Wizard: I can extract identities

Chapter 307: Massive Acquisition

As Nora discovered Cassius's location, all the members of the card organization in Katowice took action and headed towards Laitli City at the fastest speed.

The actions of these people naturally attracted the attention of the Special Affairs Bureau, the Brotherhood and others. Although they didn't know why the card organization suddenly moved to Laitli City, since the other party did it, they couldn't sit idle and naturally had to follow. They must not let the other party get what they wanted!

Therefore, the Special Affairs Bureau and the Brotherhood quickly sent personnel to Laitli City.

When the members of the three parties all left Katowice for Laitli, the shadows and dark clouds covering Katowice slowly dissipated, revealing its original appearance - the blue sky, and... warm sunshine.

Of course, Cassius, who was in Laitli City, didn't know all this. Even if he knew, he probably wouldn't be surprised, because this situation was within his expectations.

Unlike the worries in Katowice, Cassius was much more relieved in Laitli City.

Because when he was in Katowice, he was a new outsider. No matter how careful he was, he could not perfectly conceal his identity. He was the first person to be suspected.

But it didn't matter in the city of Latley - here, he spent several years studying, and to some extent, he was out of the scope of suspicion.

After all, Cassius was in Katowice to draw the identity of the God's descendant. The people of the card organization didn't know where he lived for a long time, not to mention that he was a college student who had just graduated. With this ordinary study experience as a cover, as long as he didn't face the high-level extraordinary people head-on, Cassius was confident that he would not expose his identity.

By then, I'm afraid that the card organization would never think that the God's descendant they had been looking for for a long time would be hidden under their noses.


"Okay, who wants to trade next, please come up!" The young man looked at the people in the audience and said loudly.

As time went by, most of the people present had already traded, and only a few people had not done it.

Many of these people were unable to trade on the stage for various reasons. They came to the gathering either to see the world or to pick up bargains, but the latter was very difficult to achieve.

"Let me do it!" Hearing this, Cassius stood up and walked straight up.

Cassius wore a cap on his head and a mask on his face to cover his face. His real face could not be seen clearly. The only thing that could be seen was his deep pupils.

"I need all kinds of rare materials, such as cypress oil and lapis lazuli. I will use the first-level extraordinary ritual to exchange for them!" Cassius said in a deep voice.

As he said that, he took out several items of different shapes from his body.

Two of them were fist-sized black stones, and the other two were translucent glass spheres. What was precious was not the specific value of these items, but the extraordinary rituals contained in them.

"Well? Are you sure?" Cassius' words immediately attracted many people, and many people showed interested expressions on their faces.

Although the materials Cassius needed were all quite precious and rare, there were still many channels to obtain them. In fact, they were not particularly precious. As long as one was a first-level extraordinary person, he could always get them by spending some time, money, and effort.

But the extraordinary rituals were different. The extraordinary rituals were extremely important in any force. They were generally controlled by the top leaders and would not be easily allowed to spread. Cassius's use of the first-level rituals in exchange for materials undoubtedly aroused the interest of the people present.

"Of course! I don't lack extraordinary rituals, but I don't know if you have the materials I need." Cassius said lightly: "If you do, I don't mind using extraordinary rituals to exchange for them."

Hearing Cassius say this, a woman wearing a red robe, a pointed hat and a pure white mask stood up immediately. She smiled and asked: "I have ten grams of cypress oil, twenty grams of lapis lazuli, ten grams of dragon wood, and a topaz vine. Can I exchange them for a few first-level rituals? Or do you have a first-level ritual suitable for me?"

After that, she put these things on the table and signaled Cassius to check at any time.

Cassius was not polite, and directly scanned with his eyes and mental power, carefully observing these materials.

First, there was cypress oil and lapis lazuli. He needed these things, but the amount was relatively small. After all, these two were only used as auxiliary materials, and the other two materials were also needed by him.

Cassius checked very quickly, and it took only more than ten seconds to check these things and confirm that the things were correct.

He looked up at the masked woman: "Dragon wood and topaz vine can be exchanged for a first-level ritual you need, and the same is true for cypress oil and lapis lazuli..."

Cassius paused and continued: "If you have other materials, you can take them out. I won't let you suffer."

The red-robed woman shook her head and said: "I only have these materials that meet your requirements. As for the price you said, I agree."

"I need a ritual that can enhance perception, and a ritual that can conceal my body and breath." The woman said.

"Okay." Cassius nodded and agreed. The rituals that the woman needed were some relatively rare and unconventional rituals. Others might not have them, but Cassius happened to know several of them.

After that, Cassius took out the two stones he had prepared in advance and began to carve the contents of the ritual inside the stone with his mental power.

The woman looked at Cassius in surprise, but she was not in a hurry. She also knew that Cassius could not be disturbed during this process, so she waited quietly.

At this time, the others also started to talk.

"Who is this guy? He is so powerful, carving the ritual on the spot? Isn't he afraid of failing and making a fool of himself?"

"What do you know? Maybe he hides his strength and is actually a second-level extraordinary person? The strength of this level of extraordinary person is beyond our imagination. This kind of thing should not be difficult for him."

"Tsk, looking at his posture, what you said is very likely..."

Cassius ignored the discussion of the people around him. He concentrated on carving the ritual, and every step was very skilled, as if he had done it thousands of times.

After a while, Cassius handed the two carved stones to the red-robed woman and said, "Okay, these are the two first-level extraordinary rituals you need. Please confirm if there are any problems."

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