No one knows how the Zijinhua family was destroyed. On the second day after the Zijinhua family was destroyed, the management class of Minggu City ordered to block all news, and the history books of later generations are also vague about this part of the history...

At this time, Angelet brought Polaris back to the Upper Court, and on the way, he used his own original strength to protect the body of Polaris. He was very talented, and his face turned pale, and he quickly found the green mother wizard.

"What I can do now is to keep his body. I don't know how to do the rest, but I can give you a general direction."


More than a year later, the famous ancient city

Carefully close the door.

Angelet took off his coat and fell on the bed. The whole person sank into the soft bed, regardless of the sweat and blood on his body.

Five places were burned by electric current and seven places were burned by high temperature. The function of the whole body declines, and the function of internal organs begins to fail.

Angelet's face remained unchanged, he had expected this injury for a long time. He struggled to get up from the bed, endured the drowsiness, and walked to the medicine table. From the box full of medicinal materials, take out a handful of purple beans. Then pour it into the grinding jar placed on the table, pick up the pestle and start grinding vigorously.

Amidst the rustling sound, the purple beans were soon ground into finely divided purple powder, although not very fine.

Angelet stretched out his hand and opened the drawer, and there was a wooden test tube rack, which was densely packed with small test tubes [every ten test tubes were filled with green, blue and red liquid or powder.

He reached out and took out a blue powder test tube, and closed the drawer.

Pull out the cork of the test tube, pour the blue powder into the grinding jar, and after putting the test tube away, Angelet began to grind again.

Soon, a trace of white smoke drifted out from the grinding tank. The smoke was filled with the choking smell of firewood.


Angelet directly picked up the water bottle and poured it into clean water. The white smoke dissipated quickly. He quickly scooped up the thick liquid in the grinding jar with a spoon, put it into a glass bowl "and drank it in one gulp.

Bitter, hot liquid flowed down the throat and into the stomach.

Angelet nodded in satisfaction. Put down the glass.

This neutralizing agent is a healing agent specially designed to deal with internal environment disorders. In fact, it is not an official medicine, but a very simple concoction.

After solving the urgent need, Angelet looked at the giant elephant heart on the side table. This thing is his biggest gain from going out this time.

"But the first thing to do now is to heal the injury first." Angelet shook her head slightly, shaking off the idea of ​​immediately rebuilding her heart. Throw the grinding jar into the wash bin to the side. He went to the yard, fetched a bucket of water and directly hit Lin on his head.


Cool well water rushed from Angelet's head to his feet. He felt that 033 was much more awake. The underwear she was wearing was also soaked through.

Angelet put down the bucket and reached into the void a little.

A light red rune suddenly appeared under the fingertip, and the rune disappeared in a flash.

Auxerre. " Angelet whispered.

A layer of red fluorescence quickly lit up on his body, and bursts of white water vapor continuously evaporated from the clothes on his body. In less than ten seconds, the water stains on Angelet's body were completely evaporated.

"After learning new witchcraft, it is convenient. Some low-level applications of energy particles make life much more convenient."

Wind-type particles can be slightly accelerated, fire-type particles can be used to dry, and plant-type particles can be used to spawn. .

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