"I thought you forgot, but I found it a long time ago. There just happened to be a manor for sale recently. The place is very remote, and it is said to be haunted. Almost no one wants to live there. So the price is very cheap. It is hard to find other places to satisfy you." The house on your terms." Timos replied.

"That's the building." Angelet said casually. "Ghosts are difficult to deal with in the eyes of ordinary people. Once you become a great wizard, "zero six zero" is not a difficult task."

"That's true." Timos nodded.

When the two entered the gate of the auction house, several nobles in front saw Dimos and Angelet, and turned their heads to greet and salute.

Needless to say, Timos' reputation in the city, and Angelet was also known by the upper-class nobles because of the destruction of the Zijinhua family. So it is not an unknown person.

Di Moss said nothing while walking.

The two walked down the aisle.

In the brown-yellow corridor, the floor is covered with a red carpet. Pale golden wall lamps hung on the walls on both sides, burning solid grease inside. Every few steps is a pair of wall lamps emitting a bright yellow halo.

There is a faint scent of incense in the air.

After walking through the aisle, a wide hall appeared in Angelet's vision.

There are dense glass oil lamps hanging from the golden ceiling [the whole venue is illuminated ten pieces brightly. Below are rows of bright red armchairs. It was already full of many guests who came to participate in the auction. The venue also seemed a bit noisy.

Behind the frontmost auction table, there is a huge red sign hanging on the wall, with the words 'Ninggula Auction' written in Angmar on it. The font is unusually neat, as if it was written with a ruler.

"Come on, let's go to the private room." Timothy led Angelet to the side. After entering through a small door, there is a stairwell. After going up the stairs twice, you can see a corridor with a room at the end. A maid in red at the door saluted and bowed respectfully towards this side.

"This is my special seat." Timos smiled.

into the room. Angelet noticed that the entire room seemed to be built high up on the left side of the auction house. One wall is completely transparent. You can clearly see the auction below.

There are red leather chairs and sofas in the room. A large white blanket on the floor is spotless. Apparently it's a brand new one. On a low table similar to a coffee table was an incense stand, with three sticks of black incense burning inside. Wisps of blue smoke slowly floated out from the scarlet tongue [melting into the air.

"How is it? The location is good, right? You can see the whole venue from this direction." Timos sat down on the sofa and said with a smile.

The maid brought drinks and fruit wine and put them on the low table. After a salute, he left.

Angelet picked up the poured cider glass. Put it in front of your eyes and shake it gently.

The emerald green wine is crystal clear in the glass, and bursts of mellow fruit aroma slowly escape. A look is the best top grade.

The fruit wine seems to be warm at 0.6. It is late autumn and the temperature is slightly chilly. This temperature is just right for warming up the body.

"I invite you here this time, and I can just watch a good show." Timos said mysteriously. The whole person was lying lazily on the sofa, looking extremely charming and enchanting.

Angelet's goosebumps began to appear again, so he quickly turned his eyes away.

"What a good show?".

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