Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

[134] Everything Is Ready! (Seeking Subscription)

"Jie jie jie jie..."

Inside the laboratory, the laughter of the retouching wizard resounded.

"It's really interesting. When I think that an apprentice extreme wizard will be under my command and become my experimental material, the excitement in my heart can't be suppressed."

The picture retouching wizard stretched out his long tongue, not only licking his upper and lower lips and teeth, but even started to lick his cheeks on both sides.

The abnormal expression made people see the discomfort from the bottom of his heart.

"Now, almost my disabled special number has arrived at the corresponding destination, so let's keep guard!"

Bloody light appeared in the pupils of the retouching wizard. After many times of research and transformation, he is now able to synchronize the viewing angle with the disabled fetus, followed by certain command operations.

However, such a situation must be within a relatively certain range. If the distance is too far away, there will be a large delay in the synchronization of such viewing angles and inter-command operations.

The degree of delay is evaluated by how much the distance exceeds.

The picture editing wizard finally saw the content of the screen transmitted from the special number of disabled fetuses, which was entering a teleportation in a wizard city.

He immediately issued his own order to ask the Special Remnant to search for Polaris, and then hibernate to judge the status of Polaris.

When the danger level is reduced to the minimum, he will take action to eliminate all the targets present.

"Special Remnant, with the fighting power of the original No. 1, and the controllability of the No. 2, it can be regarded as my pinnacle work. Even among the third-level wizard apprentices, it can be regarded as the top."

This is the confidence of the retouching wizard.

He is looking forward to the return that the Special Remnant will bring him!!!

At the moment, it is on the other side, in the famous ancient city.

The afterglow of the setting sun hits the entire ancient city, and it seems to be able to witness the traces of the past history.

The people coming and going came and went from the gate of the city, and the figures became less and less, and it was going to be dark after all.

Once it is dark, it is extremely dangerous to go outside the city gate, and the city gate will be closed. Once locked outside, the extraordinary creatures in the primeval forest, as well as poisonous insects and beasts, are likely to be killed at the city gate outsiders.

But these are all ordinary things, and in the core area of ​​Minggu City, there is a part about wizards, but unfortunately this part is very depressed and deserted, the buildings are also very sparse, and there is only one teleportation array that is fairly large in size. One or two figures are guarding.

They are not wizard groups, but knights among mortals, or ordinary silver knights.

The two silver knights are about sixty years old, but their faces look like middle age.

talking to each other:

"I don't know what's the point of guarding this place. If there were wizards coming, they would have come a long time ago, but there has been no movement. I guess the wizards have already given up the famous ancient city... ………”

Although the other silver knight didn't answer, he obviously agreed with it.

The silver knight continued: "It's even more impossible for the residents of our ancient city to go to other wizarding cities. They simply can't afford such expensive magic stones...

When the benefits earned are not proportional to the sacrifices, this will lead to the inevitable decline of our famous ancient city!"

Suddenly, at this time, the teleportation array fluctuated, emitting a dazzling white light.

The expressions of the two silver knights changed as they discovered this situation.

The Silver Knight who spoke was even more stunned: "No way, it really fluctuated, and the teleportation array moved... Could it be said that there will be a master wizard coming!"

Another silver knight said excitedly: "This is really great, our famous ancient city has not had the arrival of a wizard for nearly ten years, the old city owner knows the news

Will be very happy. "

He also knew the reason for this. Many heirs of the old city lord had reached the right age and needed to undergo qualification tests, but Minggu City obviously did not have this condition.

And without the arrival of other wizards, Minggu City naturally lost a lot of extraordinary resources.

It is even more impossible to go to other wizard cities through the teleportation array. The old city owner simply cannot afford such a high price.

They are planning to consider only taking the few descendants of the most direct line to another wizard city to test their aptitude.

While the Silver Knight was rushing to the City Lord's Mansion, his face was filled with a smile: "It's great, our Minggu City has finally ushered in a turning point. If the City Lord's heir becomes a wizard, he will definitely be able to give Minggu City a chance. Come more opportunities to develop..."

Ahead is the City Lord's Mansion, and the status of the Silver Knight is unusual among famous ancient cities, and he arrived at the depths of the City Lord's Mansion unimpeded all the way.

"You mean, there is a fluctuation in the teleportation array, and a master wizard is coming!!"

0…ask for flowers……

The Silver Knight felt the excitement in the old city lord's words, and immediately thought of the old city lord's expectations.

Minggucheng has finally ushered in an unprecedented turning point.

The old man with an old face and gorgeous clothes sat at the head of the hall, and everyone could tell that his life was coming to an end.

However, with the gleam in his eyes and the smile on his face, everyone can see his current emotions.

"Ava, you go quickly, you must keep that lord wizard, and stabilize it. This is a great opportunity, the opportunity I have been waiting for..."

The old city lord gasped excitedly.

Silver Knight Ava also said excitedly: "Yes, my lord, I will definitely do it.


After the silver knight Ava left, there was another voice in the hall.

"Yeah, this is a great opportunity and our last chance!!"

The costumes of the Zijinhua family appeared on the clothes of the figure walking out of the dark corner.

There was a slight smile on Gray Zijinhua's face: "It seems that you haven't forgotten the glory of the Zijinhua family!"

The old city lord looked at Gray Zijinhua excitedly. All his excitement and joy came from Gray Zijinhua.

It's not because of the arrival of a new master wizard from the teleportation array in Minggu City.

Of course, it also has a lot to do with it.

"I will never forget the glory of the Zijinhua family. I will always remember Master Huck Zijinhua's teachings to branch off the Zijinhua family and continue to develop. The existence of our Zijinhua is the master of this city... ..."

The old city lord burst into tears, as if he remembered his mission,

Gray Zijinhua also remembered something, her face became a little more complicated, and then her emotions turned into a firm killing intent:

"The glory of the Zijinhua family will eventually shine brightly, I have always believed in this... so this is our chance, a chance to bloom the glory of the Zijinhua, and it is also the last chance... ..."

"Everything is ready, the sky and the earth have been set up, there are three murderous intentions in total, let's see how you survive......"

Gray Zijinhua's face also showed a bit of ferocity: "Polaris, you will eventually die under the hands of Zijinhua's family. It will always end. Zijinhua will not end. It will be you who will end!! Seven!".

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