Angelet looked at the flame queen in front of her and was very sad, and she also regretted it very much.

After all, the Flame Queen is also a woman, how could he hurt her so much? But he didn't know what to do now? So he could only cast a look of help to Violet.

Violet and Angelet have a sympathetic heart, and they can understand the emotions conveyed by Angelet very well.

But it is useless to say anything now, the only way is to compensate the Flame Queen as much as possible.

The Flame Queen's attack on Angelet and the others was just a misunderstanding in the final analysis. And now, Angelet severely injured the flame queen, it was indeed their fault.

So, Violet came to the Flame Queen's side and softly comforted her:

"Your Majesty, Angelet and I did something wrong. We shouldn't hurt you. There was a misunderstanding between us. Please forgive us for our recklessness and ignorance!

After Violet finished speaking, she knelt down beside the Flame Queen, but no matter what Violet said, the Flame Queen didn't respond.

She just continued to cry on the sidelines until Angelet took a step forward and said to the Flame Queen:

"Her Majesty, it's all our fault, please stop crying. What do you need me to do? I can do it for you, or how about I tell you a story, Your Majesty?"

It turned out that Angelet suddenly remembered that he told stories to Goddess Basho. In fact, these gods are not bad people, but they have become irritable because they have not been in contact with popularity here all year round.

But they always have kind gods in their hearts, and gods are gods after all, always representing the direction of light.

The Flame Queen heard what Angelet said to her and stopped crying.

After she stopped crying, the entire Flame Mountain changed back to its previous appearance, and the people who were roasted by the raging fire felt very uncomfortable.

It turns out that the Flame Queen and the Flame Mountain are closely related. If the Flame Queen is attacked or cries, the Flame Mountain will change accordingly.

When the Flame Queen is attacked, all the raging fires on the Flame Mountain will burn up, more than 10 times as much as before.

Once the Erque Flame Queen is attacked and cries, the entire Huoyan Mountain will be surrounded by small rivers, so the Huoyan Mountain will become very cool.

Of course, the circles of small rivers surrounding the Flame Mountain are actually the tears of the Flame Queen.

Angelet and Violet apologized to themselves so sincerely, and the Flame Queen's heart became much calmer.

So after she calmed down, she turned around and said to Angelet:

"Okay, since you want to make it up to me, I'll accept your apology. But what I want [I'm afraid you can't give it."

Hearing this, Angelet suddenly trembled slightly, as if he understood what the Flame Queen wanted.

"`" Your Majesty, except for the compensation in your heart that Angelet cannot give you, the rest of the compensation will be handed over to Her Majesty as much as possible. "

The Flame Queen couldn't help laughing out loud when she heard this. To be honest, Angelet is a very humorous, kind, and very smart man. She really wanted to keep Angelet by her side and be with her all the time.

But just like what Angelet himself said (nicely), apart from this compensation, Angelet will give the rest of the compensation to the Flame Queen with both hands.

In fact, even if all the things are what you want most in your mind, they may not belong to you, and you can't get them even if you work hard.

The Flame Queen turned her head and looked at the Flame Mountain in front of her. She was very moved by this home that had been with her for thousands of years.

At this time, Angelet could also understand the loneliness in the Flame Queen's heart, so he secretly vowed in his heart that he promised the Queen's compensation, and he must do it. .

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