White Beard closed his eyes after telling the story.

Angelet and Tianling ruler.

After hearing the whole story, both of them felt extremely shocked. They didn't expect that the final destruction of the leisurely world turned out to be because of a poignant love story.

Both Angelet and Tianlingru think it's incredible, thinking that the lyre emperor Peerless has boundless magic power, and in the end he can't prevent the destruction of a ~big world.

Of course Angelet is no longer the little guy he used to be, he certainly knows the power of the destruction of a big world.

Not to mention a single immortal emperor, even ten or a hundred immortal emperors can't stop the power of the great world's destruction, especially in this great world, there is a world-destroying catastrophe, and once the heavens and worlds are detonated, Unstoppable.

Even Daluo Jinxian Daozu, who is so powerful that he is eternally free and at ease, is unwilling to fight against the catastrophe of annihilation.

Neither Angelet nor Tian Lingzhi knew how to comfort the old man anymore, although they didn't know what the identity of this white-bearded old man was in the destroyed world.

But seeing that the old man with white beard is still guarding the world after the world is destroyed, you know that the old man with white beard has feelings for this world.

So many years have passed, the world has been destroyed, and everything has ceased to exist. This old man is still guarding this world. It can be seen how unwilling he is to leave this world, but what can he do?

It is the same reason that people cannot be resurrected after death, and it is impossible to revive the world after it is destroyed.

Now that Angelet thought that the universe he was in had been taken over by the mysterious man in black, he felt very painful when he thought of this.

The matriarchal universe where he lives is occupied by a foreign clan, and all the poisonous people are enslaved and become slaves. His heart is also extremely painful, and he desperately wants to gain powerful power to go back and save his mother clan.

Tianlingrui also sensed the pain in Angelet's heart, and couldn't help but feel very painful.

As a tool spirit, he certainly knows what his master Angelet thinks, but he and Angelet are currently very weak, and they can't stand against the powerful mysterious Doctor Wei at all.

Even the unparalleled Emperor Xuantian couldn't fight against the man in black in the end, but was manipulated by him to become the slave of the mysterious man in black.

0...seeking flowers...

Both Angelet and Tianlingchi had something on their minds, so they couldn't help avoiding talking to Wuxin. The white-bearded old man and Angelet ate every day, and the three of them sat silently like this for a long time.

It seems that the end of the old universe cannot prevent this scene from always existing.

It was the white-bearded old man who spoke first. He said to Angelet and Tian Lingrui, "Although this universe is destroyed, the original breath of the universe is still left behind."

"The two of you actually came to this universe, and you are considered destined to this universe. In this case, I will tell you where the origin of this universe is, and you two will take it

"Presumably the two of you came to this universe for some other reason. Getting the original breath of this universe will be helpful to you."

Angelet and Tian Lingchi listened to the white-bearded old man's words, and expressed their gratitude very much. In fact, getting a breath of the origin of the universe was indeed of great help to the two of them. .

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