Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

[131] Letter From Polaris! (Seeking Subscription)

A black light appeared in the hall of the wizard's residence, and then the light formed a special light gate. ...

"I'm exhausted, boss, this time I really paid my wages, I don't ask for a wage increase, I just want a little bit of my own wages, so labor can give me pleasure..."

Rentu Wang Meng said very bluntly, looking at Angelet with teary eyes.

"For you, boss, I can ruin my beautiful hair, and even burn my clothes..."

Angelet was in a very good mood, so he didn't look coldly at this duplicity guy.

Instead, he said lightly: "Do you know how much resources and contribution points the wizard potion you use will cost me? These are all money, a waste of money. You have already consumed at least 70,000 to 80,000 magic stones of mine. , maybe more than that..."

"If you want to pay, then the witch potion will not be released to you for free.

There was a faint smile on Angelet's face.

Rentu Wang Meng's face changed in an instant, and he said with a smile 04: "How can that be? It is my lifelong dream to do my best for the boss. How can I have such a pedantic idea? What do I want? Remuneration, my reward is your satisfaction, boss, your smile..."

Angelet looked at him with a half-smile, then turned around and walked into the laboratory.

Rentu Wang Meng stretched out a middle finger directly behind his back, and his lips moved constantly, as if he was making accusations.

In the laboratory, Angelet took off his wizard robe, and then cleaned up his whole body.

Angelet, who came out of the disinfection room, had already put on another more casual wizard robe.

I am about to relax and relieve my tired mind that even my thinking is gradually slowing down.

The vast knowledge of wizards has become Angelet's burden.

Even if you don't do anything, it seems to be top-heavy and heavy.

However, just as Angelet was about to rest on the bed in the lounge, he discovered that there was actually a message left by Polaris in his wizard mark.

This made some people care, pulled their tired minds, and their mental power entered the wizard's mark.

Squeeze out a part of the brain's ability to process information, and accept the relevant information.

[North Star Stay:

Angelet, I was assigned a mission by the Bone Society headquarters to go to Hog City on the edge of the front line for support. It is estimated that by the time you come back, I will have left the Bone Bone Society and headed to the edge of the front line... I will give You left some things, which are related to the follow-up element wizard experiment materials, and should be the things you need most..

And about "The Last Chapter of Dark Tidal Meditation", I have also tried to get it for you, you can go to the place where I store it and take it out......

I guess I will come back in half a year, but I will come back earlier...

In addition, I feel that something is wrong with this mission, but it is not a big deal, even if there is some conspiracy, but under the absolute power

It's all useless......】

Angelet finished understanding all the information, narrowed her eyes, and her face became a little cloudy and uncertain.

In the end, it turned into a bit gloomy.

Temporarily suppressed the exhaustion in the brain, and began to use more functions to think about the information clues related to it.

Soon, a lot of targets were locked out.

"There is a contradiction between me and Polaris, and there are not many existences who may make a move... and those who can arrange Polaris to the front line and leave the Bone Society, once this is settled, it will be even more important Less, target.

"Excluding the enemies and opponents that Polaris may have had... The point is the situation on my side, so there are only a few possibilities.

In Angelet's mind, the characters Zijinhua family appeared.

There is also the figure of the picture retouching wizard, and the figure of the bone demon wizard.

There was a gloomy look on the corner of Angelet's mouth.

No matter what the ins and outs are, in short, it is inseparable from these two parties.

【Host: Angelet】

[Level: Level 3 Wizard Apprentice]

【Current Physique: 40】

【Current Mental Power: 32】

【Energy particles: 320 units】

[Elemental witchcraft: 'Black Sun Walking', 'Shadow Corrosion', 'Shadow Piercing', 'Shadow World', 'Heart of Nature', 'Shadow Replacement']

[Wizard Battle Body: Mixed Poison Battle Body (Special Effects: Mixed Poison Diaphragm, Extraordinary Mixed Poison, Mixed Poison Diamond Body)]

[Strategy: "Thunder Emperor" (flesh base melting point stage)]

[Wizard Physique: Star Body]

[Innate Ability: Manipulate Starlight, Evolve Nothingness]

[Meditation method: "Dark Tides" (18 wizard runes-)]

[Special identity: Leader of the Black Tower]

[Heiyang Inheritance: Black Yang Meditation (Level 1)", "Master-level Fire Element Fusion Aggregation Analysis Normality", "Master-level Spirit and Element and Energy Particles Separation and Quality Transformation Furnace"

"447 Fire Element Lord Summoning Method", "Element Avatar Shaping Method"]

Angelet didn't go to the place Polaris said, to take out what Polaris left behind.

For Polaris' stuff, it's best for her to take it out herself.

There was a cold murderous intent in Angelet's eyes.

In the afternoon, he took the initiative to go to the library and accepted a task to go to the front line.

It is also responsible for assisting Hogg City, such tasks have gradually increased, and it seems that the front line has indeed become a little fierce.

Angelet moved quickly, and had already prepared relevant things before accepting the task.

The fire dragon sword, the invisibility cloak, and the black dragon that has grown into a youthful state.

There are also many wizard potions, as well as the crystals of the ancients, which have already stored part of the energy.

Can supply some of Angelet's energy particle depletion needs.

The disc flying object is also brought.

There are also black balls with particles of corrupted energy.

Angelet was fully fired this time, and his pupils seemed to be burning with flames.

No matter who blocked him, he would completely destroy it.

Almost an hour after accepting the task, he walked out of the energy light door of the White Bone Club.

The goal is obviously to go to Hogg City. .

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