While Elkes was still looking at Buji's body and preparing to dig out some useful clues from the body.

"Crack!" With the slight sound of shoes crushing leaves, a figure appeared behind Elks.

When Elkes heard the sound, he immediately turned his head. After seeing the figure, his face immediately turned gloomy. He subconsciously put his hand on the gun at his waist and asked at the same time: "Who are you? This place has been blocked. Get up, no trespassing.”

The person was dressed in black, with a peaked cap and a mask covering most of his face. He ignored Elks's words and walked forward.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!" Elks was very unhappy when he saw that he was being ignored. He shouted again, then took out the gun on his waist and pointed it at the man and said: "You stop and don't move! Otherwise I will Shot!"

The visitor still did not stop, but kept walking forward.

Seeing this, Alex pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Bang!" The gunshot sounded, and the bullet flew away, but what Elks didn't expect was that the bullet hit the air directly in front of the person! It seemed to be stuck in place due to invisible resistance.

Seeing this, Elkes opened his eyes sharply and exclaimed: "How is that possible?"

However, what shocked him even more was what came next. He saw the person slowly raising his right hand and grabbing the bullet that Elkes had just shot. Then, he squeezed it hard and the bullet instantly turned into powder and fell from the person's hand. Come down.

Elkes looked at the scene in front of him dumbfounded, not knowing what to do at all.

The visitor ignored Elkes and continued to walk forward. After Elkes regained consciousness, he followed closely.

"Hey...wait a minute! What on earth do you want to do?"

"Let me tell you, we are the police. If you break into a blocked scene at will, even if you are a transcendent, you will still be held legally responsible!" Elks knew the man's strength and gave up the idea of ​​continuing to shoot. .

After all, the other party didn't take action against him after he fired, so he obviously had no malicious intent.

However, his answer was always silence.

The man seemed not to take Elkes seriously at all, and continued walking forward, finally coming to Buji's body.

When the man stood still and took off his hat and mask, the appearance he revealed shocked Elks so much that he even thought he had encountered a ghost.

Because at this time, the man's facial muscles were stiff, his eyes were lifeless and dull, even his lips were pale, and his skin was covered with veins, making him look like a dead person.

"Hiss..." Elkes took a deep breath, swallowed his saliva and said, "Let me tell you, although I can't beat you, there is a police station behind me, so you must not mess around."

The visitor ignored Elkes and stretched out his left hand to press Buji's forehead.

The moment the visitor's palm touched Buji's forehead, a blood-red light emerged from Buji's forehead, flowed out from the visitor's fingers, gathered on the visitor's palm, and finally condensed into the shape of a ring. .

This ring was made entirely of blood, with strange patterns engraved on it, and most importantly, the surface of the ring was covered with cracks, as if it was about to break.

Elks stared blankly at everything that happened suddenly, completely confused as to what was going on.

After the visitor put away the ring, he stretched out his hand and tapped Buji's chest a few times, then turned and left. During the whole process, the man did not say a word.

After the man left, Elks came back to his senses. He quickly ran to Buji, squatted down and inspected Buji's body.

After discovering that Buji had no other problems except that his body was getting colder, he breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, he was puzzled. What just happened was so weird, completely subverting his previous understanding.

"Could it be... that he killed Buji and is now here to clean up the traces?" A ridiculous idea suddenly appeared in Elkes' mind, but he immediately shook his head, thinking it was unlikely.

"Let's report it first, let the people above worry about this kind of thing." Elks sighed.


In a remote park, the visitor slowly walked into the depths of the park.

When the visitor stepped into the depths of the park, the surrounding trees began to tremble, and the leaves rustled like grass blown by the wind. Every time the visitor took a step, the surrounding trees shook violently.

Soon, the visitor stopped in front of a huge rock.

This huge boulder is several meters high and surrounded by weeds. It looks extremely ordinary. However, a figure stood in front of the boulder.

This figure was wrapped in a pitch-black robe, and the only exposed scarlet eyes revealed a trace of bloodthirsty.

The person who came raised his hand and took off the hood on his head. It was the man who touched Buji's body before.

"Did you get the stuff?" the man in black robe muttered to himself, his voice hoarse and harsh, like metal friction.

"Well..." the man responded. He stretched out a hand and took out the red ring, holding it carefully in his hand.

"Very good, you have done a good job in this matter. I will definitely do what I promised you. I will take this thing away first." The man in black robe reached out and grabbed the ring, and then turned to leave.

"Wait a minute." At this time, the man suddenly called to the man in black robe.

"What's the matter?" The man in black robe turned back to look at the visitor and said, his scarlet eyes flashing a dangerous signal.

The man stared at the man in black robe and said, "I have a request. I hope you can help me."

Hearing this, the man in black robe raised his brows, a fierce look flashed across his scarlet eyes, and said coldly: "Say."

"I need you to help me kill the person who killed my brother!" The man said through gritted teeth: "He killed my only relative, and I will never spare him!"

Without waiting for the man in black robe to answer, the man continued: "That person is the one who killed the police special agent. You must have a way to find him. As long as you can help me kill him, I will work for you wholeheartedly from now on!"

The man's words made the man in black robe fall into deep thought. After a moment, he nodded slowly and said, "No problem, I will kill him myself. No matter where he hides, I will kill him."

After that, the man in black robe turned and left, heading out of the park.


At the same time, on the other side, Elks had arrived at the police station.

Arriving at the police station, Elks immediately reported the incident and told the police chief the details of the previous incident.

After listening to Elks's account, the director pondered: "You don't need to worry about Buji's death. Someone will handle it."

Elks nodded and said, "I understand."

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