Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Angelet's two hands stretched out continuously, piercing through the puppet's body, then tore off its body, threw it into its mouth and devoured it.




A series of mournful howls sounded.

These puppets were brutally murdered one after another, being torn into pieces one by one by Angelet and devoured, and finally disappeared into the air.

This scene immediately stunned the other monsters present.

This is the first time in three thousand years that such a terrifying enemy has appeared!

These monster races have never seen such a tyrannical person, and all of them died in the hands of 05, a human being.

A human, a human who has just reached the half-step sanctuary realm, can actually easily kill these masters of the monster race.

A deep sense of powerlessness arose in the hearts of these monster races.

A human being is actually so terrifying!

Hmph, human, you are too crazy!! Suddenly, the body of the man in black appeared out of thin air and blocked Angelet. He looked at Angelet and stared at Angelet coldly.

Said coldly.

Rampant? Haha, so what?! Damn you all!! Angelet looked at the man in black in front of him, a trace of ferocity flashed in his eyes, he stretched out his right arm fiercely, and directly aimed at the man in black's chest. Boom over.


The body of the man in black was smashed to pieces by Angelet's punch, and then exploded directly.


damn humans!!



Seeing that the man in black was easily killed by Angelet, the rest of the monster clan roared angrily one by one, and rushed towards Angelet one after another, attacking Angelet frantically.

Angelet looked at the group of monsters rushing towards him, and a strong mockery flashed in his eyes.

This group of monsters are not only low in strength, but also low in wisdom, without any appearance of wisdom at all.

However, their combat power is indeed very powerful, especially their attacks, which are even more powerful.

Shh! Shh! Shh! Shh! Shh!

Angelet kept waving his arms, the golden sword energy in his hand criss-crossed, and he continued to frantically slash towards the surroundings. All the golden sword energy was forcibly split by him. Wherever he passed, there was a mess and countless corpses They all fell to the ground.


A sword energy pierced through the body of a monster, and the whole body exploded immediately, and countless blood splashed around, instantly staining the ground red.

One sword instantly killed two half-step sanctuary-level corpse witches, and the muscles on the man's face couldn't help but twitch a few times.

so strong!

This guy's strength is too strong!

How is this possible! How could he suddenly become so strong?

How is 260 possible!!

All the monsters around opened their mouths wide in shock, their eyes full of disbelief.

Angelet's strength really exceeded their expectations.

They didn't expect that Angelet would improve so much in such a short period of time.

These demon clans were all frightened by Angelet's strength.

Angelet's strength is really outrageous, beyond their imagination.

A strong fear rose in their hearts.

Damn it, no wonder I feel a little bad, I didn't expect to meet such an opponent! The man in black gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice. .

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