In the busy airport hall, two figures were constantly shuttling back and forth. One of them was a tall young woman wearing black sunglasses, while the other man was carrying a backpack, wearing a mask and a cap on his face, looking very mysterious.

These two people were Cassius and Alice.

When the two walked into the boarding room, Cassius suddenly raised his eyebrows. He felt a familiar breath and immediately looked in a certain direction.

Cassius caught a glimpse of a sturdy man with ordinary looks. The man was the type that could not be found in a crowd, but from the gleam in the man's eyes, it can be seen that this person is definitely not as simple as he looks on the surface.

"What? Did you find anything?" Alice noticed Cassius's abnormal reaction.

Cassius shook his head slightly: "Nothing, just saw an interesting person."

Then Cassius retracted his gaze and followed Alice into the boarding gate.

Although the man hid well, he had no way to hide in front of Cassius. If Cassius remembered correctly, the man should be a superhuman who had participated in the rally before, and Cassius had made a deal with him.

Although Alice was puzzled, she did not ask any more questions. If Cassius wanted to tell her, she would tell him without asking. If he didn't want to tell her, it would be useless for her to ask.

The two followed the flow of people onto the plane. Because the first class cabin was booked, they booked the economy class.

The two found their seats and sat down. Cassius picked up a magazine behind the seat and flipped through it, but his peripheral vision was secretly looking at the passengers around him. After some observation, Cassius also found several familiar figures.

For example, the thin young man in front of Cassius on the left gave Cassius a sense of déjà vu.

And the young man wearing sunglasses on the right also gave Cassius a strange feeling.

These people were all extraordinary people who had participated in the rally before. They also planned to leave by plane. It seemed that the card organization put too much pressure on them.

Cassius thought secretly, then put down the magazine, leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes, ready to rest for a while.


The next journey was very peaceful. Except for occasionally hearing the clear and sweet voice of the stewardess, nothing special happened until the plane landed.

Cassius opened his eyes, stood up and stretched his body.

Alice also stood up: "Finally arrived at the At Federation."

The destination they chose was Savannah, which is a port and tourist city in the federal state of Georgia. Savannah has a long history and has long become a major port in the federation.

Savannah is also the economic center, tourist center and education center of southeastern Georgia and southern South Carolina. It is a famous cotton and tobacco export port in the federation. Every year, millions of tourists come to Savannah to visit its unique urban architecture and historical district style.

"This is Savannah! So lively." The moment the two stepped out of the airport, they immediately felt a strong natural atmosphere. Cassius looked up at the sky and saw a golden sun shining through the blue sky, dyeing the whole sky into a brilliant golden color.

"Well! The weather here is quite comfortable." Cassius took a deep breath.

After the two walked out of the airport, they stopped a taxi on the side of the road.

"Where are you going, please?" The driver was a chubby middle-aged man with a smile.

"Please go to the vicinity of the Adriatic Hotel." Cassius reported the address of a hotel, which is a five-star hotel.

The taxi driver smiled even more when he heard this, and quickly started the accelerator and drove towards the destination.

Cassius and Alice sat in the taxi, looking at the rapidly flashing street scenes outside the window, feeling the natural atmosphere blowing in their faces, and they couldn't help but feel refreshed.

"This city is so beautiful." Alice couldn't help but sigh. Her eyes couldn't help but move to the car window. She saw the busy traffic outside. The endless stream of cars was speeding on the wide and straight road. In the distance, tall buildings stood tall. Everything seemed in order.

"It's really beautiful." Cassius nodded and said, "It's worthy of being a famous port city in the Federation. Looking at these prosperous street scenes, people can always forget the so-called depression and fatigue."

The taxi driver laughed and said, "Sir, you are right. Savannah not only has many delicious foods, but also the residents here are very happy. This is a city full of hope. You will definitely like it here."

Cassius smiled faintly: "I hope so."

The car continued to speed along the road. About half an hour later, the taxi stopped.

"We are at the Yadli Hotel!" The taxi driver said. After Cassius paid, he opened the door and walked down, and Alice followed closely.

The exterior design of the Yadli Hotel is very unique. Its top is conical, and with the white glass, the overall shape is like a dazzling diamond, which is eye-catching.

Cassius and Alice walked into the hotel and walked towards the front desk. When he saw a figure at the front desk, his steps could not help but pause slightly, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he walked over as if nothing had happened.

At the hotel front desk, a young man was chatting with the receptionist at the front desk. This man was the man whose identity was discovered by Cassius on the plane.

"Hello, sir, do you have an appointment?" A front desk staff member asked with a smile. Her voice was soft and her face was pretty, which looked very pleasing to the eye.

Cassius smiled and nodded: "Yes, my name is Cassius, and I have booked a room online."

"It turned out to be Mr. Cassius. Please wait a moment, I will help you check." The staff nodded politely, turned around and started to operate.

After a while, the staff raised his head: "Mr. Cassius, this is the key to your room, do you need someone to take you up?"

"Thank you, we can go up by ourselves." Cassius waved his hand, and then took Alice to the elevator.

Cassius' room is on the sixth floor of the hotel. Cassius and Alice walked into the elevator and pressed the button for the sixth floor.


The elevator arrived at the sixth floor and slowly opened.

Cassius took the lead and walked out.

Suddenly, a girl in a white dress ran over and almost bumped into Cassius's arms, but Cassius reacted quickly and dodged.

Seeing this, the girl bowed to Cassius in a panic and apologized, then whispered: "Sorry, sir, I was reckless."

Her voice was clear and pleasant, like a bell ringing.

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