After agreeing to the little white dog, Angelet and Tianlingrue embarked on the road to Brokeback Mountain. After arriving at Brokeback Mountain, Angelet and Tianlingrui became even more depressed.

Although the little white dog has told them, don't worry too much.

But why can't they worry about it?

The terror of Dalia, the Lord of Darkness, is so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people that Sangelie and Tianlingchi couldn't help but feel suffocated.

Facing such a powerful enemy is like the sword of death, hanging high above their heads, even if they eat exquisite food and wear beautiful clothes, they will not be happy.

There's nothing on Brokeback Mountain, not even grass.

It was really a bare mountain, and it was only at the foot of the mountain that I realized that the whole mountain was really a mountain made of sand and nothing.

Both Angelet and Tianlingchi couldn't help but doubt, how could such a mountain scare the dogs so much that they didn't dare to go over it.

Besides, there is nothing on this mountain, so let them come here to look for the moon.

However, when they got to the mountain demon, they found a knife-handled face sitting there guarding it. Since the mountain road is relatively narrow, only that place can be passed. Angelet stepped forward to let the man get out of the way. Do not move.

Seeing this, Angelet was a little angry, so he pushed the man, but he didn't push the man and fell down anyway. Seeing Angelet fall, Wu Linghu was very angry.

The swordsman with the scar face opened his eyes at this time, and a pair of sharp cold light came towards them, making them tremble with fright.

However, the scar-faced swordsman didn't say anything. Instead, he picked up his sword and walked away without looking back. Both of them felt very strange when they saw the leaving swordsman.

I don't understand what this swordsman is doing here.

When they got to the top of the mountain, they saw the swordsman again, but the swordsman was holding a sword at this time, but he was motionless. (afcg)

Seeing this scene, both of them were a little dazed, but they didn't speak. They just ignored the swordsman and walked over. When they got to the top of the mountain, they found that there was a door on the top of the mountain.

There is a strange picture drawn on this door, which is a dog and a person, and this dog is actually very similar to the dog king little white dog.

As for this person, he is a handsome middle-aged man.

Just when both of them were immersed in the painting, the swordsman with the scar destroyed the painting with a sword. After seeing the movement of the scar face, Angelet was completely speechless. Why destroy a painting?

Besides, if you destroy a painting, you can restore a painting, so why did you break the door.

However, Scarface not only did not stop this action, but continued until the paintings on the door were all ruined. Turning around, Scarface said to the two of them, "You are here to help that little white dog." Find the moon.

After hearing these words, both of them fell silent, and Scarface didn't look at it.

They went on to say, Darya, the Lord of Darkness, is probably about to be resurrected. It seems that the little white dog has told you everything, so what can you two do?

These words from Scarface completely shocked Angelet, who he was and why he knew everything.

Angelet and Tianling Ruler couldn't help but look at each other, who is this mysterious scarred swordsman. .

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