Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

[141] I Can't Die, I Can't Die Here! (Seeking Subscription)

"Is this the gold content of the ultimate wizard apprentice..."

There was an unprecedented shock in Gray Zijinhua's eyes, he did not expect that the strength of the extreme wizard apprentice would be so outrageous.

Unexpectedly, not even the three Weasley brothers were able to cause the slightest injury to Polaris.

All the knights sent out have been wiped out.

Polaris even erupted with a stronger force than when he was fighting against the three Weasley brothers.

There seems to be endless power hidden in that thin body, no matter what kind of damage it is, it cannot be defeated!

It's no wonder that extreme wizard apprentices have the title of half-step official wizard, and they also have great rights and resources in the Bone Society.

This is all the attention brought by strength.

It has its own value that can match all these.

But Gray Zijinhua also found out what she wanted.

There was an excited smile on the corner of his mouth, because the emotion was too excited, even this smile seemed a bit ferocious:

"Polaris, you have been calculated by me after all. There is a huge problem with your body. Even if I am unable to kill you, as long as I keep dragging you, your physical condition will become more and more troublesome. , in the end you will die in my hands...04."

"Belia's judgment is right. Extreme wizard apprentices, especially those who are preparing for breakthroughs, have extremely powerful energy particles, but you, as a loner, cannot raise your physical body to At the corresponding matching stage, your physical body is your greatest weakness..."

"I was killed by my own energy particles, Polaris, this is really ironic!!"

Gray Zijinhua couldn't help laughing out loud anymore, she even cried tears while laughing, covering her cheeks with her hands.

Tears flowed from the gap between the fingertips, but the smile on the corner of the mouth was so ferocious, revealing the sharp teeth.

After the disappearance of the Zijinhua family, indescribable pressure has been oppressing the remaining three Zijinhua members.

If it weren't for the existence of the relationship with the Demon Dragon Wizard, the three of them might all die in the hands of those opponents of the Zijinhua family.

But even so, they could all predict how serious the next counterattack would be.

It's all because of the damned woman Polaris.

The instigator is her!!!

"Dead compatriots of the Zijinhua family, have you seen that I finally have a chance to kill my enemies, kill this damned instigator, if there is no Polaris, you may not die......"

Gray Zijinhua was venting his emotions, and the old city lord beside him became a little terrified, because what he observed was really terrifying.

That woman, that lord wizard was so terrifying that even the elite troops he sent were wiped out.

If this master wizard is really allowed to escape, wouldn't that ancient city be finished.

However, he met a pair of bloodshot eyes.

"Are you afraid, are you afraid?"

Gray Zijinhua said indifferently.

"Master Gray, I'm not afraid, it's just... just..."

"Admit it, you are afraid, there is nothing you cannot admit, I am afraid too!"

Gray Zijinhua said indifferently.


The old city lord looked at Gray Zijinhua in amazement.

"Don't be so shocked, it's not a big deal, what you are facing is an apprentice ultimate wizard, and what you are planning is also an apprentice apprentice wizard, the consequence of failure is death.

I am better able to know the horror of the extreme wizard apprentice than you, so fear is not a big deal, on the contrary, you can only know awe if you can fear. "

Gray Zijinhua saw it very clearly.

But position is everything.

With the blood of the Zijinhua family on her body, there are certain things that must be done even if they cannot be done or cannot be done.

What's more, it's not like there's no chance.

At least, judging from the current performance of Polaris, his grasp and chance are at least 60%.

After a lot of calculations, the chance of creating a 60%...

Gray Zijinhua took a deep breath: "It's time to start, the next move."

"Activate the last backhand!"

Polaris walked step by step out of the range of the wizard formation, his expression extremely indifferent.

The footsteps stepped over corpses that looked like rotten flesh.

The dark purple energy particles all over her body have completely lost control, and she has only one thought in her mind now, that is to destroy all existences that are hostile to her.

But at the moment when she broke away from the rippling film, she hesitated, thinking of him in her mind.

Think of Angelet's figure and face.

She restrained her mental power fluctuations, her eyes were extremely indifferent, and forcibly suppressed her energy particle riot.

She can't die yet, at least not here.

It makes sense to die.

She hasn't seen the person she wants to see yet, and she has some last words to say.

Polaris' eyes fell on the wizard teleportation array that had been gradually activated, and finally walked up.

With the flash of white light, the wizard teleportation array has been activated.

The ability to teleport also enveloped Polaris.


A small sound suddenly sounded, and Polaris' expression became extremely gloomy.

There are more means.

The feeling that the entire teleportation array gave her has become extremely dangerous.

It seems that something extremely terrifying will happen.

And under such an accident, it is almost impossible for even her to survive.

This premonition is extremely accurate, and there will hardly be any mistakes.

In other words, this teleportation array will lead to her death.

And the premonition in the dark made her make the best choice.

That is, there is no movement of the body, and everything is kept as it is.

chi chi!

The energy particle fluctuations are still accumulating, and the white light is suppressing. Not only did it fail to transmit the North Star in the original way, but it accumulated all the transmission energy and suppressed it into the core of the transmission array.

At this moment, a sneer sounded.

Gray Zijinhua slowly walked out from the other side of the street.

Covering half of his cheeks, he sneered and said, "Polaris, this is the last of the three tricks I prepared for you. Even if you are an apprentice of an extreme wizard, you still don't want to survive."

Polaris said lightly: "So who are you, in my impression, you don't seem to exist."

Gray Zijinhua's pupils were bloodshot immediately, she gritted her teeth and said to Polaris: "You are so high up, of course you won't remember the name of a small person like me, but today

It is a small person like me who will let you, a big person, die here and by my hands. "

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