Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

【232】The Soul Is The Destination Of Immortality

Angelet walked out of the woods in some embarrassment, looking at the yellow ruined city from a distance. Some harsh light made him unconsciously cover the light with his hands.

The khaki is like a black crow hovering over the ruins of a desert city. It is Lord Mount Rogge.

Angelet didn't dare to stay, so he stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, the gray robe on his body suddenly glowed red, the original embarrassment was swept away, and he straightened his hair again. With the help of the system, the fractured right hand has been fixed with a chipped wooden board.

After taking care of her body, Angelet walked quickly towards the ruins.

This time, Rogge only took a long look at Angelet from above, recognized him, and did not come down to verify his identity.

Angelet saluted to the sky, and hurried to the entrance of the academy.

After opening the underground passage with a fixed gesture and method. Angelet ran straight to her dormitory.

I met some apprentices on the way, and I didn't bother to deal with it at all, so I rushed back to my room.


The door was slammed shut. The corridors of the entire room were still unusually quiet, the ground was covered with a thick layer of white ash, and only Angelet had footprints, obviously he was the only one living in these rooms.

Back in the room, Angelet stretched out his hand and flicked the door, and a trace of very light green mist flew out of his fingertips and stuck to the door. Then he pointed at the oil lamp on the table. A little red light flew out from the fingertips and fell into the oil lamp.

With a hiss, the oil lamp suddenly lit up.

The whole room suddenly brightened.

Angelet walked to the edge of the table and pushed away the debris on it. He quickly took out two bottles of Yasu's water from his pocket and put them on the table. Then there was the square vellum roll of medicine, the broken arm of the Hundred Eyes, and the little book that twisted the barrier, which had been burned by him after he remembered it on the way.

"To see the tutor, it's best not to bring these things with you. There are apprentices missing in the college every year, so it's better not to try some things indiscriminately." Angelet muttered in a low voice, and put a few things on the table Put it away, leaving only one Yasu water.

This small tube of light golden liquid has a broken golden luster under the oil lamp. It's like holding countless golden sands instead of liquid.

Angelet picked up the water of Yasu, and shook the small tube gently through the transparent sulfide crystal.

A ray of red light slowly lit up in the hand, and the red light spread and covered the vial of Yasu's water, and a line of extremely small distorted runes slowly appeared on the surface of the originally transparent sulfide crystal.

"`~The opening spell is……." Angelet looked at the runes on it carefully.

"The soul is the destination of immortality!" he whispered softly.

The voice just fell.

The stopper of Yasu's Water immediately spun around automatically, making a clicking sound, and the originally sealed bottle cap split into six silver-white spider legs, and opened like a flower.

It looks like a silver flower growing from the mouth of a sulfurized crystal bottle.

Angelet narrowed his eyes, looked at the six slender but extremely sharp spider legs, and gently poured a drop of Yasu's water on the palm of his hand.

"Shut down." Angelet said softly.

The six silver spider legs drew together slowly. Refused to form a single cap to place on a sulfurized crystal bottle.

"The system, start analyzing the water of Yasu, simulating my probability of success in attacking the wizard."

"The analysis is in progress, and the simulation is starting...Estimated time: 11 hours and 32 minutes." The cold mechanical voice sounded slowly. .

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