Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

【110】Successful Mixed Poison Battle Body, Promoted To Extreme Wizard Apprentice! (Seeking Subscripti

In the lounge, Angelet looked at the hazy snowy night outside the window, followed the thoughts in his heart, and started today's random check-in.

There is light shining in the void in front of him, and it presents a rhythm in the state of frequency, as if an unprecedented quality reward is about to appear.

Angelet stared slightly.

The light reflected on his face, and finally the light turned into a bright and solid red.

It was extremely shocking, but it also made the expression on Angelet's face excited.

It has been a long, long time since there has been a red quality.

Today is indeed his lucky day.

Angelet began to look forward to what would appear in the red quality reward this time.

The red light began to ripple like a vortex.

Then a pair of pictures appeared...

It was a tall tower in the middle of the chaotic starry sky. It was impossible to observe how high it was, but it could only vaguely feel that it was full of endless charm...

The overall appearance of the tower is black, and as Angelet pays attention, the picture begins to shrink continuously, and finally enters the interior of the tower.

All kinds of grotesque creatures, exuding an aura that Angelet couldn't figure out, were walking back and forth in the buildings inside the tower and the streets.

This is amazing, because these creatures are obviously from different races, different cultures.

Even Angelet saw that there were many human races.

It may be similar, but there is no doubt that the dress, and cultural style is similar to human beings.

Angelet still couldn't see through the aura on his body, and he couldn't see the faces of the "470" creatures in these towers.

Angelet could probably only see a blurry figure on the screen.

Soon, the images zoomed in again, and Angelet saw more layers of the tower.

There are a large number of creatures on each floor, and they are all extraordinary existences, and the buildings are different, which seem to have different functions and differences in status.

Then there was another turning point in the picture, this time, the deeper interior of the black tower was highlighted.

That is a unique world transmission device, which can be transmitted to different worlds. The black tower seems to manage the order and safety of these worlds.

All of them were dressed in pure black uniforms, and their faces were also blurred, making it impossible to see the real situation of these figures clearly.

Finally, all the pictures gradually turned into nothingness,

Only the incomparably bright red light reflected in Angelet's pupils.

Then it burned into the depths of Angelet's soul.

[Reminder: If you successfully sign in randomly today, you will get the (red quality) reward: the status of 'Black Tower Employee Position-Team Leader'. 】

[Content: The Black Tower is an extremely mysterious organization that manages the world within the Black Tower world community, is responsible for maintaining the order of the world itself, and solving some violators...]

[Details: The host has obtained the position of Black Tower employee-group leader, and can lead a group of Black Tower employees. As a small leader, you must have sufficient strength to convince the crowd.

Due to the lack of strength of the current host, this position cannot be assumed for the time being. You need to wait until the host is promoted to the second-level wizard before you can go to the black tower to take up the position...]

Angelet looked a little shocked. If the above content is true, then the meaning of this black tower is extremely terrifying.

An existence above the vast world.

As the employee team leader, he naturally has some authority of this force and can do a lot of things.

This is definitely a huge opportunity.

It has surpassed the meaning of a single world.

Even in the ancient times of the wizarding world, the ancient great wizards expedition to the starry sky and conquered one world after another, that's all.

At least it is also a force that is equal to the wizarding world.

Angelet looked shocked, looking at the snowflakes falling outside, the expression on his face was gradually recovering, suppressing the ups and downs in his heart.

You have to be at least a second-level wizard before you can go to the Black Tower, but there is no need to worry.

Qualifications have been confirmed in the depths of my soul.

It belongs to him, even Yongyuan can't escape.

The light dispelled the darkness, and the time gradually came to daylight.

But the snow still didn't stop. Instead, it covered the entire dark place with a thick layer of snow.

Looking around, it looks like a country of snow, very strange and beautiful.

At this time, Angelet naturally didn't have the extra time to appreciate the beautiful scenery in the snow.

His current state has reached the most critical moment.

The transformation of one's own strength has also reached the most critical moment.

That is the final consummation stage of the "mixing poison and refining the body" witchcraft.

In the laboratory, the surrounding passage doors have been completely closed, and will not be disturbed by other external factors.

Angelet took off his wizard robe, revealing a very capable figure. The arrangement of the muscles seemed to be sculpted, full of extreme perfection.

There are two things in front of you.

The container on the left is extraordinary venom. The last five poisonous extraordinary creatures are the most powerful and most poisonous.

On the right is Angelet's prepared wizard dishes to fill up the energy needed for his physical body.

First, he ate the wizard's dishes.

Then, Angelet applied the extraordinary venom to every part of his body.

The transformation must be thorough, without any mistakes.

Angelet understands this very well.

So what he's going to do now is this.

He did it perfectly.

As the extraordinary venom was applied all over his body, he felt his physical body begin to transform.

There was a slight tingling on the skin, and then the venom penetrated deeper,

The fleshly body that has been tempered and tempered will continue to wear and tear.

In terms of subtle levels, flesh and blood cells are constantly being killed by extraordinary venom.

And those who are not killed will become stronger.


There was a sound from the abdomen, and the powerful digestion ability absorbed the energy in the wizard's dishes.

It is supplied to every part of the body.

And Angelet's body, like a gluttonous monster, greedily absorbed it.


An uninterrupted powerful feeling appeared in Angelet's heart.

The Eye of Truth started to operate, and it was obvious that his physical fitness value was continuously increasing by 0.01.

As if there is no limit.

It's finally the last stage.

Angelet suppressed the excitement in his heart.

Let him experience the strength of the wizard's combat body.

The momentum is like a hidden dragon, constantly accumulating, it seems that there is a hint of earth-shattering in it at any time

At the door of the wizard's residence, Rentu Wang Meng yawned, looking at the long snow scene.

Life is really boring, you can't kill people, you can't do things casually, it makes his bones almost rotten.

I can only be bored, looking at the snow scene all over the sky.

From night to day, Wang Meng seems to be able to continue in this state.

But no matter what, it was much better than being in Guixu Prison.

Just a thousand years.

Rentu Wang Meng can live for three thousand years, or even longer, without the slightest problem.

So he wasn't worried about that at all.

On the contrary, I am looking forward to my own nourishing scene after the time is over.

Women, drinks, killing, that's the most enjoyable...

At this moment, his face suddenly changed, and there was a bit of surprise in his eyes.

He looked in the direction of the wizard's residence, which was where Angelet was.

With his strength, eyesight, sense and strength are naturally extraordinary.

I have also seen many scenes,

But at this moment, the aura he sensed was extremely strange.

Because it is in a fluctuating state, sometimes strong, sometimes weak.

When he is strong, even he has to pay attention.

When it is weak, it is insignificant.

What the hell is Lei Di doing...

Wang Meng narrowed his eyes, he had to admit that Angelet was the most difficult person in his life to see through.

Although the wizards in the free zone outside were very secretive and complicated in their minds, Wang Meng's cunning and cunning were all able to play with them.

After meeting Angelet, he has been passive.

Even completely unable to stand up, and can only obediently become the opponent's subordinate.

Then Wang Meng shook his shoulders, squinted his eyes and fell asleep.

No matter what he is doing, anyway, he can stay for a thousand years.

It's nothing more than a millennium.

The injuries in his body are slowly recovering with the support of Angelet's wizard potion...

But because of the wizard's potion level, the speed of recovery and the time it takes are not that simple.

If Wang Meng wants to return to his peak state, he must at least continue to provide wizard potions for another forty or fifty years.

The consumption in this is very terrifying.


A breathing sound resounded in the room, and it was extremely abrupt.

It's like the whistling wind of nature.

The figure sat cross-legged in the center of the laboratory, surrounded by various wizard instruments.

But at this moment, the inner energy of the wizard's instruments around is continuously being absorbed by the figure.

Then it is stored in the flesh, supplying the needs of the flesh.

Angelet's eyes opened slowly.

It has to be said that he still somewhat underestimated the time and energy required for the "mixing poison and refining body" witchcraft.

Even if he had already made preparations, he made two portions of the wizard's dishes and swallowed them into his stomach.

But still not able to fully supply good consumption.

The strong emptiness and longing are constantly conveyed throughout his heart.

Craving for more energy, more and more...

But the energy in the surrounding experimental equipment has been sucked dry by him, so where can he find the energy needed by the physical body.

chi chi!

Because the energy supply is insufficient, but the transformation of the physical body is still going on.

As a result, Angelet's flesh and blood continued to shrink.

A large number of flesh and blood cells couldn't bear the toxic attack, and died directly instead.

Those who stay are naturally the elite among the elite.

Has sufficient resistance and resilience.

This is the most perfect transformation.

Eliminate useless and backward blood cells.

Leave behind the most powerful flesh and blood cells.

Even Angelet got some witches with the idea of ​​meditation

Teacher's knowledge content, thus giving birth to the principle of superposition of some strengths.

I understand that the path of a retouching wizard is doomed to be short-lived and uncontrollable...

And his path as a wizard is truly correct.

The leap of life, the evolution of flesh and blood.

Cellular Strengthening!

All these kinds of things have built an extremely balanced physical state.

I don't know how long it lasted, and the outside sky is constantly changing from night to day.

There is also a thick layer of snow accumulated, and it needs to be cleared.

In the laboratory, Angelet's body has completely turned into a skinny body.

There are also deep eye sockets on the face, and the bones are extremely clear.

It still looks a little scary, without the handsome face it used to have.

Angelet took a deep breath, the sound of the breathing was like a whale breathing, extremely exaggerated, and the entire 2.2 laboratories were blown up with strong winds.

This is amazing.

It also represents that Angelet's current physical state has reached an unprecedented level.

[Reminder: The host has successfully broken through the fifth stage of the witchcraft of "mixing poison and refining the body".

Many extraordinary special effects, and abilities....】

[Reminder: The state of the host has fallen into a lack of energy, and the loss of the physical body needs to be replenished before the "drug mixed combat body" can be born, otherwise it will lead to this person's breakthrough

Chance of failure, chance of permanent damage】

Angelet just felt that every cell in his body was longing.

Longing for something to fill in.

sense of hunger!

Passed from the belly, spread from the soul...

He could hardly bear it anymore,

Directly took out all kinds of things in the wizard ring.

The magic stone was directly crushed into the mouth one by one, and then swallowed.

Angelet's physical body is no different from some powerful and extraordinary creatures.

All the magic stones were eaten, but it only solved the problem initially.

The vacancy of the physical body is not enough.

Angelet can only continue to find some extraordinary items that can replenish energy.

Meteorite Sword, made of extraordinary materials.


Wizard Potion!

No matter what the effect is!


Wizard Potion Extraordinary Materials!


As long as it can replenish energy, Angelet will eat it.

The eyes are red, with suppressed greedy desire...

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