And this is just a simple basic spell template. And it's just a simple calculation of damage and explosive power. But that's it, once hit by this spell, it is equivalent to being attacked by a pervasive explosion from all directions. And the strength is about the same as Angelet's full attack. If you don't count combat skills, it's the knight's intermediate damage.

Perhaps only the great knight can resist with all his strength. If that white light really has magic resistance.

Angelet calmed down for a while, then continued to tidy up.

Angelet couldn't help thinking that he enjoyed fighting, he liked to feel his real presence in the battle. This kind of talent will allow him to exert 120% of his strength in a fight. So in actual combat, Angelet's explosiveness was stronger than the system's estimate.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that most wizards are keen on research, and there are too few wizards who like to fight. More are passive combat.

Angelet shook her head slightly to shake off her thoughts.

His eyes fell on the brown wooden table in the carriage. There are two barrels of all-metal arrows and a metal longbow on it. Under the table next to it, there is a whole body of black metal armor.

These things Angelet specially found good things from Timos and Hailan, all made of the best materials, just to supplement the consumption of metals. However, it is impossible to melt all of them on the body. After all, too heavy a burden will have a negative impact on the battle.


In the dark woods, a bonfire was burning alone. The bright yellow fire light illuminated the distance of several meters around.

Three figures were sitting quietly cross-legged around the campfire.

One of them has white hair, an old face, and a black robe, closing the curtain slightly to rest his mind.

The other two were a man and a woman, both in their twenties, wearing gray robes. One of the women was poking the fire with a twig to make it burn better.

The man was holding a book and reading it carefully.

After a while, the woman put down the branch and looked at the old man with closed eyes.

"Master Malan, how long do we have to wait? It's been so long. Has the other party left from another place?"

The old man slowly opened his eyes and shook his head.

"No, Nick's pier is the only shortest way he can get out. He will definitely take this way." He paused, and continued, "This time I come out, it is my own private behavior, the family is in Green Mother Under the pressure from the sorcerer's department, I'm ready to calm down. only grandson died for no reason! The family actually wants me to endure this, I can't agree .

He glanced at the two apprentices beside him: "Actually, you don't have to come with me."

"Your Excellency usually takes care of us many times. Now that Your Excellency has something to do, we naturally can't just sit idly by." The male apprentice put down his book and replied respectfully.

"Besides, the two of us have stayed in the third-class apprentices for so long, maybe we can get some promotion resources in this interception.

"I will remember this matter." There was a trace of gentleness in Ma Lan's eyes. "Only those who lend a helping hand at critical times can see sincerity." He said with a smile.

"Your honor is too high." The two apprentices bowed their heads respectfully. .

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