Because they have no room for resistance, only the fate of obedience and submission.

Could it be that the center of this mountain range is Alcatel's egg of life? Angelet guessed.

He thought of what happened to Alcatel back then. In the second year after he entered the demon territory, he was besieged by some powerful high-level demons in the demon territory. Although Alcatel was powerful, he was still no match for those high-level demons. He was seriously injured, and was eventually besieged by a group of high-level demons.

In the end, he fell into their hands, and his body was snatched away by the 717th-level demons. And his egg of life was also taken away. And he stayed there for a long time at that time, and he knew that Alcatel's words before his death must have pointed out his direction for him.

Angelet flew towards the center of the mountain range quickly.

The closer he got to the blue-white flame of life, Angelet felt his soul tremble. A strange feeling suddenly rose from the bottom of Angelet's heart.

At this moment, a strange feeling suddenly appeared in his mind. He felt that he seemed to break through (afbh) his bottleneck and step into a new level. Although he is only a strong man at the peak of the sanctuary now.

However, he has perfectly integrated his spirit, energy and spirit, and now he can break through to the seventh level of the sanctuary.

This is the realm he has always wanted to achieve, but he has not been able to find an opportunity to break through. This time, he was given a chance. (~^~)

Rumbling!... Angelet's feet stepped on the ground hard, and his whole body sank into the ground, surrounding him. The ground seemed to start shaking.

Countless cracks appeared on the ground under his feet in an instant, and then cracked inch by inch. Soon, this hard ground turned into a puddle of broken mud.

And beside Angelet, a huge hole was smashed out, and the ripples continued to expand in circles.

Angelet felt as if he was on top of a gigantic furnace, the surrounding flames were constantly tumbling, as if infinite power was surging, and he could clearly feel that there seemed to be a wild beast in the center of the ground.

He knew that the center of the fire of life that Alcatel said was in that blue-white flame!!

Angelet took a deep breath, with a serious look on his face.

It seems that I'm really going to go in, and I must seize this opportunity!!! Angelet's eyes were fixed on the blue-white flame with a mad look in his eyes.

His current strength and cultivation base have reached the ninth level of the holy domain, and if he continues to practice, it will be meaningless at all, and his strength can no longer be improved.

And the environment of this world is simply not suitable for cultivation. So now he just wants to seize this opportunity and break through to the eighth level of the sanctuary in one fell swoop. Only the strong strength of the eighth level of the sanctuary can really help him and solve his current troubles.

That being the case, I will risk my life and go in for a walk. Angelet gritted her teeth, her eyes became determined.

He raised his head and looked at the blue-white flame. He stretched out his right index finger and touched the blue-white flame lightly.

Suddenly, a terrifying heat wave passed from the blue-white flame to Angelet's right hand. .

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