To get out of here, go to the Empire of Light and look for the sacred tree canopy.

At this time, it was already late, and it was less than an hour before Li Tian's dawn, so Angelet did not stay any longer, but walked towards the City Lord's Mansion.

The City Lord's Mansion is the residence of the imperial family of the Guangming Empire. This mansion was built on a wide plain.

At this moment, there is a row of guards guarding the gate of the mansion at "August 20", which looks very strict. Whether it is the gate of the city or the city wall, it is full of soldiers in armor.

These soldiers are all warriors in the Golden Core realm. They all hold sharp knives, and they exude bursts of powerful murderous aura from their bodies. They look extremely majestic and terrifying.

Stop! Who is breaking into the city?

As soon as Angelet approached the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, two guards in armor immediately stopped him.

Although Angelet's identity is the county king of the Guangming Empire and a strong man in the Wu Zong realm, these guards don't pay attention to him. They only think that he is just a small county king and has no weight.

go away!

Angelet frowned slightly, snorted coldly, and said coldly, there was a sharp energy in his voice, and this energy immediately turned into a strong wind, blowing the surrounding guards, cheeks It hurts.

The guards immediately felt a sense of danger, and stepped back several steps, looking at Angelet with frightened eyes.

Angelet glanced at these guards, and said coldly: Listen carefully, I am Angelet, the county king of the Guangming Empire, and I have been ordered to go to the palace of the Guangming Empire to see Your Majesty

Get out of the way, otherwise, I will let you go around.

After hearing Angelet's words, the guards were startled. How could they have thought that this person was actually the county king of the Guangming Empire.

Moreover, Angelet was able to reach the realm of Wuzun at such a young age. Such a speed was really shocking, so they were also taken aback and were all stunned.

However, Angelet is the king of the county, with a distinguished status, these guards did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly bowed to salute: the subordinates pay their respects to His Highness the king of the county.

Angelet waved his hand and said coldly: Get out of the way, don't hinder me...

The guards didn't dare to disobey Angelet's order, so they obediently stepped aside.

let's go.

Seeing that the guards gave way, Angelet didn't talk nonsense, and walked towards the interior of the City Lord's Mansion.

Inside the city lord's mansion, the lights are brightly lit, feasting, singing and dancing are peaceful. In this bustling city, it can be seen everywhere, a thriving and bustling scene.

There are hundreds of luxurious carriages parked on the street not far away.

These carriages are undoubtedly from the carriages of prominent figures in the City of Light. There are barriers around the carriages to block the outside view and prevent others from peeking.

Because the rule of Guangming 5.7 City is that all powerful people like to dress low-key and don't want to attract others' attention, so ordinary businessmen.

They are not qualified to enter here in a carriage, because in this way, even if someone is following them, they will not be able to tell who is sitting in the carriage.

Angelet entered the City Lord's Mansion. .

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