Leaving that disgusting bard behind, Angelet wandered casually down the street.

Two young lovers who danced and sang in public were surrounded by a large crowd, clapping time together and yelling in an incomprehensible dialect.

A group of big men set up a row of tables, and under the cooperation of several taverns, a beer drinking competition was launched. Plump men and women sat in a row around the table, constantly pouring down large mugs of light yellow ale. The surroundings are also cheering loudly for a group of people.

Angelet turned around and stopped in front of an old man playing with marionettes.

This old shriveled old man was wearing gray linen clothes, and his body was a little greasy. There was also an unpleasant smell of sweat. Messy white hair, the whole face from time to time to show a flattering smile to the passing pedestrians. The ten fingers of his hands are tied with a 013 translucent thin thread. Pulling the two palm-sized puppets below to make sparring poses.

Two puppets, one in a white dress and the other in black, represent a man and a woman.

When Angelet came over, the old man was holding back his voice and dubbing the puppet. The two children sat on the side watching with relish.

...... He didn't know the original reason at all, he only saw that Julie took his toy away. No! Julie! You can't do this!" The old man had a boyish voice.

He moved his hand, and immediately changed to a girl's voice. (aedi)

"Why? Why can't I do this? He is mine in the first place, so why do you take my things and give them to Edoff? Even if he wants to, you can't..."

Angelet shook her head boredly. Get away from the old man.

He was just curious about what the entertainment of people in this world is like, and the reality is undoubtedly cruel.

Back to the hotel from the noisy street.

Angelet packed everything and paid the bill to the hotel owner. Go straight down the street towards the city gate.

Beside the city gate, there is a chariot and horse stall.

Several merchants were negotiating prices with the guys from the carriage dealer [ten people who looked like bosses were calling for some people to load a fat man dressed as an aristocrat into the carriage. Looks like it's still busy.

Angelet walked in, and immediately a guy greeted him.

"What do you need, a carriage, or a single horse? Or send goods or take a letter?" The man had a patterned smile on his face.

"Ride alone. Speed ​​up." Angelet said casually.

"Okay, I'll take you to pick a horse." The guy smiled even more. Riding alone means not renting a horse, but buying a horse. This is the most profitable. Because the carriage can only be rented, you can't make much money by sending goods and carrying letters. Only buy horses.

As soon as he heard that he bought a horse and rode alone, the other two idle carriages and horses also surrounded him [one of them looked like a small steward. Several people surrounded Angelet and walked to the back of the car

Soon, Angelet came out slowly on a fat black horse. The black horse is even a little blurry at night, only a pair of eyes are very clear.

"You go!" The steward smiled flatteringly, and shouted to Angelet who was on the horse.

Angelet nodded, put his legs between the horse's belly, turned a corner, and walked towards the city gate at a moderate speed.

The noble fat man standing on one side looked towards this side. He continued to chat with the boss of the car and horse dealership. .

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