Wizard: I can extract identities

Chapter 79 Siege (Please read and vote)

Under the temptation of the gold coins, the soldiers were like chicken blood, and they attacked Edwin crazily regardless.

Edwin also felt that the pressure had doubled. He never expected that this group of ant-like soldiers would bring so much pressure to him. They were like moths that were not afraid of death, moving towards him like a ball of fire. Come.

Every time Edwin takes action, several soldiers will die, but other soldiers will step on the bodies of their companions and continue to rush over.

"Are these people lunatics?" Edwin's expression became increasingly grim when he saw these soldiers who were not afraid of death. Although these soldiers could not harm him for the time being, they could consume his mental power and mana.

What's more, there are He-Man and Tolikun nearby who are constantly releasing witchcraft to interfere with him, making Edwin tired of dealing with it.

Several soldiers raised their shields and rushed towards Edwin quickly. As they rushed, they shouted to cheer themselves up: "Kill him! Kill him!"


Several weapons hit the transparent shield on Edwin's body hard with a whistling sound, making a dull sound before being bounced away. Apart from making the shield ripple and become more transparent, it has no effect at all.

Immediately afterwards, Edwin controlled the staff and swung it towards the soldiers. The staff drew a perfect arc in the air, and then hit the soldiers hard.

"Bang, bang..."

Several soldiers screamed, vomiting blood and flew backwards. The sternums of these soldiers were all cracked, and blood spread all over the ground, exuding a strong smell of blood.

Then, Edwin turned his head and looked at Heman and Tolikun, his eyes flashing with strong anger: "You two bugs who hide behind mortals and attack! If you have the ability, fight me head-on. You behave like this To disgrace a wizard is a disgrace among wizards!”

Listening to Edwin's words, Seaman didn't take it seriously. He was not a fool. How could he be angered by Edwin's few words and then go up to fight him head-on? He only regarded Edwin's words as success or failure. The barking of dogs.

Seaman and Tolikun exchanged a look with each other, with a slight sneer at the corners of their mouths: "There is so much nonsense. It seems that the pressure we put on you is not enough. You still have time to talk about this nonsense. In this case, we don't mind. Put a little more pressure on you.”

After saying that, Himana looked at Danny and Kyliad.

The two immediately understood what Seaman meant and knew that they could no longer paddle. Immediately, the life energy in their bodies suddenly burst out, and their bodies expanded suddenly.

The two of them bent their legs and stamped hard on the ground, and their bodies turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Edwin instantly.

There are soldiers taking Edwin's attack from the front for Danny and the two, and He-Man and Tolikun are helping to contain the interference. The danger of the two of them is still very low. What they have to do now is to attack Edwin from the side. Win, looking for an opportunity to kill Edwin.

"Damn ants, you are so naive! Do you think you can kill me like this?" Sensing the intentions of Kyliad and Danny, Edwin knew that his operation had failed. Rather than stay in vain, Here we are waiting to be surrounded and killed, so we might as well leave as soon as possible.

Edwin's footsteps swayed continuously, he quickly took a few steps back to widen the distance between the two sides, and then quickly used his remaining mental power to construct a witchcraft.

Immediately afterwards, a strong airflow appeared in front of Edwin out of thin air. The airflow swept in all directions, blowing the soldiers approaching around him to stagger, and even some weaker soldiers were directly thrown away.

And Edwin, driven by this air current, was about to escape quickly into the distance.

But just as Edwin's body was rising, a sense of crisis suddenly rose from the bottom of his heart, making the hairs on Edwin's body stand on end.

I saw thorns suddenly appearing around Edwin. These thorns shot at Edwin from all directions, blocking all his escape routes. If Edwin continued to run away, he would run directly into these thorns.

Immediately afterwards, the thorns closed suddenly, trying to trap Edwin inside.

It turned out that Albert didn't know when he quietly lurked behind Edwin, looking for opportunities. The reason why he was not on the frontal battlefield was because he wanted to catch Edwin off guard with the thorn badge in his hand.

Edwin reacted extremely quickly, and instantly stopped his thoughts of escaping, and fell towards the ground. This action allowed him to avoid the attack of thorns, but also caused Edwin to be surrounded by soldiers again.

At the same time, the thorns activated by He-Man also enveloped Edwin and kept shrinking, seemingly intending to strangle Edwin alive inside.

Danny and Kyriad did not let go of this golden opportunity. They used their life energy to unleash their strongest blows, trying to cause fatal damage to Edwin.

Even Toli Kun had a ferocious smile on his face. He exhausted most of his mental energy and released the most powerful basic witchcraft he had mastered: "Wind Blade!"

A meter long, extremely sharp cyan wind blade appeared in front of Tolikun, and then rushed towards Edwin. Wherever the wind blade passed, the vegetation was cut open. Obviously, this wind blade of great power.

In this case, Edwin had nowhere to escape.


There was a deafening explosion and dust flew up.

Everyone quickly closed their nostrils and raised their hands to cover their eyes. After the dust dispersed, everyone slowly opened their eyes and looked in the direction of the explosion.

The place where Edwin stood was already in a mess. The small area had been flattened, and the ground was full of pits and potholes filled with pieces of meat and clothes.

Edwin didn't even have a body left.

Seeing this scene, Ximan and others couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Edwin was finally dead.

Ximan walked over and looked for Edwin's belongings. At the same time, the soldiers began to clean up the battlefield and collect the bodies of their companions.

Albert and his men were not idle either, and went to deal with the bodies of the black-horned scaled cattle.

An hour later, a group of people dragged their tired bodies out of the forest and walked towards Sears City.

In this operation, Ximan and his men achieved their goal, but they also suffered heavy losses. They lost a total of more than 70 soldiers, of which more than 50 were killed by Edwin.

This was still the case with Ximan and Torikun holding them back. If it weren't for the two of them, Edwin could easily kill all the soldiers, including Danny and Kyriad.

This shows the power of wizards!

Fortunately, only some soldiers died, and the loss was within the acceptable range for Ximan and others.

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