So, Angelet was ready to have a duel with the Flame Queen. This time it must be a duel, and if she lost, she would die.

Angelet just confessed to the girl, and the time together can be counted, so this time he must live.

"Your Majesty, Angelet wants to ask you, are you planning to let us go this time?"

"That's right, I just don't want the two of you to steal the detoxification fruit just now, it's not a pity to die for "four six three"." The Flame Queen gnashed her teeth and shouted.

Angelet is really worried about the Queen's IQ, obviously God Basho allowed them, and now they have become thieves, but Angelet doesn't want to be inked anymore, it's either you or me today.

At this moment, Violet suddenly thought of paying attention, so she said to the Flame Queen:

"Your Majesty, God Basho really allowed us to pick the fruit. If you still don't believe me, you can call God Basho to confront us.

Why do we have to use force to solve the problem?"

The Flame Queen said with disdain when she heard this method:

"The girl Basho God is just a child, and what she said is unbelievable. And who knows if you two taught her badly, and even told her some stories. Our gods don't need stories, we don't need feelings.

I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, come on, let's fight!"

Angelet saw that the queen was so stubborn, and he really lost his patience, so holding the bright sword, the queen had to fight to the death.

And the queen is also fighting with all her strength. How can she be a god who can't even defeat humans, so the two sides pulled together.

"My goddess, you can hide behind the sacred plantain tree first, so you don't get hurt, okay? Don't worry, I will definitely win."

Before Angelet could finish explaining to Violet, the flame light of the Flame Queen had suddenly struck.

Violet is also very anxious in her heart. All these things are a misunderstanding. The current plan is to find the Banana God to stop all this, but up to now, the girl Basho God has not appeared from the beginning to the end. Could it be that she is not in the Banana Tree? in?

So, Violet also imitated Angelet's way before summoning the banana god, turning clockwise three times and anticlockwise three times beside the banana tree, then knelt down under the banana tree and said devoutly:

"God Basho, show up quickly! Save us! The Flame Queen wants to fight us because of a misunderstanding. Dear Basho God is beating someone, please come out and save us!"

Sure enough, Willett knelt for a long time, but the banana tree didn't seem to respond at all. Seeing that the banana god is indeed not here today, what should he and Angelet do? It is really impossible to defeat the Flame Queen...

At this moment, Angelet struggled against the Flame Queen, but for himself and Violet, she had to do her best.

"Admit defeat! You can't beat me at all. If I hadn't been keeping my tricks now, you wouldn't have played so many rounds with me."

The flame queen just wanted to play with Angelet, and killing him was not an easy task.

"Your Highness, although I can't beat you, I can't give up. I just got together with the woman I love 0.1, so I am determined not to die.

At this moment, Angelet noticed that the Flame Queen was not concentrating, and took the opportunity to use the ultimate move of the Bright Sword—Brightness in the Sky, a sword pierced into the Flame Queen's chest, and Jia's blood spurted out.

Just when Angelet lost his mind, he suddenly thought that it is impossible for a god to die. The blood on the Flame Queen's body is just the erupting flames, and it is impossible for him to kill the Flame Queen. .

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