As for the spellbook manuscripts I bought earlier. He burned them all. These things are extremely precious information. He didn't want the things he bought by himself to be stolen by others after they found out. Anyway, the chip has already scanned all the spell books into the brain.

In the past few days, apart from daily routines such as eating and sleeping, Angelet has been in a state of meditation and study.

As for the battle between the Nunnally family and the Stephen family, he was not interested. I don't want to know which side is righteous and which side is evil. For him, the most important thing is to achieve 04's goal. He helped them duel and got the information of Yasu's water by himself.

The patriarch of the Nunnally family also came here to bring people to visit Angelet. He said some compliments and gave some gold coins, and originally planned to leave a few girls to serve, but Angelet refused.

For this family, Kelly and Mikain are already very noble and powerful mystics. It is difficult to see each other at ordinary times, and the daily affairs are also handled by the patriarchs and elders, and Kelly is their trump card and backing.

And now that Angelet is a more powerful person invited by Kelly, it naturally makes the whole family rejoice, and their respect for him is even stronger.

In the past few days, Angelet also asked Kelly to send two excellent cross swords. After all, compared to the use of daggers, his sword skills are the most powerful. To prepare for battle. Angelet also asked the servants to send some materials. And mix it into venom, and evenly apply it on the sword body and negotiation weapons. to be fully prepared.

Another five or six days passed. Finally, it's time for a duel.

The sky was slightly bright, and the room was still a little dark and gloomy.

Angelet hung chain claws, daggers, cross swords, throwing knives, and several girdles on his body, picked up the academy robes, and immediately hid all the weapons under the robes.

"Although it is impossible for official wizards to appear in such a purely ordinary place, it is better to be careful in everything." Angelet glanced at the window, and through the glass window, she could see that there were maids carrying candlesticks in the yard outside. Ten thousand came over and carefully protected the candle from being blown out by the wind.

Angelet reached out and pressed lightly on the phosphorescent heart that was made into a bomb in his waist pocket.

"Even if you are an official wizard, you can fight with this thing."

Boom boom boom.

There was a light knock on the door.

"Master Angelet, are you up?" The voice of the maid came.

"Are you ready to go?" Angelet knew that today was the time for the decisive battle between the two families.

"Yes, the patriarch and the others are ready and waiting for you." The maid said loudly outside the door.

"I'll be right out." Angelet673 replied, clapping his hands lightly. A layer of reddish fluorescence flickered on the gray robe for a while. It quickly faded away.

After the red light passed, the wrinkles and stains on the robe were also swept away.

Angelet nodded in satisfaction, opened the door and followed the maid out of the room.

The cold wind howled.

The sky was gray and there was no sunlight. To the north of Emma City is a large sea of ​​dark green trees. The ground is undulating, full of rolling hills. The dense forest is densely packed, and it is almost impossible to see the ground.

Gusts of wind blew past, and the entire sea of ​​trees was covered with waves. There were bursts of buzzing, and even the singing of birds was completely covered up. .

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