Everything in the venue completely lost its original color and turned into monotonous black and white.

Only Anuya, his surroundings are still glowing with dazzling red light. The young man seemed to have lost consciousness at this time, and the red light condensed a red crystal dagger on his right hand.

He took a few steps forward and was about to lunge forward.

Suddenly, in the private room on the second floor, a green light suddenly lit up.

Anuya's white eyes turned to look at the second floor. Through the transparent floor-to-ceiling windows, a vague figure is slowly exuding a green halo. It was Angelet.

Angelet calmly looked at Anuya below. The eyes of the two met for a moment. In the entire venue, in the black and white world, there are only two people with the only remaining colors.

Quiet, dead still, a feeling of loneliness suddenly rushed into Angelet's heart. It seems that the human beings in the whole world have been completely extinct, and only a few people are still alive. This feeling of helplessness and loneliness made him feel tight in his heart.

The two looked away almost at the same time. The dagger in Anuya's hand quickly melted into the armor. He reached out to hug Nisi who was standing aside, and walked slowly towards the gate of the venue calmly.

With a click, the stopped black and white world dissipated instantly. All colors are restored immediately.

"Holy weapon? It's actually a holy weapon!!" Dimos in the private room stood up in shock and whispered.

Angelet sat quietly on the seat, narrowed her eyes slightly, and slightly tightened her hand holding the armrest. He finally felt the power of the emerald once again, the power that stagnated in an instant

"It's not a quick burst..." Angelet whispered. Standing up, he took a deep look at the pair of young people embracing each other below, stood up, turned and left.

Angelet also stopped talking, and stood quietly in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, slowly drinking the top-quality fruit wine in his hand.

The temperature in the private room is moderate, and Angelet is wearing a little too much clothes. He gently pulled the neckline, revealing his white and strong chest. He stared intently at the venue below.

Some noisy noise came in from below. The flow of people kept pouring in along the entrance. Filling the red seats of the venue. Soon, after ten minutes, all the red seats were filled. The gate of the venue also slowly closed. Two guards in black heavy armor held giant axes and walked to the door to guard.

0...asking for flowers...

Walking up the auction stage was an old man wearing glasses, with gray hair and beards, looking extremely serious. He lightly tapped the small hammer in his hand.

"Gentlemen and ladies, I am very glad that you can come to our Minggula auction house. Today, I, Pierre from Nalin Street, will preside over the auction for you. Everyone must have heard about the origin of today's exhibits. Alright. If that's the case, then I won't say more. Now I announce that the auction will begin!" The old man said concisely. Hit the small hammer hard, and there was a bang.


The whole venue slowly calmed down. Most people's eyes were focused on the platform. Some people whispered to each other, but their voices were consciously lowered.

"The first auction item. It is the precious silver sand from the Sea Clan, which is used as the starting item for this auction." The old man said loudly. On the auction stage, two brawny men with bare upper body carried a black metal box and walked onto the stage from one side. They followed closely behind two swordsmen in leather armor, alert to the movement around them.


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