"I didn't expect that Aguya's research content would be so deep. A wandering independent wizard apprentice can have such profound academic attainments. This world is indeed Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon." A smile appeared on Angelet's face.

"System, is the metal spell system well established?" he murmured in his heart.

"The metal system has been established, and the degree of perfection is 13%. A model data has been mastered. It is predicted that the improvement potential is 54%."

The improvement potential is a value stipulated by Angelet when transforming the spell model. Used to determine how much room for improvement a spell model has. 0 means the most perfect, and the current stage of the chip cannot be improved. And 100 means continuous improvement. Every improvement will reduce this value. And the smaller it is, the more perfect the spell is and the harder it is to modify it. So the more basic the spell model, the larger the value.

Angelet patted the grass clippings on his body.

"With the prescription of Nightmare Potion, the harvest this time is very good." There was a smile on his face. Of course, in exchange, he also gave that Agua a few high-grade magic stones, equivalent to hundreds of low-grade magic stones, which is a huge fortune. Although it is still far from the value of the nightmare medicine prescription, it can be regarded as a handover that both parties are satisfied with.

Along the hillside, Angelet walked directly towards Emma City.

It was already noon, and the slight sunlight shone on his body, and he could only feel a little bit of temperature.

Angelet walked along the grass and forest for more than ten minutes, and soon saw the main road of Emma City through the gaps in the trees. Carriages passed by in a hurry, and scattered pedestrians carried bags and boxes.

A middle-aged man with a medicine basket on his back was walking around in the woods beside him with a small medicine hoe.

The appearance of Angelet did not attract much attention from these people.

The herb pickers and some passers-by just glanced at him and stopped paying attention.

Angelet didn't wear the gray robe of the academy either, and was dressed like a mercenary hunting alone, and it wasn't too eye-catching.

Walking out of the woods, he blended into the flow of people entering the city. along the road

walk slowly.

While walking, Angelet was slowly digesting some information given by Agua just now. Although it didn't take long, Agua still roughly explained the main knowledge of the metal system. And presented Angelet with a small book, which recorded the introductory knowledge of the metal system. It is also the memory note and spell book that Agia carries with her.

0…ask for flowers……

After all, other people cannot permanently memorize any knowledge like Angelet. Everyone else needs to keep reviewing and reviewing previous knowledge. So this kind of bookworm is also common.

Like ordinary people, Angelet quickly entered Emma City amidst the noisy convoys and crowds.

The people of Nunnally's family who were guarding the city gate quickly recognized him. After a briefing. Angelet didn't take a long time in the city before following Wei Zhong to the residence of Nunnally's family.

"What??!" With bandages on her shoulders, Kelly stood up from the chair with a face full of shock and anger. The sharp voice was almost heard by the maids passing by the door, and they looked here curiously.

"Master Angelet, are you sure you're not joking with me?" Kelly suppressed her emotions and asked again. .

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