Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

[122] New Life, The Physical Body Becomes Stronger! (Seeking Subscription)

"So it turns out that the meaning of Inorganic actually lies in this. This is different from flesh and blood life, but an incarnation constructed by extremely pure machinery..."

"The most common mechanical parts, all kinds of steel, iron wire, gears, and turntables, are assembled. But they can be made to form a new life.

There was quite a shock in Angelet's eyes, although this life cannot be completely counted as a life.

Because there is no breathing, no heartbeat, and no need to eat.

Maybe it's just a little bit of oil?

To lubricate the core of the uninterrupted work in the body, as well as the connection conversion between the gear bearings, and the loss caused by mutual friction.

It has to be said that the witchcraft in "Avatar" gave Angelet a huge shock and inspiration.

This is very useful to him.

In addition to peeping into another extremely vast branch of the wizard's path, it also allowed him to contact his previous life, the cyberfuture world that had been discussed to some extent.

When the life of flesh and blood is replaced by a mechanical structure, what will be the result?

Could it be exactly as recorded in the witchcraft in "Avatar".

A joke came to Angelet's mind.

To run a hundred kilometers, you only need a bowl of gasoline to do it.

Instead of the weakness of flesh and blood, the weakness of manpower.

Human beings are really too fragile.

But these are just sidelines.

What really matters is that Angelet understands how to make the first stage avatar.

That is, the inorganic incarnation.

Without any flesh and blood involved, it is an avatar built of pure cold mechanical parts.

The difficulty lies in how to put the soul into it and turn it into a complete life.

Can support the continuity of the soul without causing the disappearance of the soul.

This is a big difficulty.

It is also a point that has troubled countless wizards.

In the years of history, Angelet is sure that other wizards definitely have relevant research related to this aspect.

But almost all have failed, and not without reason.

Because this has already involved extremely in-depth research.

The essence of the soul is involved, and the metamorphic points of the transcendent nature are also involved.

After Angelet gradually mastered the first stage of "Avatar" witchcraft, she also gradually gained some insight.

Almost everything in this world is in motion.

Even if it is the soul, even if it is of extraordinary nature, it is the same.

To move is to change.

One point is highlighted, that is, the word change.

Angelet took a deep breath, then walked out of the lounge and came to the balcony.

It's daytime, and the snowy scene outside

Snowflakes kept falling down, Angelet stretched out his hand and held a handful of snowflakes in his hand.

Feel the cold feeling along the palm, which seems to calm his heart down.

It also relieved the fatigue in his mind.

Because of mastering the witchcraft of "Incarnation", the state of high load has also been alleviated accordingly.

To make an inorganic avatar, you need to do the following two things.

The first is to find the corresponding special material, which is in line with the key inner core carried by the soul.

This is the top priority.

If you can't even do this, then the inorganic incarnation is just nonsense.

Second, the original state of the soul should be relatively good. If even the state of one's own soul is about to collapse, it cannot withstand the process of soul transformation.

Angelet knew all of this by heart.

The body is just the carrier, the most important thing is the core of the soul.

Inorganic avatars are also just excessive.

The final stage of follow-up is the incarnation of spirit and flesh.

The incarnation at that stage, the strength that can be displayed by itself is extremely terrifying.

Spirit and flesh, that is, the combination of reality and reality.

Only the existence of the official wizard level, or even higher, can carry out related research.

The limit of Angelet's ability to do so far is the first stage of "Avatar" witchcraft.

Even the second stage is still relatively far away.

It really doesn't have the ability to withstand the transmission and digestion of such a vast amount of wizard knowledge.

In the previous life, there was a person whose brain area was not fully developed, and the memory in the mind was able to store almost all knowledge content.

But in this world, there is a big difference.

The corresponding wizard knowledge is not only the knowledge of wizard knowledge, but also contains extraordinary powers.

Even the sheepskin scrolls on which they were written are all extraordinary materials in themselves.

What's more, it is stored in the memory area of ​​the brain.

This also requires a lot of load.

The wizard has become stronger and stronger, and everything in the flesh and so on is also in the essence.

The same is true for the strengthening of the brain, and it will be able to bear more wizard knowledge, which is also closely related to one's own wizard path.

Why do you try to choose a wizard path to go on instead of being distracted to advance on all wizard paths.

This reason also occupies a very small part.

Because in general, the memory area of ​​a wizard's mind is still enough to bear ten times more knowledge content of a wizard

Generally speaking, they are endless.

This kind of trouble will only occur unless the knowledge of wizards that is far from the current level is involved in the process.

Memories can still be remembered, but when comprehended, the extraordinary effect of the corresponding wizard knowledge will be produced, and the heavy feeling is not something all wizards can bear.

And Angelet was able to share most of the pressure because of the Eye of Truth, accepting "Avatar Witchcraft" far beyond the current stage.

Angelet is going to make an inorganic avatar by himself first.

If you want to use it yourself, you don't need to transfer the whole soul.

You only need to separate part of your soul and the corresponding consciousness to create your own inorganic avatar.

And it is similar to the stage of dual-purpose.

Everything the avatar sees can be linked with Angelet's ontology.

Angelet's strong mental power and control ability can carry out this distraction.

And without delaying some of his own wizarding experiments.

This is the mystery of incarnation witchcraft.

Angelet even thought about how powerful the existence of the wizard who created this incarnation witchcraft is.

Only then can the metamorphosis of the soul and extraordinary nature be achieved.

It's just unbelievable.

Time slowly came to night, and it was not far from midnight.

However, Angelet is in the process of making the corresponding wizard potion.

On the workbench in front of him, the crucible was in operation, and the wizard's flame was burning. As the liquid in the crucible was continuously decomposed, the most essential part was finally left.

Angelet immediately proceeded to the next step, operating with incomparable proficiency.

The potion to be refined this time is the Blood Roland potion that can improve physical fitness. It is an advanced potion, but it is not for Angelet's own use.

It's for Polaris.

Although the effect is not great, but I can at least improve Polaris,

It can relieve the load pressure on the body.

When they kissed and met last time, Angelet's eyes of truth had already discovered the situation on Polaris, which was getting worse.

When hugging together, you can also feel the slightly trembling body in your arms.

In addition to the emotional reasons, the second is that the physical body itself is being eroded by the huge energy particles in the body all the time.

This is the result of not achieving the unity of soul and body.

The physical body cannot carry the energy particles on its own body.

But Angelet is just the opposite. Compared with energy particles, his physical body is more powerful.

The resulting impact is that one's control over one's physical body is not so absolute.

Moreover, it is impossible to fully display all the calendar areas of the physical body.

Probably, only able to play thirty to fifty percent of the stage.

~Extreme quality blood roland potion, compared to the perfect quality blood roland potion, the effect is much better. Polaris' physical condition is not only solved by ordinary wizard potions, he must learn how to make it as soon as possible Advanced medicine 々 `.

Angelet let out a long breath slowly, and the Blood Roland potion in front of him also slowly took shape.

"The energy particles in the Polaris are still getting stronger, almost reaching the level of a formal wizard, but the physique is too weak..."

"It's coming soon. It only takes five days for me to master the basic knowledge of advanced pharmacy. Although the stage of mastery is not perfect or complete, it is still possible to try to refine advanced pharmacy.. ..."

And the high-level potion that Angelet was going to refine was a pure white potion that had a very obvious effect on improving physical fitness.

When the time passed until one o'clock in the morning, Angelet walked out of the laboratory.

With a little tired look on his face, then, with a thought, he performed today's random check-in.

Soon, a familiar light appeared in the void in front of him.

Then, 1 light began to shine continuously, and finally gathered together, completely fixing the color down to the next layer.

And that color is impressively...

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