Wizard: I can extract identities

Chapter 382: Advancement to Level 3

When the black mist entered the body, Cassius's face changed slightly, and he felt a cold sensation all over his body.

It spread to his limbs and bones in his body, making his whole body feel like he was immersed in cold water, torturing his body.

He gritted his teeth, trying to stop the unknown cold, but the feeling was too overbearing and could not be dispelled.

"What the hell is this!" Cassius felt numb all over, and his whole body was stiff, unable to move.

But this feeling disappeared in the next second, as if it had never appeared.

If the feeling just now wasn't so real, he might have thought he was hallucinating.

Just when Cassius was stunned, the black shadow would not give him a chance to react. It quickly rushed towards Cassius.

Cassius woke up immediately, and then punched the black shadow.

Unfortunately, the black shadow was very flexible, and it seemed to be aware of Cassius's threat to it. It actually avoided Cassius' attack and then attacked Cassius's head.

Cassius's pupils shrank suddenly, because the black shadow moved extremely fast, like lightning, and approached Cassius's face almost instantly, less than half a meter away from the bridge of his nose.

Cassius didn't have extra time to think. He dodged sideways, but was still hit by the black shadow on his left arm, and his entire arm suddenly became numb.

"Damn it!" Cassius yelled angrily, then turned around and attacked the black shadow again.

But this time the black shadow did not face him directly like before, but quickly retreated.

"What's going on?" Cassius frowned. Although he was confused, his movements were not slow at all, and he directly caught up with the black shadow and continued to attack.

This black shadow seems to be a little afraid of Cassius's attack, so every time Cassius attacks, it will choose to dodge, and then wait for the opportunity.

Although Cassius was able to move freely in mid-air for some unknown reason, his speed was still greatly restricted and he was completely unable to keep up with the speed of the shadow.

"What the hell is this thing!" Cassius was extremely annoyed, but at this time he had nothing to do. The speed of this black shadow was too fast.

Suddenly, the black shadow stopped. It stood aside and looked at Cassius quietly, with a strange black light in its eyes.

But the moment it stopped, Cassius didn't care so much. He punched out directly and hit the black shadow on the head.

But at this critical moment, the black shadow suddenly disappeared from the place. When it reappeared, it was already behind Cassius, opened its mouth and bit Cassius's neck fiercely.

Cassius had been prepared for a long time. When the black shadow approached, he made a fist with his other hand and hit the black shadow hard.

With a loud "bang", the black shadow was caught off guard and was blown away by Cassius's punch, turning into black mist.

At the same time, a wisp of black mist sank from his shadow into Cassius's body, but this time, the previous cold feeling completely disappeared.

Without the hindrance of the cold feeling, and with the anticipation of what happened before, Cassius did not give up. He did not give the black mist a chance to gather, and kept waving his hands to attack the black mist.

That large group of black mist kept surging under Cassius's crazy attacks, trying to condense but failing.

Under Cassius's constant punches, the large black mist gradually faded and finally dissipated completely, while Cassius was sweating profusely. It was obvious that this battle was not easy for him.

After the black mist was completely dispersed by Cassius, Cassius did not relax his vigilance, but instead focused on his surroundings.

But the next second, the surrounding scenery changed and he reappeared in the small pavilion.

"Huh!" Cassius took two deep breaths. The next thing he had to do was to fuse the symbols of the three second-level rituals and gather them into one symbol.

Cassius closed his eyes and entered his own spiritual space.

In his mental space, there are three symbols. The three symbols are constantly twisting and changing, but the general appearance can be vaguely distinguished.

These are exactly the symbols of the three second-order rituals.

Cassius slowly used his mental power to control one of the second-level symbols.

With the control of Cassius's mental power, the second-level ritual immediately trembled, and finally, under Cassius's mental power, slowly moved towards the second symbol.

The moment these two symbols collided, Cassius felt as if his mental space had been detonated, and a sharp pain spread throughout his body.

Cassius gritted his teeth. He endured the pain in his body and continued to manipulate the fusion of the two second-order symbols. His forehead was already covered with dense beads of sweat.

The two second-order symbols merged more and more smoothly, eventually forming one symbol.

Then, the symbol emitted a soft light, and then Cassius controlled the fused symbol to move towards the first symbol.

Soon, the two symbols were spinning around each other.

In this process, a strange connection was created between the two, and then the two symbols slowly merged.

Cassius held his breath. He knew he was about to succeed. He could even see what the third-order symbol looked like.

But at this moment, the two merging symbols suddenly shook, and then seemed to disperse.

Cassius was startled and quickly mobilized his mental power to bind them, allowing the two symbols to continue to merge.

I don’t know how long it took, when the two second-order symbols merged perfectly together, Cassius’ body shook violently, and then a huge force was transmitted from the new symbol.

Then Cassius opened his eyes, his eyes flashing with excitement, the third-order ritual has been completed!

"Finally succeeded." Cassius breathed a sigh of relief, and then a strong momentum spread out from Cassius’ body and swept around.

The insects and birds around were trembling with fear, and even many timid ones had fainted.

However, as Cassius restrained his momentum, the strong breath disappeared immediately.

Then, a strong energy appeared out of thin air from Cassius’ body. Under the nourishment of this energy, Cassius’ physical fitness improved rapidly, and his muscles, bones, internal organs, blood and even hair became more resilient.

A few minutes later.

Cassius felt the endless powerful power in his body, and he smiled and stretched out his right hand and clenched his fist.

This powerful feeling delighted Cassius. He felt the powerful force in his body and even urgently needed to find someone to test it. Unfortunately, there was nothing else nearby except the insects and birds that had fainted just now.

Cassius sighed and controlled his emotions.

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