Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

【117】The Three Stages Of Witchcraft In Avatar! (Seeking Subscription)

"Hahaha, it worked, I finally succeeded...the first step of applying the Remnant Remnant Meditation method, I finally succeeded, I knew it...my guess was not wrong, I succeeded!"

In the laboratory, the laughter of the picture retouching wizard was incomparably insolent, directly resounding through the entire space.

The experimental subject in the corner cage trembled because of this laughter. These days, an unknown number of people died in the experiment because of this devil.

This devil is simply not human, and has no human heart at all. They even saw ten people fused together and became a blood-red horror monster.

And the monster almost doesn't have any human appearance, only the body of flesh and blood that is constantly wriggling, like a puddle of mud.

No matter what is thrown to the monster, it will be devoured by the monster.

The picture retouching wizard smiled ferociously, and his eyes fell on the pool of bloody fleshy mud in the isolation room.

As if sensing the gaze of the wizard who retouched the picture, the puddle of mud squirmed directly and came towards the wizard who retouched the picture.

However, it cannot break through the barrier of special glass, and can only be isolated in it.

The blood-colored eyeballs grew all over the mud-spread glass, staring fixedly at the retouching wizard, and they were still blinking.

chi chi!

The ferocious mouthparts also grew out at this moment, and the sharp teeth stretched out from the state of the inner depression, and then they continued to bite on the glass.

The picture retouching wizard can feel the strong malice conveyed by this flesh and blood monster, and the desire to swallow himself alive.

This is all normal!

Also perfect!

This is the effect, the group is the real tire

Although the stage can only be regarded as the mature body of the first stage of the "remnant", as time goes by, more problems can be solved.

A large number of chaotic consciousness locks in the body of the "remnant fetus" will also be cleared.

At that time, it was a more controllable 'remnant'.

And the picture retouching wizard can also go one step further from his goal.

That is, the real practice of the method of remnant fetus meditation.

So far, he has only practiced part of the Remnant Embryo Meditation method, and he does not dare to practice more.

Because it is still too flawed, there are a lot of serious side effects.

Of course, if the idea of ​​remnant meditation is controllable, even if it becomes such a terrifying monster, the picture retouching wizard will not have any hesitation.

But there is one biggest problem, that is the impact on the spirit, you will lose yourself.

This makes the retouching wizard unacceptable.

"Come on, my baby, I know you are very hungry, I will make you full, but before that, you still have a task that you must accompany me to complete.

The retouching wizard looked morbidly at the flesh and blood monster in the isolation room, as its creator.

The picture retouching wizard naturally has a method to control its actions.

Moreover, it can also be manipulated directly. Although there will be a certain damage delay, it is the safest method after all.

If the 'remnant fetus' of this first-stage mature body is really released, I am afraid that it will be engulfed by the memory fragments and emotional fragments of many experimental bodies in the body, and eat itself.

Those experimental subjects, who they hate the most, the picture retouching wizard is also well aware.

Of course he wouldn't take such a risk.

Soon, the retouching wizard manipulated the equipment in the isolation room and injected a special liquid into the flesh and blood monster.

And there is also a special piece of equipment, a black box-shaped thing, embedded in the flesh and blood core of the remnant fetus.

The special induction followed the device and connected to the mind of the picture retouching wizard.

A ferocious smile appeared on his face, and the picture retouching wizard couldn't wait to see the power of Remnant Taiyi.

The ultimate embodiment of his wizarding path.

As the door of the isolation room opened, the flesh and blood monsters inside also rushed out quickly.

All along the road are stained with wet traces and bits of flesh and blood.

This turned out to mean that a certain amount of flesh and blood would be lost while walking.

Looking at this scene, the picture retouching wizard frowned slightly, and his face was a little unsightly.

It seems that there are more parts that need to be completed.

However, judging from the aura, there are still many abilities of "Remnant Taiyi", which makes the picture retouching wizard feel that at least he can carry out vertical and horizontal operations within the third-level wizard apprentice.

If you don't understand, you don't know the special effects of many abilities of "Remnant Tire One", even if it is Mowusi, it is not his opponent.

The retouching wizard is very confident in this.

The picture retouching wizard gave an order to 'Reminder One'.

Soon, the hungry 'remnants' who were consuming their own quality all the time poured into the cage in the corner.

Along with the screaming sound, the sound of chewing followed.

The picture retouching wizard looked at this bloody scene, but he still thought it was very good.

There was an expression of admiration on his face, as expected of his 'remnant one', even when he was eating, he was so handsome.

Then the next step is to solve that little trouble that is an eyesore.

The retouching wizard also investigated Angelet, and learned that he suspected to have some hidden connection with Polaris.

Even though he didn't really believe it, the news had spread, and it wasn't necessarily groundless.

He also has this consideration.

Ten minutes later, a burly figure wearing a black robe walked out from the laboratory. His face was hidden because only a pair of blood-red eyes were exposed.

There is no humanity in it, only violence and madness are revealed, and these emotions are suppressed to a low point as much as possible.

The picture retouching wizard watched the figure walk out of the wizard's house, with a somewhat frenzied look on his face.

The attack of 'Remnant One' can definitely bring back that Angelet's head.

A little wizard of the House of Commons [the final result is to become part of the Remnant One].

As far as there may be, there's trouble with Polaris.

The picture retouching wizard didn't care, because there was also an official wizard standing behind him.

He even has a crazy idea, which is to get an apprentice of an extreme wizard to become his own experimental subject, so that the progress of the disabled child will definitely be rapid. 1.

Even directly overcome this last difficulty, and even use it on himself to superimpose an extreme wizard apprentice.

The picture retouching wizard has great ambitions in his heart, and just thinking of such a scene makes him feel crazy.

But all of this requires the support of an official wizard.

Lord Bone Demon Adept is extremely generous, as long as he has achieved results, he has the value of being valued.

When one's own value is far more than that of an extreme wizard apprentice, it is not impossible to have an experimental subject of an extreme wizard apprentice.

The retouching wizard stretched out his relatively long tongue and licked his upper and lower lips.

Polaris, this is a very good candidate.

Very powerful!

It doesn't matter, I believe that even the master bone demon wizard will choose such an extreme wizard apprentice.

In the vast night, Angelet stood on the high tower, the bangs on his forehead were blown by the breeze, and as his thoughts moved, a familiar light appeared in the void in front of him.

The light continued to shine, gradually filling his whole mind, and finally the light revealed a rare purple.

The corners of Angelet's mouth raised slightly, revealing a smile.

The quality of purple, in the days of random sign-in, is already a very good reward.

I just don't know what the rewards are.

Soon, that ray of light gradually condensed together, and finally formed a purple crystal.

Angelet was slightly taken aback, and then the corresponding information appeared in his mind.

[Hint: Sign in randomly today, get a reward: experience crystallization]

[Content: This is a special crystal that can unconditionally improve wizard knowledge below advanced wizard knowledge. After use, it can increase a certain amount of progress...]

[Details: The progress can be the mastery of a certain kind of witchcraft, the complete mastery of a certain kind of pharmacy knowledge, or even the mastery of wizard runes for wizard meditation ideas]

Angelet looked a little surprised, it was beyond his expectation that such a thing appeared.

But for him, it is still a very good reward, just to alleviate some of his little troubles now.

My own wizarding path has gradually become a bit sloppy. Compared with physical fitness, the improvement of strength is still too slow in terms of mental strength.

With this experience crystal, the gap between the two can be quickly leveled.

Angelet struck while the iron was hot and directly used this crystallization of experience.

Soon, I got some responses.

[Hint: The host has successfully crystallized experience and obtained the following improvements: He has a deeper understanding of the wizard's meditation idea, and there are almost no difficulties for you for the remaining two wizard runes. Maybe in the next time , you can directly outline the remaining two wizard runes][

Relevant experiences appeared in the memory area of ​​Angelet's mind, giving him some insights.

Some details about the path of elemental wizards, as well as the experimental data of wizards from Polaris, also have a deeper understanding.

This time, it was completely understood.

If there is a progress, it is for witchcraft that could not be touched before, and even now can only touch a little; the world of shadows has reached 50% of the ground# …

It is conceivable how long Angelet's promotion took.

Location: No. 22, Mountain Area, Wizard Residence.

The night was dense, and the moonlight shone directly on the earth without any delay due to the obstruction of the cold wind.

With a strong smile on his face, Rentu Wang Meng said to Angelet with a smile:

Boss, all the things you told me have been completed, remember to give Ping... Maybe I can get some salary!

Angelet carried the black sack brought back by Rentu Wang Meng blankly, enough to put it into the wizard ring.

He said lightly: "`~ For you, isn't this something you can do with your hands, not to mention the salary I get from a little wizard apprentice, do you think it seems...

Rentu Wang Meng said with a worried face: "Don't do it, boss, no one knows your reputation, no one knows, and your potential is even more terrifying. I want a salary, why don't I... ...as long as you can give me a little more freedom, so that I can vent, find a woman or something..."

Angelet smiled with a strange look: "Okay, since you have asked so, how can I be dissatisfied?"

enough for you.

"Really, boss! That's great!"

Rentu Wang Meng smiled, although, he felt that his boss did not have any good intentions in the book.

However, it is good to be able to play games when you are bored.

Rentu Wang Meng smiled even more intensely.

But Angelet's smile carried something more.

That's about the next few arrangements.

For example, some things about the inheritance of the black sun (what you get) can be considered for planning.

There is a treasure mountain in the sky, but one cannot enter it. This is the more difficult torture.

Angelet has enough patience and will to remain unmoved.

Now, the seemingly flat conditions are also there.

Angelet's eyes fell on Wang Meng who was ecstatic.

Comparable to the combat power of a second-level wizard, even if half of it is crippled, it still has the combat power of a first-level wizard.

The security issue of the secret realm is enough to deal with.

Angelet came all the way to the lounge, took out Reina's phalanx, and then took out the holy spirit flower.

White light appeared in the room, illuminating everything clearly.

There was tenderness in Angelet's eyes: "Leina, this is the last time. Next time, I will let you come out with your own body."

And if you want to do this, you need to bite the witchcraft of "Avatar".

As for this point, Angelet has already made preparations.

In the void in front of him, a group of ministers appeared.

[Hint: The three stages of "Avatar" witchcraft, the first stage, has been completely analyzed!】

The corners of Angelet's mouth raised slightly.

This is the best news.

The witchcraft in "Avatar" can not only bring Leina back to life, but also can make herself, and it also has a lot of time convenience.

It is equivalent to having several more selves come out at the same time.

Such witchcraft itself is of a very high level.

For ordinary wizards, it is estimated that they must be at the official wizard level, or the extreme wizard apprentice level, before they can be involved and researched.

Angelet has the eye of truth, and she has already understood almost everything that is needed in the first stage.

Including how to make it and other techniques, the same is true!!.

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