The moment the black horse fell, his right arm was broken, and he had to support his body with his left hand, flip on the ground, and roll a certain distance before he could get rid of the huge impact inertia.

"I'm stupid!!" Angelet quickly got up angrily and supported his body with his left hand. As a result, the broken arm of the material was rolled down to a far away place.

bang bang!!

The two hundred-eyed monsters rushed in front of Angelet, and their huge body hit the ground of "107" with a dull sound, and countless arms grabbed him fiercely.

Huh! The green is bright.

A mass of green phosphorous fire blasted out from Angelet's hand.

The two hundred-eyed monsters clucked twice at the same time, and took a few steps back. His body was stained with a lot of light green phosphorous fire, and a lot of green fire light illuminated the entire forest in a miserable green.

But soon, the phosphorus flames on the two monsters were being extinguished at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This is troublesome..." Angelet held the cross sword in his left hand, and under the gaze of the two monsters and hundreds of dark red eyes, goose bumps all over his body. A wry smile appeared on his face.

"Sure enough, wizards are so fucking selfish..." Angelet cursed in a low voice. Those three people were decisive, they didn't drag their feet, and they knew a truth very well - they couldn't run away from the Hundred Eyed Monster, as long as they could outrun him.

Angelet originally wanted to keep the two monsters away so as not to harm the fish in Chi, as long as they reached the outer city of the academy, they would be able to talk about anything. Mount Rogge would naturally not allow such a powerful threat to exist around the academy.

And the distance between him and those three people, as long as he turned in one direction, he could divert the two monsters away without hurting them.

But a ray of ice from that female apprentice completely disrupted his plan. The heart of the running black horse was instantly cooled down, and it only had time to snort before falling to the ground and dying. And Angelet did as they wished, and was intercepted by two monsters. It also ushered in the escape time for the three of them.


The two hundred-eyed monsters let out a sharp and ear-piercing cry. Hundreds of hands are constantly beating the rhythm, making a crackling sound.

Angelet slowly backed away. His hand gently reached into his waist pocket [ten reddish hearts were slowly touched out and pinched in his hand. The surface of the heart quietly exudes a faint light green


He stared closely at the two monsters that were only a few meters away in front of him...

"Actually, I don't want to use this up." Angelet said softly. "Okay, don't pretend, I know you can understand me."

Among the two hundred-eyed monsters, the one on the left suddenly lowered its body slightly. The red eyes on all arms blinked simultaneously. Staring at the heart in his hands.

"Disposable phosphorescent heart? Looks like we underestimated you." A high-pitched voice came from among its massive arms.

"It's just a little apprentice, Mamula, why are you talking nonsense with him?" Another hundred-eyed monster interjected.

Angelet smiled. "You can try it. This phosphorescent heart is one of the very few consumables with a low chance of success. It seems that I am lucky to be able to make it successfully." 3.7 He took out the phosphorescent heart and held it in front of his chest with one hand. The cross sword and the heart are held in one hand, giving the impression that the heart can be crushed with a little force.

The two hundred-eyed monsters stopped talking.

The two monsters stood quietly in the forest, neither of them spoke first.

After a confrontation for a while.

"Forget it, you can leave by yourself." The hundred-eyed monster on the left finally spoke.

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