Soon after that, Angelet took everyone to the hidden hot spring he discovered before. He knew that this hidden hot spring was difficult to be found. Angelet was able to discover this hot spring because someone could help Angelet think of it. Here, Angelet couldn't help showing a smile.

Angelet thought that the Sword of Light was already in his pocket, but who knew that after Angelet walked into the hot spring, he suddenly found that there were many people waiting in the hot spring. Obviously, these people had been waiting for a long time.

He must have survived by luck on the top of this snow-capped mountain, and he was also very lucky to find this hot spring. Seeing so many people, Angelet couldn't help showing a look of strength in his eyes.

Obviously, Angelet is not willing to share his hot spring with so many people, and Angelet is also unwilling to share the sword of light in his pocket with these people. After seeing the hot spring, the group of ordinary people behind Angelet couldn't help but feel that they all All showed horror.

Apparently they didn't expect that there would be a hot spring on the top of such a snow-capped mountain. This is the so-called warm place, and a person as powerful as Angelet could find this hot spring with ease. You must know that there are hot springs among the snow-capped mountains.

This was something that none of them dared to think about, but Angelet was obviously familiar with the way, and obviously knew that there was a hot spring here.

It is enough to be so familiar with such a sinister place as the top of the snow mountain. You must know that the top of the snow mountain is a place where few people come. It is cold and cold, even if it is an animal.

It is also extremely difficult to survive on this, let alone human beings. f

"Oh my god, I didn't expect a hot spring to appear in such a place. It is extremely difficult to dig a hot spring even at the foot of an ordinary mountain. I didn't expect there to be a hot spring on the top of a snow mountain!"

"Yes, yes, this kind of thing is too strange, I have never heard of a hot spring on the top of a snow-capped mountain in other places, not to mention that Angelet can find it so quickly and familiarly , presumably Angelet had a lot of fate with this hot spring before!"

The following people all looked at each other and said these words, while Angelet on the side mainly moved his fingertips, and the hot spring started to boil. No one thought that the hot spring water could be boiled, so Is it possible to bathe in hot springs in such water?

Everyone was thinking like this in their hearts, but Angelet obviously didn't take the boiling hot spring seriously. Angelet took off his shoes and socks and walked directly into the hot spring. The boiling water in the hot spring immediately burst into flames. Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene.

Obviously no one wants to get close to the hot spring, after all, no one knows when this hot spring that looks like fire will burn people, and Angelet just pretended not to ask any questions.

2.6 hot spring in the same way and then went straight into the depths of the hot spring, while Violet behind Angelet was entangled for a long time.

But Violet swallowed her saliva after that, and continued to follow behind Angelet. Obviously, no matter what kind of dragon's pit and tiger's lair Angelet went to, Violet would definitely follow. The people behind couldn't help but look at each other. I also want to keep up, but I am afraid that the high temperature hot spring will burn me. .

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