Wizard: I can extract identities

Chapter 343: Fight to the Death

"Looking for death!" Anthony growled, took a step forward, and rushed to Gray in front of him. His fist as big as a casserole hit Gray's chest without hesitation.

Anthony's right arm muscles bulged, like reinforced concrete, full of terrifying destructive power.

Gray tapped the ground lightly with his toes, moved half an inch to the right to dodge the attack, and then turned defense into offense, and his right leg turned into a whip to lash Anthony's waist.

Anthony showed a grim smile on his face, and his palm tightly grasped Gray's kicking right leg like an iron clamp, and pulled Gray towards him with force. Then, he raised his left knee and hit Gray's lower abdomen hard.

Gray's face changed slightly, and he wanted to break free but couldn't do it. He could only put his hands together and block in front of his abdomen to resist this knee strike.

"Bang!" With a dull sound, Anthony's knee hit Gray's arm. The huge impact force made Gray's body retreat backwards, and he retreated five or six steps before barely stopping. It can be seen how powerful this knee strike was.

Without waiting for Gray to recover, Anthony rushed over again, swinging his huge fist and hitting Gray's head with an extremely fierce force.

Gray didn't care about the pain in his arm, and suddenly raised his leg and took a step forward, then stomped his right foot on the floor, and the whole ring trembled. Then Gray's body bounced up instantly and flew towards Anthony like a cannonball.

The two of them collided in the blink of an eye.

Gray's eyes flashed, and a cold arc appeared at the corners of his mouth. He suddenly exerted force with his right foot, pressed down his center of gravity, and punched Anthony's shoulder.

At the same time, Anthony's fist also fell on Gray.

Both of them are close combat masters, so there are no fancy moves. They directly use the most primitive and brutal close combat skills to fight.

"Bang bang..."

The fists, knees and elbows of the two people collided wildly, making a creepy tearing sound and the sound of broken bones. Gray's shoulder blade was hit and collapsed, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Anthony was not much better, with two broken ribs, severe chest injuries, and heavy breathing, but he did not stop there, but attacked more fiercely.

Both of them were like tigers with red eyes, staring at each other, and would pounce on the enemy once they relaxed.

Gray gritted his teeth, his eyes were red, and his eyeballs were almost popping out. The veins on his forehead bulged, showing his inner anger.

Anthony was extremely calm, with a calm expression. Although he had several broken ribs, he still had no intention of stopping.

The two fought more and more fiercely, and it was completely a posture of fighting to the death.

The audience around was excited and screamed excitedly, wishing they were the two guys on the ring and participated in this life-and-death fight.

Anthony and Gray's bodies shook at the same time, and each retreated two or three meters, standing still, looking at each other, with cold eyes, no one spoke, the atmosphere became unusually solemn, and the air seemed to have dropped to freezing point.

At this time, both of them were panting, sweating all over, their clothes were already soaked, their faces were pale, and their lips were dry, obviously very exhausted.

However, their eyes were still as sharp as lightning, staring at each other, just like two sharp blades rubbing against each other, sparks flying, and murderous intent was strong.

"Gray, you are quite strong, and you can fight me to this extent, you are proud enough. But today you must die!" Anthony said hoarsely.

His words were extremely simple and clear, trying to attack Gray with words.

"Humph, you are not bad, you are worthy of being the dark horse of the underground boxing match, but soon your dark horse will become a dead horse!" Gray sneered and replied, with a slightly sarcastic voice.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, and then roared again and rushed towards each other.

For a while, the two of them fought back and forth, and a fierce fight was performed on the ring.



"Ah!!" Gray stumbled and fell to the ground. Three ribs on his chest were broken. The pain was unbearable. His mouth opened and a large mouthful of blood gushed out of his mouth, staining the ring ground red.

Gray turned over and climbed up with difficulty. He stretched out his right hand to cover the wound on his chest. While coughing, he stared at Anthony fiercely: "Damn it, I'm going to kill you!"

Anthony grinned and sneered. His right arm was also broken by Gray's punch. Now it was limp and hanging down, but Anthony didn't care. He didn't give Gray too much breathing opportunity. He slowly approached Gray.

Anthony kicked Gray in the chest, but Gray was in a very bad state at the moment. He had a sharp pain in his chest. The broken ribs pierced the flesh near his heart. Every time he breathed, his chest was involved, making him feel difficult to breathe and his body shaking.

Seeing Anthony kicking, Gray gritted his teeth and dodged to the side to avoid Anthony's attack, but this gave Anthony a chance.

Anthony leaned forward, raised his right knee, and hit Gray's chest like a cannonball.

Gray instinctively raised his arms to protect his chest and resisted Anthony's knee.


With a crisp sound, Gray's arm was twisted and deformed, his body lost balance, and he fell to the ground. The violent movement affected the injury on his chest, and his throat rolled, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Gray, die!" Anthony's eyes were filled with bloodthirsty murderous intent. He suddenly elbowed Gray in the chest. The force of this elbow was so great that Gray leaned back and blood flowed from his mouth.

Gray's face was distorted by pain. His chest had sunken down, and the organs in his chest were seriously damaged. At this time, Gray had completely lost his fighting ability and lay on the ground, dying.

Gray's breathing was gradually weakening at this time. He knew that he could not hold on for much longer.

"I give up, I... I give up!" Gray shouted his surrender out of the desire to survive.

"Too late!" Anthony laughed grimly, and the whole person jumped up. When he was in the air, he used Gray's chest as the landing point, and his left knee hit Gray's chest with the force of a mountain.

Anthony's movements were not fast. Gray's pupils shrank suddenly. He wanted to dodge but was powerless to dodge. He could only watch his chest meet Anthony's attack.


A clear sound of fracture rang out, Gray's sternum shattered on the spot, and a piece of his chest collapsed, which looked shocking.

Anthony's impact was very fierce, and Gray felt as if his chest was hit by a truck. He opened his eyes, his pupils dilated, and his eyes were full of unwillingness. He never thought that he would die like this.

"Puff!" A stream of warm liquid gushed out of Gray's mouth, and then his eyes gradually dimmed, his world became dark, and his consciousness completely sank at this moment.

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