I saw Angelet's hand play, and the pages of the book suddenly glowed with a thin layer of green light. The content inside changed from cooking experience to spell information recorded in ancient languages ​​line by line, and some hand-painted spiritual power was also mixed in. The black and white stereogram of the model has only spiral lines, which is a bit like the spiral gene map on the earth.

What is recorded inside is a spell called Twisting Barrier. Any energy particle can be used to release it, but the effect is different. And it needs two kinds of energy particles to use at the same time

The collision of two kinds of particles forms a repulsive force field, which has a certain defensive effect on physical and energy attacks. This is also a spell selected by Angelet after contacting Dilanya again.

"Many wizards used to choose the spell of twisting barrier before advancing to the next level, but without exception, they all became mediocre ordinary wizards. It is too harsh for the development of wizards to be required to specialize in two kinds of energy particles at the same time. This spell is also your own choice, I respect you." Dilanya kindly reminded.

"I know." Angelet nodded. Of course he knew the serious consequences of not being professional enough. However, he happened to be of the two elements of wind and fire, so he just wanted to use this spell to learn the principle.

And when he saw Agua's metal spell, he had an idea instantly. An idea that perfectly suits your own style of fighting.

This is also an important reason why he didn't kill the old man Aguya at the critical moment.

Combining the high-temperature field and the principle of force field spells such as twisting barriers, if metal spells can be formed into a constant field and set on the body. It can affect your own weapons and equipment anytime, anywhere, so when you use the cross sword. A sword stabbed out, and countless metal spikes exploded from the tip of the sword in an instant. When he slashed with his sword and was blocked, the cross sword suddenly turned into a curved hook sword, easily piercing into the opponent's neck. When a metal arrow is put on a longbow, and when it shoots out, it turns into a large number of metal spikes...  

Such a fighting style is so strange and powerful that no one can imagine what his subsequent changes will be. This is the strongest fighting method of metal spells.

However, the metal spell itself requires a lot of consumption and the model is complicated, so if it can form a spell like the innate force field, for Angelet, it can have both defense and attack. It just so happens that there is a giant tong metal liquid with high magic resistance on it, which is perfect for being used as a carrier of metal spells.

Recovering, Angelet smiled apologetically at Dilanya.

"Sorry, I was a little distracted."

"It's nothing, there is one last thing." Dilanya took out a few small scrolls from her waist pouch, and the brown leather paper was tied into a bundle with thin black thread. "This is the prescription you want. I only collected these three simple prescriptions."

"It's okay." Angelet took it, put it on the book, and untied the string.

Take a look at the content above. The three prescriptions are very common low-level pharmaceutical prescriptions: hypnotic powder, Jaylin concoction, and phantom sound potion.

The hypnotic powder Dilanya used it in the town of Mosi in Yueqin Garden. The Jaline blending agent is only an intermediate synthetic agent. When violent reactions such as explosions are likely to occur in the experiment, this agent can suppress the speed of the gentle reaction and greatly reduce the risk of the experiment. .

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