"Goddess in my heart, are you still unwilling to tell me the promise in your heart? Do you insist on letting me guess?"

Angelet was very anxious at this moment, as if being burned by the flaming mountain in front of him over and over again, Angelet didn't like the feeling of needing him to guess.

Violet also stood up and came to Angelet's side at this time, and said with a slight smile:

"My hero, why isn't he as smart as before? Why is he acting like a child when facing me?"

After Violet finished speaking, she reached out and touched Angelet's head, and Angelet couldn't laugh or cry at this behavior.

That's right, doesn't a man become a little boy in front of his beloved woman?

Moreover, Angelet really couldn't think of any tricks when facing Violet. He wanted to be pure and kind to the goddess in his mind forever.

Violet saw Angelet's eyes staring straight at her, and instantly blush ran to her face.

Next, she didn't know how to speak anymore.

"Angelet, the promise in my heart is that I want to marry you, I want to be with you forever, I like you, can you understand this time?"

Violet confessed all her love for Angelet and showed it in front of Angelet.

To like and love is to express it loudly, isn't it?

Angelet was very excited when he heard the goddess' confession to him. The goddess in front of him was so holy and flawless, and he felt the light emanating from Violet.

For him, the goddess is his own light.

Angelet held Violet's hands excitedly, and then pulled her into his arms.

Then he said firmly to Violet in his arms:

"I like you too, I want to marry you too, I want you to be by my side forever, I want to tell you that no matter what happens, I will stand by your side unswervingly.

My dear goddess, being able to have you is the greatest happiness in my life. "

That's right, Angelet's (afee) confession was so simple and rude, he didn't want to randomly guess what the goddess was thinking, and he didn't like to guess, he just hoped that the goddess could give him a definite answer.

As long as the goddess is willing to give him a direction, Angelet will definitely work hard in this direction without hesitation, because the words of the goddess are very important to him.

"Is this what you call love?"

It turned out that the sweet words between Angelet and Violet had already been heard by the girl Basho who was at the side.

She was really moved by the love story between the two, and this was the first time she witnessed love. She had only heard people talk about love before. Love is a good thing that can only be yearned for but never obtained in eternity.

But she has never been able to understand what is called love, and what is the expression of love?

Until today, when he saw the story between Angelet and Violet, she realized that true love was when Angelet wanted to save Violet with all his heart, and when Angelet tried his best to protect other Violet.

Maybe all of this is the embodiment of love. Thinking of this, a drop of clear liquid flowed out from the corner of the girl's eyes. The girl didn't know what it meant, so she trembled slightly with her hands, and put the liquid from the corner of her eye into her mouth

Is this the tears?.

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