Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

[165] The Location Of The Dragon Scale Flower Is In Hand!

"This is what you want, the location of the Dragon Scale Flower. We also found that place by accident, but let me remind you in advance that it is very dangerous inside. The people from the organization sent four times, a total of more than a hundred people, and only one person I brought out a dragon scale flower alive, and the others never came out again."

Angelet caught it, and the glass tube in his hand still had a warm body temperature. He frowned. Suddenly thinking of a possible hiding place for "Zero Seven Seven", my heart skipped a beat. This! But it was suppressed immediately.

"How can I believe that what you say is true?" he said in a deep voice.

"Believe it or not is up to you." Qiulin said calmly.

Angelet was silent for a while. He unplugged the small glass tube with his hand, poured out the black cloth inside, and unfolded it gently.

I saw a clear map with white lines on the piece of cloth. The route above is like a dense spider web, and there are many nodes, all of which are marked with small place names

And all the white lines end up converging into a circle. A circle with a skull drawn on it. It is marked in bloody writing on the side: Yueqin Manor.

Angelet searched carefully, and found the mark of the famous ancient city on it. However, it is still far, far away from the position of the skull circle.

He frowned.

"The fabric was put in a week ago. The recording time of the line traces on it is different. It should be accumulated for a long time. Looking at the strokes of the traces, the lines should be drawn by many people. The authenticity is very good. You should You didn't lie to me." He raised his head, and Qiulin looked at him in shock. Obviously, what he said is completely true.

"You can tell with just such a few things... I should really be glad that we didn't take the initiative to attack you." Qiulin swallowed, with a trace of fear in her eyes.

"Okay, you can go now." Angelet ignored her surprise.

"Are you sure you really let me go?" Qiulin was taken aback.

"Of course." Angelet said lightly, "You are no longer useful to me. I will keep my promise and let you go."

Qiulin stared at him suspiciously for a while, and finally seemed to be sure that he had no intention of doing anything. Only then slowly backed up, until it retreated into the woods, then quickly turned around, staggered into the dense forest, and quickly disappeared...

Angelet stood where she was, looked at the black cloth in her hand, and frowned.

"I hope you didn't lie to me." He whispered to himself. He stretched out his hand and quickly drew a red rune in the air. The rune floated and emitted a faint red fluorescence.

In the depths of the dense forest, on the back of Qiulin who was staggering forward in the forest, the same red rune appeared faintly, and the light red fluorescence slowly emitted. But Qiulin didn't notice it.

Night——named ancient city, somewhere in a remote abandoned villa area.

The villa houses here are all made of red stone bricks. The ground is a 1.6 black slate that looks like sand.

In a small garden in the middle of a crossroads, stands a bronze statue of a woman, dressed in gauze, holding a water bottle in the gesture of pouring water. Surrounded by a circle of white and yellow flowers.

A breeze blew by, and the flowers in the garden suddenly made a slight rustling sound.

The night at Cross Street is extremely deserted. There were no pedestrians, no carriages, and even some dead silence. .

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