Hearing this, Nara narrowed her beautiful eyes slightly, and after a while, she slowly said: "I was just worrying about how to speed up the search, but I didn't expect that the solution would be delivered to my door."

"Don't worry about the death of those two people, just report to the Special Affairs Bureau and the Municipal Police Department and say that two of our members are missing. We suspect that they were kidnapped by criminals, so we have to conduct a large-scale search in the city to find those two members."

"Ms. Nara, will they agree?" After listening to Nara's words, the man couldn't help but ask questions.

"What do you think?" When looking at the man, Nara's eyes suddenly became extremely sharp, and the man immediately lowered his head in fear: "I don't need their consent, I just need this excuse, this excuse is very reasonable, I believe that as long as the Special Affairs Bureau and Meng En don't want to go to war with us, they will not refuse this proposal, and the worst thing they can do is to remain silent."

Speaking of this, Nara suddenly paused, staring at Matthew, her eyes as sharp as a blade: "Matthew!"

"Yes! Lord Nara!" Matthew, who was suddenly called by Nara's name, suddenly felt a shock in his heart, and hurriedly answered respectfully.

Nora asked coldly: "This is my last chance for you. Complete the task I gave you. Don't let me down. Do you understand?"

Hearing this, Matthew nodded hurriedly: "Don't worry, Lady Nora, I will definitely complete the task you gave me."

"Remember, this matter is very important and there is no room for error. If you mess it up again..." At this point, Nora's face turned cold, and her cold eyes were filled with murderous intent: "By then, you don't have to come back."

After listening to Nora's threatening warning, Matthew's forehead suddenly broke out into a layer of fine beads of sweat, and he said repeatedly: "I know, please rest assured!"

Looking at Matthew, Nora nodded with satisfaction: "Well, go and get ready."

After the voice fell, Matthew hurriedly retreated.

Watching Matthew disappear in front of her, Nora put down her wine glass, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she said to herself: "Little baby, it seems that we will meet soon."


Sure enough, as Nora expected, when Matthew relayed Nora's words to the Special Affairs Bureau and the Municipal Police Department, although they were very angry about Nora's behavior, they did not choose to stand up and oppose it, but chose to turn a blind eye. After all, everyone knew that once a war broke out, it would not be good for them, so they would rather turn a deaf ear.

In this case, the people of the card organization began to search for Cassius's traces in the city of Latley, and began to use some quite extreme search methods.

In addition, the members of the card organization were either crazy or evil, and they would naturally cause a lot of trouble and conflicts in the process of searching, and even caused casualties.

In just one or two days, the city of Latley was in chaos because of the card organization, and the people were angry. Countless calls were made to the city police department, and some people even called the Mon En Police Department.

In this situation, the city police department naturally did not dare to continue to stand idly by, and sent police to maintain order and warn the card organization to try to stop the card organization from continuing to harm civilians.

Although the Special Affairs Bureau did not issue an order, most of the members took to the streets and participated in maintaining order on their own initiative, which stabilized the situation in Latley to a certain extent.

However, all this was just the beginning.

As time went on, the card organization did not find any trace of Cassius. Their patience was almost exhausted, and they began to become impatient. The search became more and more strict, the means became more and more extreme, and the crimes they committed became more and more serious.

Under such circumstances, the whole city was completely in panic. Every resident was in a state of panic, fearing that they would be affected. There were fewer and fewer pedestrians on the streets during the day. The few cars that occasionally passed by also drove away quickly. Except for some patrolling police officers, the streets were almost empty.

The development of the matter did not follow anyone's script. The development trajectory of the matter seemed to deviate from everyone's expectations and became extremely complicated.


At night, the night enveloped the earth. The originally lively night of Laitley seemed lonely and depressed at this time, like a dead city.

However, in this silent and dark night, many dangerous elements were quietly lurking.

The Laitley City Government was brightly lit at this time, and dozens of guards were guarding various important roads, and they were also equipped with guns and weapons.

In the city government building, in a conference room, there were five or six figures sitting here. Almost every figure was silent, frowning and smoking, making the entire conference room smoky, and the atmosphere was depressing and dull.

Suddenly, a deep and hoarse voice sounded: "We must change this situation! Extraordinary people should not interfere in the world of ordinary people like this. This is the law of grace!"

Hearing this, everyone in the conference room immediately raised their heads and looked at the man sitting in the first seat. They saw that the man sitting in the first seat was a middle-aged man about 40 years old. He was tall and burly, wearing a suit.

Hearing him speak, everyone sitting below looked at him with a solemn expression.

He is the mayor of Lightly City - Witt.

"I can't stand it anymore. My duty here is to manage this prosperous and beautiful city and make it more prosperous and beautiful, not to watch it being destroyed by some lunatics!" Witt took a deep puff of his cigarette.

He frowned and continued, "Those damn bastards are so rampant. They don't take us ordinary people seriously at all. And those damn cowards in the Special Affairs Bureau, I will impeach them severely to the President. They are condoning those lunatics to do whatever they want. They shame Meng En!"

Witt's angry roar resounded throughout the conference room, and his eyes were burning with flames.

"Mayor Witt, please control your emotions a little." At this time, the deputy mayor who had been silent all the time spoke to comfort him.

After listening to Witt's indignant words, the people below exchanged glances with each other, and then a middle-aged man slowly stood up.

When the middle-aged man raised his palm, the people in the conference room all looked over in unison, their eyes focused on the middle-aged man.

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