Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

[128] The Inheritance Begins, And The Stone Tablet Appears! (Seeking Subscription)

The passage in the black flames was extremely deep, and it didn't know where it led. When the two walked in it, the oppressive atmosphere added to the heaviness in their hearts.

The road ahead is still unknown, and maybe the hell it leads to.

Rentu Wang Meng still couldn't hold back and said: "Boss, where did you bring me to? This place gave me a very bad feeling, and it almost made me suffocate. This inexplicable pressure... ..."

Although injured, Rentu Wang Meng's strength is comparable to that of an official wizard, which must be affirmed.

Even he was a bit unbearable in this environment, and Angelet had to bear even more.

Simply, the wizard physique exerted its strength at this moment.

The sorcerer's battle body also exerted force one after another, and faint green and white light ripples appeared on his body, isolating the strange pressure existing in this passage.

"What do you think?"

A weird smile appeared on the corner of Angelet's mouth.

"Didn't I say that I want to take you to a very important place and do very important things!"

"Isn't that right, boss, didn't you mean to kill people? Why did I come to such a dangerous place? My body instincts are warning me. I don't like this environment very much.

Rentu Wang Meng had a look of fear on his face. .

"Boss, I have a temporary emergency and my stomach hurts. Can you let me go to the toilet? I won't accompany you for now.

Rentu Wang Meng stopped his steps, suddenly looked ugly, and then covered his stomach.

Angelet glanced at him with a half-smile, and then said with deep meaning: "The way to get out is on me. I want to take you out so that you can go out. Your eyesight should be able to tell that this place is no longer The Bone Society is gone, but in another space, the entangled black flames, and the powerful aura that is everywhere.

Angelet didn't finish his words, but he believed that Rentu Wang Meng understood the meaning of the words.

Rentu Wang Meng's complexion changed obviously in an instant, and he no longer made some acting-like gestures, but looked at Angelet with piercing eyes.

"My cheap boss, I think I need an explanation, an explanation of this alternative space geography.

There was a chuckle at the corner of Angelet's mouth: "As you wish."

Then, Angelet talked about some things that Tu Wang Meng could know.

With the wizard contract, Angelet can make Tu Wang Meng do anything as long as 843 wants.

But Angelet still saved face and gave this rebellious wolf some dignity.

Rentu Wang Meng's face was full of complex expressions, and he said slowly after a long time: "So, you came to this place to discover the inheritance content of the black sun wizard for me to act as your bodyguard... ………

Rentu Wang Meng's eyes were gloomy, full of resentment.

But with the promise of a thousand years, he has no choice but to work hard.

However, when Rentu Wang Meng was still carrying Angelet on his back, he gave him a middle finger.

The two continued to go deeper, and the inexplicable pressure was also constantly advancing, and it became more and more serious.

"Boss, I suggest that we should do what we can in this place......"

Suddenly, Rentu Wang Meng spoke from behind Angelet.

Angelet's expression changed, and Rentu Wang Meng's original relaxed tone was gone, and it was obviously serious.

It shows that in the front, there will be dangers that even human slaughter Wang Meng would be afraid of.

At least officially wizard level.

Angelet rubbed his chin, thinking about something.

Soon, he directly said to Rentu Wang Meng: "You try to do your best, this time we are exploring, not looking for death.

Angelet also has self-knowledge, and will not be too reckless, and will risk some lives to go deeper.

At most, it's just an exploration to understand the nature. After all, this is the secret realm of the black sun wizard, the level of the third-level limit.

"Boss, you've finally become a human being for a while, otherwise, if we all hang up here, it will be a complete game over."

Rentu Wang Meng gave Angelet a thumbs up, with tears in his eyes, as if he was about to cry.

Angelet didn't bother to pay attention to this trickster.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, the two finally walked out of this passage and saw something else.

It is a vast landform that can almost be called heaven and earth. A round of black sun hangs in the sky, making people unable to look directly at this eternal sun...

The ground was scorched black, and black flames ignited from time to time. Skeletal skeletons appeared everywhere on the ground, and looking at the dusty areas farther away, there seemed to be a lot of ruins piled up.

Immediately, many pictures have been generated in Angelet's mind.

Among the pupils, the Eye of Truth also scanned and collected, and in Angelet's mind, it began to analyze and process.

The originally lush secret forest is home to a large number of extraordinary creatures and species. This is not only the interior of the wizard tower of the black sun wizard, but also the cultivation room of the black sun wizard, the wizard garden

However, with the fall of the black sun wizard, it turned into an eternal black sun and hung above the sky, completely destroying the ecological environment in the cultivation room. The result is ashes that are burned and destroyed.

Angelet felt that he might have misunderstood something, that is, the greatest danger in the Black Sun Secret Realm is not other secret realm life forms, but its natural environment

Not many lives can withstand such high temperatures, coupled with the continuous scorching of the black scorching sun.

This is almost hopeless territory.

Angelet took a deep breath, and what he breathed in was extremely hot air.

It seems that the secret realm itself is still in operation, with air circulation, but the ecological natural circle and the like can't be taken care of.

Rentu Wang Meng's voice sounded in his ears:

"Boss, this place is a bit evil and scary, it's too dangerous...how about we withdraw and come back next time when we're fully prepared. I'm not prepared at all."

Hearing the sound of retreating, Angelet's mouth turned cold.

He said directly and simply, "There are only five opportunities in total. Do you think I will waste this opportunity? As for the preparation, it is your reason. I have warned you a long time ago, not to mention that in this place, the pressure is even greater." The older one should be me."

Rentu Wang Meng's face suddenly became very resentful, and he looked at Angelet's figure quietly.

Did you remind me of this reminder, and what is the difference between no reminder.

But there is one thing, Rentu Wang Meng can agree with his cheap boss words.

That is, in this place, his tolerance should far exceed that of his cheap boss.

But what's weird is that my cheap boss doesn't seem to have any abnormalities. Even a so-called extreme wizard apprentice will find it very troublesome at such a temperature.

Official wizards also need to spend some effort before they can deal with resistance.

The strength of his own cheap boss is obviously not up to the level of an official wizard, but why can he do this.

Rentu Wang Meng was puzzled.

"Okay, boss, can you give me a wizard potion against heat, your sharpest knife, Rentu Wang Meng needs a cold potion.

Rentu Wang Meng said very earnestly, looking at Angelet who was in the cold environment.

Angelet said very seriously: "The cold potion must be used in the most difficult and critical time. Every wizard potion may be the trump card to save you and me. If you consume one, you will lose one. I have not persisted enough, and Your strength is comparable to that of an official wizard (aefe), so if you can't use it, you should stick to it."

Rentu Wang Meng's face was a bit embarrassing, and he glanced at Angelet's back unwillingly, but he had no choice but to continue walking forward.

He always felt that what he said was not sincere at all.

Angelet's complexion did not change at all. From the twenty bottles of wizard potions in the wizard ring, he took out another isolation potion, which can make a special ripple shield to isolate some outside influences. From a certain level It can also insulate from heat.

Of course, the most important thing is the scorching sun and black sun that will never go out in the sky.

Around Angelet's body, following the consumption of the corresponding potion, a shield that seemed to be illusory but with rippling essence appeared.

Immediately, Angelet could feel the pressure he was under, which was much less.

He admits that he has some small grudges, and he often keeps them in his notes, waiting for later——the liquidation comes back.

And the current Rentu Wang Meng is suffering from such liquidation.

Otherwise, Angelet would have slaughtered Wang Meng with the corresponding wizard potion,

According to the analysis of the Eye of Truth, there is no problem for Rentu Wang Meng to pass through this area at least.

Angelet looked around, and saw that the scorched ground stretched all the way, seemingly out of bounds.

In the blur, the shadow silhouette of a majestic mountain can be seen, appearing in the deepest part.

At this time, Angelet noticed some changes in the Heiyang key.

Some information was passed from the black sun key to Angelet's mind.

[Hint: Received the remaining information in the Black Yang Key, the content is as follows:

Latecomers, if you can see this news, I have almost completely fallen into the path of stepping into the truth. Unfortunately... I still haven't seen the road ahead, but my inheritance can survive. To pass on the traces of my existence in this world to generations of people...

Latecomers, climb up to the top of Heiyang Mountain, face the black scorching sun, face my body, and inherit my power, where you will get a power greater than the brilliance of the sun.

But my amount, my inheritance, how can there be no threshold for my everything? If I can't climb to the top of Heiyang Mountain, I will be destroyed by endless black flames. So, make a choice, whether to continue walking, or Choose to know the way back......】

The corners of Angelet's mouth raised slowly.


From the beginning to the end, everything in the Black Sun Secret Realm will belong to him, and it can only be his.

How could he choose what to do.

An unprecedented color of greed appeared in the pupils, this was the purest wizard essence, he never tried to hide anything.

Because that's what he is.

He wants everything he can get.

Only a truly ambitious wizard will have a firmer will to continue walking on the wizarding path.

chi chi!

The black flames are getting denser and denser. Originally, they were only burning or erupting within a long distance...

Until now, Angelet

Herentu Wang Meng has discovered that the eruption frequency of these black flames is becoming more frequent, and the distance between them is getting closer.

Relatively, they have to bear more pressure and danger.

The temperature has reached the point where normal people would be cooked within ten seconds if they appeared here.

Angelet used several wizarding potions, and even used a wizarding scroll given to him by Polaris.

Only in this way can the outside environment be isolated as much as possible.

The black flames are extremely terrifying. Even Wang Meng, who is a human being, admitted truthfully that he cannot be contaminated by these black flames.


When he said this, Rentu Wang Meng's face was very solemn and fearful.

"My cheap boss, it's almost time to stop. If you go on, the environmental danger you will encounter will be even worse. Once you make a mistake, I will be finished."

Rentu Wang Meng took the initiative to persuade him.

Angelet's eyes flickered, knowing what Rentu Wang Meng meant.

He can still hold on and go further.

It’s because I’m afraid that I’m not strong enough!!

Angelet was thinking, suddenly, his expression was moved, and he made up his mind:

"Keep going, at least through this area!"

Angelet said indifferently.

Rentu Wang Meng couldn't control Angelet's will, so he shrugged helplessly and continued walking.

The robe on his body had been completely burned, revealing the body full of various scars.

These scars should have covered the whole body densely, but with the support of wizard potions, after a period of recuperation, they recovered a lot.

One of the reasons for supporting Angelet to go on is that there are more information prompts on the Black Sun Key.

[Hint: If you are not close to the top of the Black Sun Mountain, there will be a corresponding Black Sun Stele. Put the Black Sun Key in the stele, and you can get part of the inheritance. 】

And the nearest black sun stele to Angelet is only a few kilometers away.

No matter what, you have to gain something.

There are only ten chances for the Black Yang Key, so if there is no danger to your life, you still have to persevere.

Angelet's eyes fell on the distance in front of him. On the scorching environment ground that seemed to be distorted and fluctuating in space, the outline of a towering stone tablet loomed.

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