This garden is not long, and it will pass through it quickly. Angelet also planned to pick some flowers from here to study and study when she left.

Go out along the exit of another iron door at the end. It's a path that wraps around bushes. There are some off-white stone benches and benches on both sides of the path. The road is paved with gray stone slabs. At the end is a Shiraishi arch.

The five people had just walked in when suddenly the stone slabs on the ground trembled.


In the clatter.

A piece of stone slab turned upright, and slender feet grew out from the lower edge.


940 was like a fleeing crowd, the stone boards screamed in terror and fear, and quickly dispersed in a rush. In an instant, there was nothing left.

The five people stared dumbfounded at the slabs scattered, exposing the yellow soil on the ground below. I don't even know what to say.

Suddenly, the archway at the end of the path connected by stone slabs slowly dissipated like soap bubbles. Completely disappeared.

"I remembered!! Those are the screaming slabs. These slabs connect the road to the destination. Without them, we can't enter the real garden. We must get those slabs back!" The black-robed man said at this time Respond, because of the soundtrack.

"How to find it? Those slates are frightened. Now I don't know where to hide." The red-robed man frowned.

"They like the energy particles of the earth system. Whoever absorbs them quickly will be in trouble." Messer said slowly.

"I'll come first this time." The red-robed man took a step forward. Close your eyes, with one hand outstretched and the palm facing the front.

A low voice of prayer and chanting kept coming out of his mouth. Soon, a burst of dense dark brown light spots quickly emerged from the surrounding air, gathering towards his palm. These light spots seem to be fine, but they have a heavy feeling.

The light spots were like sesame spots, and quickly condensed into a small black ball the size of an egg in the palm of the red-robed man, exuding a slightly brown halo. (aeah)

The man in the red robe opened his eyes, stopped the chanting in his mouth, and gently threw his palm forward.

The black ball immediately fell to the dirt floor where the slate was originally covered.


The dark-brown light sphere immediately spread out, turning into a liquid-like dark-brown oil, flowing over all the previous positions of the stone slabs, forming a black road.

clap clap...

A burst of dense footsteps suddenly came from all directions around. It was like the sound of countless people running wildly, rushing and crowded.

Before a few people could see it clearly, with a bang, all the escaped stone slabs rushed back to their original positions, fell down and lay down on the ground, vigorously licking the dark brown liquid energy particles on the ground. And there is an extra pair of hands and a big mouth. One by one greedily licked the liquid on the ground, exclaimed contentedly from time to time, chirping and discussing with each other in an unintelligible language, the voices were male and female, very lively.

Just right, the stone slabs were completely lined up on the ground again, forming the previous stone slab road.

At the end, the Shiraishi arch slowly resurfaced.

"Go, time is running out," Messer urged.

Five people hurriedly stepped on the back of the stone slab on the ground and rushed towards the Shiraishi arch.

"Oh!!" Angelet stepped on a stone slab, and the guy below let out an ecstatic moan. With blue veins popping up on Angelet's forehead, he hurried to speed up. .

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