Angelet narrowed his eyes slightly, and he glanced back. I saw the arch coming in from behind unexpectedly disappeared at some point. It directly turned into a wall, and his back was almost against the gray-white wall.

He took another step back, and the vest was pressed against the wall, and a cold touch came suddenly.

At this time, the man in the red robe standing in the front began to rub the ring on his hand again.

"Burst!!" the red robe roared.

A little red star swelled up in front of him at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon became the size of a human head, and the sound of violent flames bursting continuously. The man in the red robe stretched out his hand and pushed, and the red fireball immediately flew towards the giant pincer warrior with a whirring sound. The speed is not fast, and the speed of throwing a thing by ordinary people is about 04.

After finishing all this, the red-robed man once again took out a small medicine bottle from his waist pocket with a dignified expression. The medicine bottle was only the size of a thumb, made of transparent glass, and filled with a lavender oily liquid. Hong Pao picked up the vial and threw it on the ground.

With a bang, a cloud of white smoke spread from the place where the vial was smashed. The white smoke became thicker and thicker, and it completely submerged him very quickly.

On the other side, Messer is carefully holding a silver knife. He was scratching something lightly on the ground. The body of the silver knife is engraved with fine and complex patterns, but if you look closely, you can find that these patterns are extremely tiny symbols and distorted lines. His granddaughter was standing on the side, a little at a loss, with a look of panic on her face.

Soon, Mess stood up suddenly, muttered something in a low voice, and he and his granddaughter disappeared immediately.

The last man in black was already staggering towards the corner of the courtyard.

Angelet looked in that direction, and unexpectedly saw a small wooden yellow door appearing there at some point, creaking and shaking.

In a blink of an eye, he was the only one left in the entire courtyard.

"Play this game for me?" He didn't know the tricks of the other people, they were planning to bully him, they didn't know enough about the situation, and let him fight head-on with the giant pincer warrior so that the rest of them could enjoy the benefits.

"Come in here quickly." Suddenly a delicate voice came from not far from him.

Angelet followed the sound and saw that not far from the two of Messer disappeared, an arm suddenly appeared in the air. Looking at the material of the clothes on the arm, it was obviously the granddaughter of Messer just now.

"Take your hand back! Whatever he is doing!" Old Messer's voice came faintly.

"Good little girl."

Angelet smiled slightly, but didn't go over, because it was already too late, and the giant pincer warrior had already set his sights on him. Angelet didn't think that 087 could outrun the opponent in a short-distance burst.

"Hiss!!" the Giant Claw Warrior roared, and with a light block, the red fireball the size of a human head from the red-robed man immediately hit his tongs, slammed into sparks, and quickly dissipated in the air .

It waved its other pincer unconsciously in the air a few times, and the whole person rushed out of the pond and rushed towards Angelet. Every time you take a step, there will be a wet footprint on the ground. Its skin is a hard shell like metal, which looks as soft as ordinary people, but in fact it is just a similar appearance. The whole person sprinted like a heavy machine, and the ground trembled slightly. .

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