"These underground races are becoming more and more excessive. Recently, the rate of haunting around the academy has been increasing. It seems that they may be in trouble again." The woman replied softly.

"So what? At least another hundred years, we are still safe. Such a long time is enough for us to recover. Let's go, it should be the fire caused by the explosion of the phosphorescent heart, which killed a hundred-eyed monster." The man casually threw away the green flame in his hand.

"Or should I deal with it?" the woman asked.

"Follow you." The man turned around and walked towards the woods behind him, before slowly disappearing into the shadows.

The remaining woman watched her companion leave, and turned her face to look at the raging green fire again.

"Arudiba. Speed ​​up."

"Of course." A deep man's voice came from her.

There was a ripping sound at the woman's left shoulder, and her clothes were instantly torn apart. The fair skin split open automatically, revealing the scarlet flesh inside, and a human head protruded from the flesh and blood.

It was the head of a white-skinned man, protruding from the flesh and blood on his shoulders. Just squeeze the woman's head aside.

The woman's whole body suddenly turned into a weird appearance with two heads.

The man had a handsome face, dark blue eyes, and a faint smile on his face.

At the same time, the woman's head began to slowly wither and turn black. In less than a few seconds, it completely turned into a ball of black flesh and melted into the surface of her body.

At the same time, the female features on the woman's body began to change rapidly, turning into a strong man's body.

After a while, the woman completely turned into a man.

The man reached out and aimed at the fire in front of him.

"Collinth, Frost...that No Cale...." he crooned.

A round white magic circle slowly emerged under his hands, and it kept rotating with the singing. Inside gleamed countless twisted runes and letters.

Bursts of icy white air continued to emanate from around the magic circle.

The grass near the ground was quickly covered with a layer of white frost, and some nearby trees also made an unbearable freezing sound.

The white magic circle is constantly rotating, like a white disc, facing the green fire, constantly emitting icy white chill.

The cold air spread rapidly, gradually occupying the area where the fire was burning, and some burning trees were also quickly extinguished, and Shikang's white frost soon covered the surface.

In just a few minutes, the entire green fire that soared into the sky was completely covered by cold air and extinguished.

"`~It's really strenuous......" The man shook his neck and withdrew his hand.

The white disk magic circle quickly became invisible again and disappeared into the air.

The man looked at the forest in front of him with satisfaction.

The surface of the scorched forest was covered with a thin layer of white ice, only a little blue smoke wafted out from time to time.

"Hundred-eyed monster, really picks the time." The man muttered, turned around and took a few steps, his body suddenly dissipated into countless white smoke.

An (Mano's) Glen was burning.

White flames burned wildly on his body.

There was no smoke, no temperature, no sound, as if the illusory white flame seemed to be burning with him as fuel.

The whole room was illuminated by this strange layer of white flames as bright as day.

Fine beads of sweat kept oozing from Angelet's face, the eyelids of his eyes kept turning, and his brown hair began to slowly become a little dry and dull amidst the white flames.

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