Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

【108】The Stimulating Consequences Of Holding The Polaris Hand (For Subscription)

The wizards passing by, although they didn't dare to look at the Polaris, even talked with each other very cautiously.

But the strength of Polaris is far superior to them, and they have already heard everything clearly.

There is no slight change on the face, and the eyes are still indifferent.

It seemed that these voices were just air to her.

In fact, it is true.

She has seen too much, experienced too many such things.

I have long been calm about favor and disgrace, and will not let my emotions fluctuate because of these trivial matters.

Only the things she really cares about, she cares about responding to.

Every extreme wizard apprentice has his own unique psychology.

And Polaris, that is to say, one is the same, and things that are determined will never be changed.

And the better Angelet is meeting here tonight, then she'll be here waiting.

Of course, if the agreed time is exceeded, she will turn around and leave without wasting any time.

The wizards around are all afraid of the North Star, and even some wizards who originally wanted to enter the Night Wizard Tavern were embarrassed by this influence and dared not go in again

The service wizard behind the door also had cold sweat on his forehead, and he felt something was wrong.

Originally, after facing Polaris a few times, she thought that Polaris was still a very easy person to get along with.

It's not as scary as rumored.

But now, she clearly found that she was wrong, and it was very wrong.

That's because there was another wizard, so she didn't feel the horror of North Pole 617.

This also allowed the service wizard to confirm that perhaps the newborn wizard was really Polaris' partner, otherwise how could it be possible to make Polaris restrain his aura.

On the contrary, it seems that some humans and animals are harmless.

Now there is no newborn wizard, only Polaris exists, and the group can feel the horror of Polaris.

The invisible pressure entangled everyone in the night wizard tavern.

The many figures who have already dealt with the matter and want to leave, after feeling the terrifying aura of Polaris and the standing figure, also have nervous expressions on their faces, extremely cramped, and even dare not go out.

It's obviously not going to work like this.

But no one dared to go out and take this head.

As for serving the wizard himself, he did not dare to make any unexpected moves.

She didn't want to die yet, she was afraid of death.

Before that, the wizards of the Zijinhua family came to an end, and I recalled it again, in the minds of many figures in the tavern.

This state lasted for an unknown amount of time. When all the wizards were physically and mentally exhausted, the wind chimes entering the door rang.

All eyes subconsciously looked at the past.

It was a young man wearing a black vest and a casual white shirt. On his handsome face, there was a bit of surprise because of the gathering of many eyes.

Angelet was indeed very surprised, what happened.

Why are these people looking at him strangely?

Do you have flowers on your face?

Polaris also slowly walked in from behind me, Angelet.

It made many eyes on the scene tremble for a while, and after just a glance, they quickly withdrew their eyes.

It was as if he had seen some scourge.

Angelet's eyes moved slightly, as if he understood something.

Then, I felt a lot of grateful eyes gathered on me.

Many wizards in the tavern were eager to move, wanting to leave from the door, thinking that they had no longer felt the terrifying aura of Polaris.

But because of Angelet and Polaris, they were still standing around the door.

These people stood up and sat down subconsciously.

A subtle smile appeared on the corner of Angelet's mouth.

Then, he said directly to the service wizard who looked a little dazed:

"It's still the old rules, I think you should understand, serve wizards."

The service wizard hurriedly nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

It was still in the room they stayed in last time, and the warm lights shone on the faces of the two of them, with a bit of ruddy.

It is winter now, and although the sun shines from time to time, the temperature is also very cold.

There is also a slight heating in the room, filling it.

Accompanied by the floral fragrance emitted by extraordinary plants, it can be described as very warm.

Two glasses of today's special drinks were placed in front of the two of them.

The atmosphere in the room was a bit strange, because the two of them didn't speak when they sat down.

Instead, they looked at each other, and their eyes also looked at each other.

Angelet had a slight smile on his face, and there was unknown and mysterious in his eyes, as if he wanted people to explore.

After all, Polaris couldn't keep looking at Angelet, and subconsciously set his eyes on the drink cup in front of him. Under the warm light, his cheeks seemed a little more rosy

A hand suddenly came into Polaris' line of sight and tore off the seal on the drink that belonged to her.

Then, holding a spoon again, he filled a few spoonfuls of the condiments (aefh) placed next to him into the drink, and then stirred.

Polaris had a dazed expression on his face, and his eyes widened slightly, looking dumbfounded, watching the movements of this slender, fair hand.

I also felt a little strange and surprised in my heart, why would he know what kind of taste he likes.

Every seasoning used is correct, even the amount is not the slightest mistake.

With the stirring of the spoon, the aroma of milk has gradually emanated from the drink, which also slightly accelerated Polaris' mood.

A psychology that strikes Polaris as very strange.

It seems that because of the location where the condiments were placed, Angelet stood up directly, and then started to operate with both hands.

He skillfully put all kinds of condiments into Polaris' drink according to the corresponding order and speed.

Then he stirred frequently, and when he subconsciously looked towards Polaris, he met a pair of strange brown eyes.

Then, the brown eyes blinked, and then moved away quickly.

Angelet looked at Polaris with his head down, and couldn't help but chuckled.

"Okay! Drink!"

Polaris, who lowered his head slightly and let his head go empty, heard a voice ringing in his ears.

Then, there was the flavored drink pushed by that slender white hand.

Polaris held the drink with both hands, as if to keep warm.

Still didn't hold back and asked curiously: "How do you know what flavor I like..."

And for a woman, curiosity is the deadliest thing.

Angelet froze for a moment, then touched his chin and said, "I feel... I feel that you like this taste..."

Polaris was also taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously said: "Can the feeling be so accurate...

Then he picked up the drink directly and took a sip slowly.

Angelet moved her nose, and smiled inexplicably: "Maybe, maybe.

In the fundus of the eyes, a light golden stream of light flashed past.

Under this pair of eyes, it is of course accurate.

A few minutes passed slowly, and the two of them didn't speak, they just drank drinks with each other.

The atmosphere gradually became strange again.

Finally, it was Polaris who couldn't help but said again: "I have already brought all the experimental data of the elemental wizard that you asked me to bring, and now I will bring it to you!"

Then, he stretched out his hand.

However, another slender white hand held hers directly.

This kind of contact allows both parties to feel the temperature of each other.

Polaris is icy.

And Angelet's hand was full of warmth.

next moment!

Terrifying energy particle fluctuations erupted directly from Polaris' hand, which seemed to be a subconscious reaction.

But judging from the expression on Polaris' face, it is also full of strange things.

It was a little bit of rosy anger.

Polaris' pupils dilated slightly, as if he remembered that Angelet was just a wizard in the House of Commons.

It looked like he had just entered the Lower Court.

Such an outbreak is absolutely fatal.

chi chi!

Black and purple energy particles surged out shockingly, and rushed directly towards Angelet.

It was too late for Polaris to take it back, and there was a little more panic and worry in his eyes.

other side!

will die!

Angelet will die.......

What should I do………………

【PS: Explosive update start, ask for subscription, ask for flowers, ask for monthly pass, ask for data, ask for everything! Do it!】.

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