survive the harassment of many forces.

In the City Lord's Mansion.

Holard looked at the magic beetle outside the light shield with a gloomy face. If he hadn't seen the bad situation and immediately had someone activate the witch formation, I'm afraid the entire Daoclaysler would have been captured by the magic beetle.

Although he had expected something to happen before, he only thought it was a small conflict. He didn't expect that someone would dare to be so bold. This was completely beyond his expectations.

"Damn it!" Horlad gritted his teeth, his eyes flashing with a fierce light, and asked his subordinates beside him: "Why haven't the others come yet? Where are they?"

Sitting next to Horlad was a formal wizard. He also frowned and looked at the magic beetles outside the light shield with a solemn expression on his face.

"Lord Horlad, I have sent people to find Lord Carolina and the others. They should be here soon." A guard standing next to him said.

"I hope so." After hearing the guard's words, Horlad's heart was a little more settled. Although Daocrysler was in a dangerous situation now, with Carolina and the others, Horlad could at least let go of his heart a little.

Horald knew that as long as Carolina was in the city, the headquarters would never give up Daocrysler. Carolina guaranteed their safety from the side.

Just as Horald was about to ask about the magic beetle again, a figure rushed in. This was a guard in armor, with an anxious look on his face.

"What's wrong?" Looking at the panicked guard, Horald frowned immediately, with a vague bad premonition in his heart.

The guard took two breaths and quickly reported the latest news he had received to Horald: "Sir, I just took people to Lady Carolina's residence, but did not find Lady Carolina, and..."

Horald's heart skipped a beat, he already knew what the guard was going to say.

"And not only Lady Carolina, but also Lord Ximan and Lord Illidan are not at home! According to the servants in the mansion, the three lords went out for different reasons before the magic beetle appeared, and they never came back." The guard's next words made Horald's face change completely.

Holard knew very well that it was impossible for Carolina and the other two to go out at the same time for no reason, and they had not returned for a long time after going out. This must be an accident.

"No wonder the magic beetle suddenly attacked." Holard clenched his fists. He finally understood why the magic beetle suddenly attacked. It must be that Carolina and the others were trapped when they went out, so that the enemy took the opportunity to attack Daocrysler.

"Notify them and have them find Carolina and the others as soon as possible!" Holard took a few deep breaths, calmed down his emotions, and gave the order calmly.

The guard saluted respectfully, then retreated and went to notify others.

After the guard left, Holard's eyes fell on the light shield. He knew that they could only rely on the light shield to resist this attack, otherwise Daocrysler would definitely fall.


Hsiman watched the magic beetle frantically attack the outer defense shield of Daocrysler, and said to Cassius beside him: "It seems that the magic beetle will not be able to break through this shield for a while, and the support of the Holy Shield will arrive soon."

"That may not be the case!" Cassius smiled, with a hint of relief on his face: "The strongest fortress is often breached from the inside."

As if in response to Cassius's words, a huge explosion suddenly broke out in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion, and then a thick smoke came out from that direction and spread rapidly.

"The City Lord's Mansion was attacked." Himan's face became serious. He didn't expect that the City Lord's Mansion would explode.

The City Lord's Mansion is protected by a powerful witch formation. The identity and status of those who can bring explosives into the City Lord's Mansion are definitely not simple. Maybe they are Horard's confidants.

As the huge explosion sounded, the shield covering the city suddenly shook, and then a crackling sound came from the shield, and the shield was covered with dense cracks.

And as the first explosion sounded, there were continuous explosions from the direction of the City Lord's Mansion, which meant that a fierce battle broke out there, causing loopholes in the defensive magic array.

Ximan's face was solemn. He knew that the defensive magic array could not hold on.

Sure enough, after the light shield trembled violently, it broke into countless light spots, and then quickly dissipated in the air, revealing the scene in the city of Daoclesler.

After the light shield was broken, the densely packed magic beetles did not disperse, but rushed directly to the City Lord's Mansion.

"The good show is over, now it's your choice!" Cassius raised an arc at the corner of his mouth, spread his palm, and a parchment full of words appeared in his palm.

"As long as you sign this contract, you can not only survive, but also get many benefits!" Cassius tempted in a bewitching tone: "Are you willing?"

"Can I refuse?" Ximan looked at Cassius and said.

"Don't want to? Then there is only one way to go!" Cassius sighed, shook his head and said, "What a pity, such an excellent talent like you, it's a pity that you died like this."

Ximan looked at Cassius and suddenly said, "Look behind you, there is someone behind you!"

"I thought you were a big shot, but I didn't expect you would use such a ridiculous method!" Cassius was stunned for a moment, and a look of disdain appeared on his face. He was too lazy to turn around. In his opinion, Ximan just wanted to delay time.

However, at this moment, Cassius suddenly felt a chill on his back and his hair stood up.

This abnormal reaction woke Cassius up. He quickly turned his head to look behind him, but before he turned around, he suddenly felt a chill in his chest. When he looked down, he saw a slender white arm piercing his chest, and blood was flowing along the wound.

"You..." Cassius widened his eyes, as if he couldn't believe that he would be killed. He raised his head with difficulty, wanting to know who killed him.

Then Cassius saw that standing in front of him was a young and beautiful woman. The woman was extremely beautiful, with scarlet vertical pupils as bright as gems, a high nose bridge, rosy lips, and delicate facial features, which showed the woman's unique charm.

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