The surface of the mirror is an extremely thin film of meat, which acts as a mirror surface. The mirror surface was originally a faint whitish color, but soon slowly turned into darkness. Then it slowly brightened again, and a picture of a wilderness appeared unexpectedly.

In the picture, the sky is gloomy, and in the middle of a dense green grass, there is a large piece of scorched black marks that have been burned.

Inside the scorched black lay a person, a fat young girl. Unfortunately, the girl stared at the sky with her eyes wide open, and her entire body was cut in two, with one half above the waist and the other half below. There was no blood, not even a trace of blood on the clothes, as if there was no injury at all.

"I've checked, and the cross-section of the corpse has no viscera flowing out, and the abdominal cavity is empty. It's Jeremu's technique." Flock explained.

"Jerem..." The green mother wizard's complexion changed, and she lowered her head. "Damn it!! Who knows if what you say is true? I need to find out...."

"Okay, we won't bother you anymore." "The flocs and eyeballs dissipated slowly in the room together. The gray balls composed of mosquitoes were suspended in the air, and the starting speed was closed again.

After a while, there was a sudden mad roar in the room.

"DAMN!!! JERIM! One day I'm going to eat you!! Eat your entire family!!"

In the room, Angelet reached out and gently caught the contact mirror. Then carefully shrink it piece by piece, becoming only the length of a palm.

He opened the side door of the lens barrel, and the magic stone inside the door turned from black to slightly black, which consumed a lot of energy.

Angelet closed the side door again. Simply tie the contact mirror behind the waist with a strong black string. It is better to carry such precious things with you.

"Water of Yasu...Looks like I have to travel again." Angelet rubbed her chin, with a relaxed smile on her face, just now she saw the mentor of Northern Lights in the contact mirror Looking for the water of Yasu, I should also embark on a journey.

He glanced around his room. With a flick of a finger, a breeze immediately blew out the oil lamp.

The room was suddenly plunged into darkness.

Angelet sat cross-legged on his bed, closed his eyes slightly, and began to meditate.

Two days later...early morning.

Liliaduo, hundreds of kilometers away from Ramsuo Academy.

A semicircular huge gray-black city is surrounded by countless seas of trees. Like countless greens surrounding a black spot.

A towering gray-black stone wall separates the forest from the city. There are four openings on each side of the city. Four thin streams of people are like four thin gray lines, continuously entering and leaving the city.

The sky is sunny and the air is cool, with gusts of cold wind blowing from time to time. A few white birds flew in formation from the sky, making crisp bird calls.

In the direction of the west gate of the city, there is a slender flow of people in the caravan. A gray (Nuoma Zhao) tented carriage was slowly driving towards the city gate. It is inconspicuous among other carriage convoys.

The convoy in which the tented carriage was located belonged to a foreign caravan. Most of the carriages are gray cloth tent carts, and most of the drivers are wearing gray cloth turbans. The men have big beards, and the women are obese, and they look very distinctive.

At this time, the convoy seemed a little noisy.

`~Greenwood! One more! One more!'.

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