"That is to say, we can take this opportunity to solve the Stephen family in one go?" the patriarch Gottel asked excitedly.

"Of course. Now is their weakest period." Kelly nodded with a smile.

Two days later, in the evening.

The whole city of Emma was noisy and noisy.

There were no carriages or horses on the streets, and they were all occupied by pedestrians walking by. Most of them wear a small red flower on their body. The expression on the face is relaxed - and cheerful.

"Emma! Wait for me!"

A child ran past Angelet, yelling. This is a little boy, with a little red flower on his head, looks a bit nondescript.

Angelet sat quietly on a bench by the side of the street, watching the children running past and chasing her with a blank expression on her face.

Under the gloomy sky, the whole city of Emma fell into a happy and relaxed atmosphere.

Some residents pushed orange cake carts full of cakes and yelled at twice the usual price. Surrounded by children, some parents have no choice but to spend money to buy them for their children.

There are other little round toast carts, little toy peddlers.

When some children passed by, they still held small turntable lights in their hands. This is a small turntable made of wood, just like the shape of a small water wheel, but the wheels are coated with luminous mushroom sauce. It looks glowing light blue fluorescent, very beautiful.

Angelet sat on the bench, watching the lively scene of the celebration, but it gave people a feeling of being out of place.

"It's still two minutes away from the time. Dilanya's people should be here soon." Angelet checked the time given by the chip, and looked around calmly.


A barking sound came from the left.

Angelet looked sideways, and saw a white puppy with ears like wings on its back, led by a trembling old man, walking slowly forward. The old man rolled his eyes and looked like he should be blind.

However, following the blind man out was a figure in a gray and white cloak, his face was invisible, and even his figure was completely hidden in the bloated robe.

There was a slight flash of understanding in Angelet's eyes. He stood up and walked slowly towards the cloaked man.

The man turned slightly sideways and nodded to him, with a very small arc. If it wasn't for Angelet's excellent eyesight, it would be impossible to tell that his movement was a nod.

0...asking for flowers...

After the cloaked man gestured, he turned around and quickly mixed into the crowd, walking in one direction.

Angelet followed closely behind, and the two squeezed back and forth among the crowd. Soon he went out a long distance.

"Get out of the way!!" A team of city guards, led by a knight, patrolled the crowd slowly. The leading knight has a fat head and big ears, and the armor on his body hangs on him like a piece of cloth, which looks very funny. However, the arrival of this team of city guards just happened to divide the dense flow of people into two sides.

The man in the gray and white cloak mixed with the crowd on one side [squeeze into the ten alleys on the left.

Angelet also walked in. In the alley, there were two children chasing and fighting to grab buns.

Angelet walked around the child a few times and followed the white-robed man further in.

Gradually, there were almost no people in the alley. The sound of the celebration is also getting smaller and smaller.

After walking for a full two minutes, the gray-robed man in front finally stopped and turned around. .

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